John Page of Ab Kettleby 1685 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1685/113
In the Name of God Amen I John Page of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leicester weaver being very weake in body but of good and perfect understanding & memory (I blesse god therefore) do make & ordayn this my last will and testament in manner & forme following (that is to say)
First I doe freely resigne & yield up my soule into the hands of almighty god my most mercifull and loveing father hopeing to be eternally saved & glorified by the free graces Meritts and satisfaction of Christ Jesus my most blessed Lord and Saviour & by no other waies or meanes whatsoever
My body I commit to the Earth whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix herein after named
And concerning my temporall estate & goods I dispose thereof as hereafter ensueth
First I give and divise unto Agness my dear & loveing wife All my Cottage house or tenement Comons Pasture Sheepe comons … orchard yards buildings proffittes and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging Scituate & being in Ab Kettleby aforesaid & now in my occupation (excepting that bay parte of the said Cottage which I lately built & full liberty of intresse egresse & regresse to & from the same) To hold to her and her assignes for & dureing the terme of her naturall life
And after her decease I give & devise my said whole Cottage or Tenement with the Comons Pasture Sheep Comons Orchards yards & all & singular the Buildings profits Comodities & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging unto my Eldest Son Joseph Page & to his heirs for ever Provided that my said son Joseph or his heires do well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto my son Tymothy Page his Maister the sume of thirty shillings … of the money I still owe unto him at the time it shalbe due to him, & doe also pay unto my sons Thomas Page and John Page each of them the Sume of ten shillings at the end of one year next after my decease and provided also that my said son Joseph Page or his heires shall & do at the request & demand of my supervisors hereinafter named & the survivor of them & their heires or the heires of the survivor of them & at his owne proper costs and charges give good & sufficient security unto my sd supervisors & the survivor of them or to the heires of the survivor of them to pay or cause to be paid unto my daughters Dorothy Page & Anne Page each of them the Sume of fourty shillings and unto my youngest son Josiah Page the Sume of fifty shillings, & to my two other sons Stephen Page and Timothy Page each of them the Sume of Ten shillings at their respective ages of one & twenty yeares And in case my said Son Joseph Page shall refuse or neglect the payment of the said thirty shillings to my said son Timothy his Master or the said Ten shillinges apeice to my said sons Thomas & John, or to give such security as aforesaid for the payment of the said legacys or sumes of money to my said daughters, & to my said other sons Josiah Stephen & Timothy or to any of them according as I have before appointed Then I give & devise my said Cottage or Tenement Pasture Comons Orchard yard Buildings profits & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging unto my supervisors herein after apointed & their heires upon this special trust in them reposed that they will sell the same or so much thereof as they shall think good, for the raising & payment of the aforesaid Sumes of money & legacys before herein appointed & secured to be paid out of the same by my said son Joseph or his heires, with all such interest as they shall expend & lay out for the same, and also the reimbursing themelves all their charges & expences in and about the management & execution … said trust
Also I give & bequeath unto my said son Joseph all my Loomes Geeres & other implements & utensils of my trade provided that he do for the space of Two full yeares next after my decease give & allow unto my said wife the one full third parte of the gaines & proffittes of the said trade, which if he shall refuse to do, or that my said wife & he shall not agree to live together, then I give the said Loomes Geeres & other Utensills of my trade to my said wife to her free & full use onely for the space of Two yeares from and after such refusal of the payment of the said third parte of the gaines & profffitts hereby by my said son Joseph to my said wife, or such disagreement as aforesaid, & after the end of the said last menconed terme of two yeares I give the said Loomes Geers & utensils of my trade unto my said son Joseph
Also I give unto my said two daughters Dorothy Page and Anne Page each of them a tester bedstead, each of them a Cupboard & each of them Two pewter dishes to be delivered them at their respective dayes of Marriage or the decease of my said wife (which shall first happen)
And all the rest & residue of my Goods Cattle Chattles & creditts unbequeathed I give & bequeath unto my said dear & loveinge wife Agness Page whom I do constitute ordayn & appoint the sole & full Executrix of this my last will and Testament
And I doe appoint my loveing brother in law Nicholas Moore and my loveing Cousin George Ellyott to be Supervisors of this my last will & testament & entreat them to use their best care & endeavours that this my last will be duely observed & performed
And I do hereby renounce & utterly revoke all former willes & Testament
And in testimony hereunto I have hereunto set my hand & seale the fifthe day of March Ano Dni 1684 et Ano regm Dni wid Jacobi Scdi die … nunc … … et Primo
John Page
Signed sealed & published in the presence of us who did attest the same in the presence of the said Testator
Nicholas Moore
The marke of James Moore
Geo: Elyott