Parker Abigail 1708 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Abigail Parker of Long Clawson 1708 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1708/18

In the Name of God Amen I Abigall Parker of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Spinster being sick and weake of Body But of perfect and sound mind and memory Blesse God for it Doe make this my Last will and testament in Manner following

Impris I Comend my soule into the hands of God who Gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter Named And as touching the worldly goods and estate it hath pleased God to bestowe upon me I dispose thereof as followeth

Impris I will that all my debts Legacies and funerall Charge be paid and discharged

Item I Give to Margaret Baily my second best suite of woolen Cloaths

Item I Give to Anne Hawley daughter of Phillip Hawley my Greene Apron

I Give to my Brother John Parker all that peise of Black … Stuffe

Item I Give to John Parker Son of my Brother William Parker the sume of five pounds to be put out at interest for him within one yeare after my desease until he shall attaine the age of one and Twenty years

Item I Give to William Parker Eldest son of my Brother William Parker the sume of five pounds to be put out at Interest for him within one yeare after my desease untill he attains the age of one and Twenty years

Alsoe my mind and will is that if either the sd John Parker and William Parker my Brother Williams Children happen to dye before they or either of them attaine their respective ages of one and Twenty years That then the sd sumes of five pounds of such of them that happen to dye shall be equally divided amongst the rest of my Brother Williams Children and all Interest that shall be then due

Item I Give to Elizabeth Parker my Brother Williams wife all the rest my apparell Linens & Woolens undisposed of by me

Item for and Conserning all the Rest and residue of my estate real or personall goods Cattell and Chattells undisposed of I Give and bequeath to my Brothers William Parker and John Parker to be equally divided Betweene them Two they paying my debts and Legacies whom I make Joynt Executors of this my Last will and Testament Revokeing all former wills by me heretofore made

In witnesse whereof I the sd Abigall Parker have to this my Last will and Testament set to my hand and seale this Ninth day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1708 And in the seventh yeare of the Reigne of our Soveigne Lady Anne now Queene of Greate Brittane &c

                                                                                                         Abigall Parker her marke

Signed Sealed published and declared by the sd Abigall Parker to be her Last will in the presence of

Jph: Hawley

Mary May her marke

Alice Draper her marke

William Beeson his marke

Probate 21 May 1708


A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattell & Chattells of Abigall Parker Late of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leisester spinster taken and aprised by us whose hands are underwritten this Eleaventh day of May in the yeare 1708

  £ s d
Impris her purse and Apparell 1 3 4
In the house one Cupboard one dresser 2 Tables one joynt forme 7 Chairs 1 10 0
Two Brasse potts 3 kettles 0 16 8
Five pewter dishes 5 porringers 3 plates Cups and a salts one pewter      
Candlestick & spoons 1 0 0
In the parlour one handing presse 0 13 4
Two bedsteads & beding thereon 2 10 0
One Chest 2 boxes one Land settle 2 barrells 2 Chairs 0 15 0
Three pair of sheets 3 pillow drawers 0 16 0
One Looking Glasse with other things in the parlor 0 20 0
In the Chambers over the house Barley & wheat 1 0 0
One Bedstead & beding 2 Coffers 1 Table & other Lumber in that Roome 1 0 0
In the Chamber over the parlour Linen yarn wool 1 Tub 1 wheel & other Lumber 0 15 0
In the dairy one Cheespresse 1 Churn 2 pales 1 Tub and other Lumber there 1 0 0
Manure in the yard 0 4 0
In the Shop & yard wood & boards 1 0 0
In the barne 1 wheel forks & Rake 0 3 6
Money Upon bond 12 0 0
Three Cows 4 0 0
Four Ewes & Lambs & 2 barren Sheep 1 0 0
In the Chimney 1 fire Iron hooks tongs bellows Two Smoothing Irons fire shovel      
& other Lumber 0 8 0
Things unseen and forgotten 0 5 0
                                                                                                                            Tot 31 1 10
                                                                                                       Due to the desesed 3 0 0
  35 1 10

John Doubleday

Will Flower

John Parker his marke

Jph: Hawley

Probate 21 May 1708