Thomas Storer of Long Clawson 1636 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/248
The top left-hand corner of this will is missing, along a fairly straight line between the middle of the top to two-thirds of the way down the left side. Fortunately the missing information is mainly the standard opening of wills of this period and has just been indicated by square brackets showing the sort of thing which one would expect to see.
[…] 1635
[In the name of god Amen] I Thomas Storer thelder of Claxton in the County [of Leicester occupation … … ] nor in … feare of death but being [of perfect memory] praised be god, but knowing my self to be of […] flesh must dye and alsoe that the hower of [death …] happening when it is the least thought […] … … to at this present tyme […] but litle to dispose of yet willing to leave […] by me formerly made and […] doe therefore nowe in my present health & memory doe [make and ordain this] my Last will & Testament in manner & forme following
[Imprimis I commend] my polluted sole to almighty god the onely maker & redemer [of it trusting] in him onely to be saved through a lively faith in Christe Jesus [and my body I] Committ to the Earth from whence it came, desireing to be buried [in Christian] buriall and for that small porcon of worldly goods which I shall [belong to] me at my death my will is that is shall be devided & bestowed […] my Children as hereafter followeth
And if my wife shall fortune to […] my will & minde is that shee shall have the useinge of all that […] lease dureing her naturall life for her needful meinteineance […] not to diminish it by selling giving or lendeing without Consent of my sonne Edmunde, and after the decease of my wife I give to my sonne Thomas Storer my longe table & the frame & all the seates & settle in my houses which are fastened to the grounde or to the walls, with the doors & windows and xiid in mony for his full porcon
Itm I give to my sonne Daniell Storer xiid
Itm to my daughter Mary Foxe xiid likewise for their full porcons
Itm I give to my sonne Valentyne Storer three poundes six shillings & eight pence of lawfull English monye over & besides whatsoever is formerly appointed to be payde unto him by my sonne Thomas Storer or by my daughter Mary or otherwise howsoever
Itm I give alsoe to my daughter Mary Foxe one mylke vessell of Brasse Called the Possenette
The Residue of my goods unbequeathed after my debts payde and funerall expences discharged I give all wholly to Edmund Storer my youngest sonne whom I make sole executor of this my last will & Testament
In witnesse whereof I have written this with myne owne handes and have alsoe hereunto subscribed my name and sette my Seale the day and year first above written
Per me Thomas Storer Senior
In the presence of
Thomas Wright vicar
James Kempe his marke
A true Inventorye of all the goodes and Chatteles of Thomas Storer of Claxton als Longe Clawston in the countye of Leicester husbandman taken by Robert Hicklinge and Robert Wright of the same Towne and countye … this xviith day of November Anno Dni 1636
li | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and his apparell | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Itm in the Chamber five flaxen sheetes one payre of hempen & Three payre of | |||
harden sheetes | 1 | 7 | 0 |
Itm Three table Clothes six pillow beares one Towell & Seaven table napkins | 0 | 6 | 8 |
Itm four Coverliddes one blanket and Three matrises | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Itm Twoe bedsteads Twoe Cofers Two boxes & other implements in the | |||
Chamber | 0 | 8 | 6 |
Itm in the Store Chamber one ould Tubb one ould Cofer & Shelves and other | |||
implements | 0 | 6 | 8 |
Itm in the Butterye one Barrell and Brasse and pewter and one ould Churne | |||
ticknell ware and other implements | 0 | 10 | 6 |
Itm in the house one ombrie one litle table Twoe Chayres three stooles | |||
& other implements | 0 | 6 | 6 |
Itm Twoe tubes and some Coales | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Itm in the yard one Cowe one Pigge Corne and hey Two Leathers and hovel | |||
tymber | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Itm about the fire the gallowe tree and other implements there Twoe henns | |||
and thinges foregotten | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Sum total 8li.9.4. |
The praysers handes and names
Robert Hicklinge
Robert Wright
Exhibited 10 January 1636/7