Richard Payne of Long Clawson 1532 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/251
In dei noie Amen the viii day of September in the yere of our lord god mcccccxxxii I Richarde Payne of Claxton holle of mynd dow make my testament & last wylle as after folowythe
Fyrst I bequethe my sowle to Almyghte gode & to owre lady sent mare and to all the holy compeny of heyvyne & my body to be beryd in the churche yard of Claxton
Also I bequethe to our lade of Lincoln iiiid
Itm I bequethe to the hey alter xvid
Itm I bequethe to the sepuchare a ewe
Itm to the grey frears a weder
Itm I bequethe to B Wyllm Newarke viiid
Itm I bequethe to Claxton church iis
Itm to Hyklyng church iid
Itm I bequethe to Thomas Pyne a ewe & a lame
Itm I bequethe to Rychard Hyklyng a cowe & blew jakytt
Itm to Roberd Pyne a weylett jakett
Itm I bequeth to Elesabeth my syster vi sheppe
Itm to Robard Mowre a sheppe
Itm to Wyllm Byard a shepp
Itm to Johane Gye a sheppe
Itm John Bell ii sheppe
Itm I bequethe to Thomas Pyne the … of my one gudds yf he lyffe vi copull of sehppe & a yoke of bolloks & ii quarter of barle & yff he dye I wyll that they reymyne to my wyff
Itm I bequethe to B Thomas my … halffe a trentall & to B Willm Mowre my broder halffe a trentall
Itm I bequethe to Elesabeth my wyffe ii oxsen & my sterys & a horse & a mere & plowe & a cart with all that pertenyght there to
The resydewe of my gudds movebale & one movabale not gyffwyne nor bequethyd I wyll that it reymyne to my exsecutors my wyffe & B Willm Mowre to dispose them for the helthe of my sowll & Mayster Wyeare to be supvysor of my wyll
Thes be wyttes Richard Mowre & Willm Housse with other moo