Anne Spicke of Eastwell 1618 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1618/24
In the name of God Amen the xxixth daye of Aprill 1617 I Anne Spicke of Eastwell in the countye of Leicester widdowe beinge sicke in bodye but whole in minde and perfite in memorie thankes be to god doe make this my laste will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth
Firste I bequeth my soule to Almightye God and to Jesus Christe my alone saviour and redeemer by whose merites I hope to be saved and my mind is that my bodye shalbe buried in the Churchyard of Eastwell aforesaide and for my worldlye goods I despose in manner followinge
It I Give unto Nickolas Spicke my Eldeste sonne owne peas lande lyinge near to the Parson close
It I Give unto Thomas Spicke my sonne own Rye land buttinge into Melton gate
It I Give unto Richard Spicke my sonne own Barlye land under streete buttine toward the church close
It I Give unto Ann Ouldfeild my daughter xiid
It I Give unto Katharine Spicke my daughter towe strikes of Barlye
It I Give unto Alis Spicke my daughter own rye land buttinge own Goodlye hegge
It I Give unto Richard Spicke own bedstead with a peare of sheets of hempen the worser bedstead
It I Give unto Alis Spicke my daughter own brase pote that is not worne but standeth up and own platter & own. sheete and own ewe hogge
It I Give unto Richard Spicke one blake ewe and hir lame
It I Give unto Katharine my daughter own white ewe and hir lame and owne platter
It I Give unto William Spicke owne lame to be put forward for hime at my deptinge
I give unto my daughter Charritye Spicke xiid
Item give unto Elizabeth Spicke my sonne Nickolas daughter own lame to be put forward for hir at my deptinge
All the Reste of my Goods unbequethed I Give unto Jane [?] Spicke my daughter my debts beinge paid and my legasies discharged whome I make my full executrix of this my laste will and hearto I set my hand in the presence of these whose names are under written
Anne Spicke [her mark]
Thomas Dod parson of Eastwell
George Sharpe
Probate xxv May 1617