Gervas Linsdale of Hickling 1675 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the name of God amen I Gervas Linsedale of Hickling in the County of Nottingham carpenter do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following and first I give and bequeathe my soule to Almighty God beseeching him to save it for my Saviour Jesus Christs sake and my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Hickling at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named and for my worldly estate I dispose of it as followeth
And first I give to my wife Ann Linsedale the house I live in and the land belonging to it & the beast and lands and common & all appurtenances to it that I bought of Solomon Wilson and Alice Wilson for the terme of her naturall life … … halfe an oxgang of land
Item I give unto my wife my other halfe oxgange of land to be used and possessed by her till my son John Linsedale accomplish the age of one and twenty years if she marry not againe with any other man but if she marry againe my will is that my son John enter upon the sayde halfe oxgang of land upon he accomplish his age of fourteen yeares and my will is that my wife maintaine my son with all … which she holds the sayde halfe oxgang of land
Item I give to my son John Linsedale ten pounds to be payd to him upon his accomplishing the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give to my daughter Anne Linsedale thirty pounds to be payed to her at the age of one and twenty yeares
If my son or daughter dye before they accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares then my will is that the survivor of them shall have both the portions and if both my children dye before they are at age my will is and I give unto my wife all my lands tenements and hereditaments for the terme of her naturall life
Item I give unto John Linsedale my … son forty shillings to be payed to him at the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give unto my daughter halfe my household goods to enter upon them when she is one and twenty yeares of age
All my other goods personall debts cattell and chattells I give to my loveing wife Anne Linsedale whom I nominate make and appointe sole executrix of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have sett my hand and seal Augst the … 1675
Mark of Gervas Linsedale
Signed sealed and published in the presence of
… …
John Bird