Robert Whittle of Stathern 1675 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1675/59
Memorandum that on or about Sonday the second day of May in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand sixe hundred seaventy & five Robert Whittell of Stathorne in the County of Leicester husbandman being of sound minde & perfect memory and having a desire to dispose of his estate declared his will nuncupative or by word of mouth in these or words to the like effect following viz
I give to my wife (meaning Elizabeth Whittell his wife) one shilling and I give to my sonne James Whittell a Heiffer at present, and twenty shillings three yeares after my decease
I give to my sonne Francis Whittell a Bedstead and a Coverlidd at present and twenty shillings fower yeares after my decease
I give to my sonne Richard a Chest & a table at present and twenty shillings the fifth yeare after my decease
And I give to my Grandchild Thomas Nixe twenty shillings to put him to a trade
And I give to Mary Bishopp my Maydservant one shilling
And all the rest of my goods whatsoever I give to my sonne John (meaning John Whittell the younger of Statherne aforesaid) and make him my Executor
All which words were spoken in the presence & hearing of John Whittell the older of Stathorne aforesaid and John Greene of Hose
Signed John Whittell sen
Signed Johis Greene
Probate 10 July 1675