Thomas Whittle of Plungar 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213/32
In the Name of God Amen the xth daye of June in the xxxiiiith yeare of the Reigne of oure most gracyouse soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of Englande France & Ireland defendor of the fayth &c I Thomas Whittell of Plunger in the Countie of Leicester yoman beinge sicke of bodie but in good memory thanks bee to God therefore uncerten when the Lorde will call me home doe make my Last will & Testament in maner & forme followinge that is to saye
First I bequeath & moost humbly comende my Soule into the hands & moost mercyfull tuycyon of almightie God the father sonne & holie ghost trustinge that I ame saved only by the mercyes of the same God through the Merytes of Jhessus Christ & by none other meanes And my bodye I comytt to the Earthe whereof oure first father Adam was created dust to dust in Christyanly comelynes to be buryed in the Churche of Plunger aforesaid
Item I geve & Bequeyth to my sone Willm Whittell syxe draught beaste that is to say Two Oxsen one Greaye Coulte one Baye horse one … mare & one blacke mare my Carte & Carte geares, plowe & plowe geares, hovels, pales, bease booses, horse planchers, harrowes, & half the Plowe Tymber & Axtrees, one Crowe of Iron, one peare of malte Quearnes, one Lead to brewe in, one greate Arke, a Salting troughe, one Sheepefatte & one heare Cloth
And also my said sone Willm when hee shall come to his full age of xxi yeares shall have his Croppe sowen at the Coste & chardges of my executor and yf it happen my sone Willm Departe this Lyef before hee come to his Lawfull age of xxi yeares then his parte shall remayne to my wyef & my children to be Equally devided amongst them
Item I geve & bequeath to Elizabeth Whittell my daughter Twentie pounds of Lawfull money of Englande to bee paid to her when shee shall come to the age of xvi yeares
Item I geve & bequeyth to Marye Whittell my seconde daughter other xx li of Lyke Englishe money to bee paid to her when shee shall come to her age of xvi yeares And yf it happen that eyther of my said Daughters departe his Lyef before they come to there age of xvi yeares then I will that her parte shall remayne to her other Sister then lyvinge
Item I geve to the mother churche of Lyncolne iiiid
Item I geve to everye one of my God Children iiiid
Item I gyve to the poore in Plunger iii strikes of Rie & Barlie
Item I geve & bequeath all the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable unbequeathed my debtes & Leagacyes dischardged to Hellen my wyef and also the messuage wherein I nowe dwell with the appurtenances whatsoever & all other my lands & Tenths which I have or ought to have or hereafter maye have untyll my heire come to age towards the bringinge uppe of my Children
And I do make her my full executrix of this my Last will & Testament
And I do make overseears thereof Edmunde Goodwin & Richard Painter my fathers in Lawe
Theise beinge wytnesses Willm Brigge John Clyffe John Lane & George Paynter with others
Debts that I owe
First to George Painter xxxiiis
Item to Willm Tridge sone to Robte Tridge xxs
Probate 8 July 1592