Nicholas Rouse of Stathern 1572 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1572
There are two copies of this will in the Archives
In the name of god amen the xxiiiith daye of Auguste in the yeare of oure lorde god 1572 I Nicholas Rowse of Statherne in the countye of Leicester husbandman beinge of goode and perfecte remembrance thankes be geven to almyghtie god Doe make and ordayne this my laste will and Testamente in manner and forme followinge
Fyrste I bequethe my Soule to the greate mercie of gode and my body to the earthe from whence yt came
Itm I bequethe to the churche of Lincoln iiiid
Itm I geve to the poore mens boxe of Statherne xiid
Itm I geve to Richard Rowse and George Rowse my sonnes my lease or leases of my howse and land in Statherne or els wher
Itm I geve to the said Richard and George all my detts that are owynge to me at the daye of the makygne hereof
Itm I geve to Thomas Rowse my sonne one wayne bodye
Itm I will that the said Thomas shall have the one halfe of Atkynssons farme and the one halfe of Roberte Rowse’s neythere house lande sowen at the costs and Charges of my executors and the said Thomas to have all the commodyties and profyts thereof to his owne use
Itm I geve all the Innarde stuffe in the howse to my fyve dowghters that is to saie Isabell, Anne, Ellyn, Alice, and Joysse Rowse to be equallie devyded amongeste theym at the syghte of the preasers of the goods excepte the Quernes a shepe fatte a leyde a Saltinge trough a cubbard a table with a forme a hanging for the benche ii paire of harden sheyte and a bedde to the same
Itm I geve to everie one of my fyve dowghters one quey to be brought up at the Chargis of my executors unto they be withe Calfe
Itm I geve to Anne and Joeis Rowse my dowghters to eyther of theym xs in money
Itm I geve to Joeis Rowse my dowghter ii sheppe
Itm I geve to Alise my dowghter one ewe sheppe
Itm I geve to Cecily Rowse the dowghter of Thomas on yowe shepe
Itm I geve to the reste of Thomas Rowse children one yowe hogge to be delivered at Martilmas next after my decease
Itm I geve to Gabriell Rowse John Rowse Alice Rowse and Agnes Dyxon to everie one of theym xiid
Itm I geve to my brother Thomas children xiid
Itm I will that my executors shall use all the meanes possible to the healing of my dowghter Helens legge and the charges to be borne of the whole goods
Itm I will that yf the said Helene doe dye unmarried and before she be of thage of xxith yeares that they my executors shall have and inioye her part
Also I will that yf eyther Alice of Joise my dowghters doe departe out of this worlde before they be of the age of xxi yeares and unmaried that then theire parte shalbe equallie devided amongeste the reste of my childeren
The resydewe of all my goods unbequethed my detts legacies and funerals Discharged I geve and bequeth to my iii sonnes and fyve dowghters to be equallie devided amongest them
Itm I doe constitute and make Richard Rowse and George Rowse my sonnes my executors of this my laste will and testament and I will that they shall have the use and occupation of theire sisters parts untill they be of thage of xxi yeares or els be maryed
Itm I doe make Roberte Rowse of Statherne and Thomas Rowse my sonne supervisers of this my will & testament
These beinge wyttnesses Willm Heyth clerke Roberte Rowse and Thomas Rowse
Probate 23 September 1573