Whittle Hugh 1590 of Harby will and inventory

Hugh Whittell of Harby 1590 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1590

In the name of god Amen The vith daye of the moneth of Maye in the yeare of our Lord god 1590 that I Hughe Whittell laborer of Harby in the countie of Leicester beinge of whole minde & good and perfect remembrance laude and praise be unto almightie god make and ordaine this my present testament concerninge herin my last will in maner & forme followinge that is to saye

First I bequeth my soule to Allmightie god trusting in his marcie only to be saved by merit and pastion of our Saviour Jesus Christ and my bodye to be buried in the parish church yarde of Harby

Concerninge my temporall goods my minde is to bestowe them as followeth

First I give and bequeth unto Margret Dubbleday my eldest Daughter xiid

Item I give & bequeth unto ether of her tow Children iiiid

Item I give & bequeth unto Jone Whittell xvi nobles to be paid unto her at the daye of her maridge also I doe give unto the saide Jone the better of the tow callfes to be delivered at St Martin which is other wise called Martelmas next cominge

Item I give & bequeeth unto Alce Whittell xvi nobles to be payd at the daye of her maridge and one calfe beinge wened betwixt Christmas & Fillip and James daie next after my decese & to be delivered at St Martin after

Item I give and bequeeth unto Elizabeth Whittell my Daughter xvi nobles to be payd unto her at the day of her maridge and one calfe to be wened betwixt Christmas & Fillip & James daie and to be delivered at St Martin come tow yeere after my decese

Item I will that all such debts and duties as I owe of right or of concence to any person or persons be well and truly contented & payd by mine executore hereafter named

And after my debts be payd and my burial discharged the rest of all my goods moveable & in moveable unbequeathed I do give unto my sonne Raphe Whittell whome I do make my lawfull executor of this my last will

And yf it fortune that anye of my sayd children decese before they time be not married that then I bequeeth there part so decessing to be eqely devided amongst the other of them

Also I do make John Whittell the supvisor of the same & to him I give for his peanes xxd

Witnesses of these presents

John Whittell

Thomas Hand

Willm Dubbleday

John Hawtoft

Richard Hawtoft


An inventory of all the goods moveable & immoveable of Heughe Whittell of Harbye deceased the xxvth day of May Anno Domini 1590 prayesed according to the … value by Thomas Ives Jhon Whittell Thomas Hand Willm Dubleday

Imprimis his purse & his girdle & his apparell vis
Item formes tables one chayre a fier Iron one payre of tonges iii peales with all other  
implements vis viiid
Item i olde ammbery xiii peeces of pewter & ii Candlesticks xiis
Item vii peare of sheetes iii pillowbears ii boardeclothes ii table napkins xl vis viiid
Item in brasse ii potts ii kettles xxvis viiid
Item iii Coffers & all the olde Iron with other implements in the Chamber xis viiid
Item ii kine & ii calves iiii li
Item i mare & i coulte xxxiiis viiid
Item iii swine xs
Item vi henes & i cocke iiis iiiid
Item iii acers of corne iii li
                                           Sum totalis xv li xvis viiid  

Probate 18 November 1590