A History of Hickling to 1860
and of all its Clergy.
by Christopher Granger
Partial Transcripts of News Articles – chronological (extracts from the British Library Archives).
Colston Bassett 16 May 1587
The wife of John Pickering of Colston Bassett presented to be a recusant
Mrs Hamilton A widow and A Stranger that came to the town to teach Children to make Green flowers in the house Rod died suddenly buried St. Mary’s 14 May 1666.
Caledonian Mercury 21 April 1730
Wyes Letter Verbatim London April 16
S of Hickling near Nottingham, worth about 30 […] per annum. […] In [express?] is arrived from Blandford, with an Account of the Death of the honourable […] Thomas Pengelly, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, which is universally regretted, lor […].
Derby Mercury Sunday 23rd of April 1730
From Wits Letter London
[…]ng of Hickling near Nottingham, worth about […] per Annum. Since the East India Company’s Bill has been depending in Parliament, [feme havbigfuggeed] that by the Power given the said Company, in a former […] to buy Houses and Lands, they w[…].
Kentish Gazette Tue 07 May 1771
Friday May 10th of Hickling, near the Vale of Belvoir in Rutlandshire, about ten miles from Nottingham, in which neighbourhood Camden informs us there was a Roman Station, the plough-share struck upon an urn, or earthen pot, broke it in pieces, and scattered a gr[…].
Northampton Mercury Mon 13 May 1771
Thursdays and Fridays posts
[…]he of Hickling. Yesterday Benj. Isaacs and John Haines, for breaking open the House of Mrs. Moore, and stealing Plate, etc. William Charlton, for breaking open Mr. Moler’s House, and stealing 30 […] and Hewett, the Coachman, for the Murder Sarah Orbell, in […].
Northampton Mercury 29 August 1774
Rector of Hickling, in the County of Nottingham, and many Years Fellow and Tutor of Queens College, Cambridge […].
Northampton Mercury Mon 29 Aug 1774 Northamptonshire, England
NORTHAMPTON, August […] Mr Morris, Rector of Hickling, in the County of Nottingham, and many Years Fellow and Tutor of Queens-College, Cambridge.
Northampton Mercury Mon 21 Nov 1774 Tuesday and Wednesday’s posts
[…]r, of Hickling J William […] of Shirebrooke, of Arnold, Esqrs. Oxfordshire. Thomas Hall, of Harpeden; Maximilian Western, of Cockthorpe ; Henry Barber, of Adderbury-West, Esqrs. _ Rutlandshire. John Cooke, of Uppingham , Wm. Kemp, of Belton J Robert Ho[…].
Derby Mercury Friday 13 January 1775
Rectory of Hickling, in the County of Nottingham and Diocese of York; together with the Vicarage of Youlgrave, in the County of Derby and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry […].
Page 3 Article Derby Mercury Fri 13 Jan 1775 Derbyshire, England
Wednesday […] […]ry of Hickling, in the County of Nottingham and Diocese of York; together with the Vicarage of Youlgreave, in the County of Derby and Diocese of Lichfield and […].
Derby Mercury Friday 3 February 1775
Sheriffs appointed for the present year
[…]r, of Hickling, Esq. Rutlandsbire. John Cooke, of Uppingham, Esq. Staffordshire, John Williamson, of Stafford, Esq. Warwickshire. Seth Nelfon, of Hatton, Esq. Worcester. Sam West, of Earls-Croomb, Esq. Yorkshire. Sir Geo. Armitage, of Kirklees, Esq […]
Page 4 Article Derby Mercury Fri 03 Feb 1775 Derbyshire, England
Sheriffs appointed for the present year
[…]r, of Hickling, Esq. Rutlandshire. John Cooke, of Uppingham, Esq. Staffordshire, John Williamson, of Stafford, Esq. Warwicksbire. Seth Nelson, of Hatton, Esq. […].
Leeds Intelligencer Tue 14 Feb 1775
[…] of Hickling, Esq; […] Thomas Patten, of Burton, esq; […] Robert Cheyney, of Mcynell Langley, Esq […].
Derby Mercury Fri 26 May 1775 Derbyshire, England
To be S OL D by A U C T I ON, Either together or in Parcels, On Tuesday the […] HENRY MORRIS, Rector of Hickling; the Rev. Mr. HURDD, late Rector of Longford, and of a LADY in the Neighbourhood of Nottingham, lately deceased. Amongst which are the following, FOLIO. j Clarendon’s Reb. 6 V. Camden’s Britannia, a Vols- Milton’s […].
Derby Mercury 26 May 1775
To be sold at Auction Either together or in parcel on Tuesday the […]or of Hickling; […] Rev. Mr. HURDD, late Rector of Longford, and of a LADY in the Neighbourhood of Nottingham, lately deceased. Amongst which are the following, FOLIO. J Clarendon’s Reb. 6 V. Camden’s Britannia, a Vols- Milton’s Gard. D. 3V. Chamb[…].
Derby Mercury Fri 09 May 1777
Notice is hereby given that the first general meeting of the Proprietors of the […]or of Hickling, Nottinghamshire; a public Sale of which will begin at SAMUEL CRESWELL’s, Bookseller, under the New-Change, in Nottingham; on Thursday in Whitsun-Week, 1777, for ready Money, at the printed Prices. Nottingham – Printed by Samuel Crefw […].
Derby Mercury Fri 16 May 1777
To be sold four pieces of meadow and pasture land lying at Hillsdake in the parish of […]or of Hickling, Nottinghamshire; a public Sale of which begun this Day at SAMUEL CRESWELL’s, Bookseller, under the New-Change, in Nottingham; for ready Money, at the printed Prices. Nottingham: Printed by Samuel Creswell, where Catalogues may be […].
Dixon family assault charge 1779
At Nottingham on 11 January 1779 Richard Dixon of Hickling, yeoman, Elizabeth his wife and Ann Dixon of Hickling, single woman, were fined 6d each for assaulting Jeremiah Moore, one of the bailiffs of William Bilbie Esq, high Sherriff with several dangerous weapons. All three defendants were bound over in a recognizance of £50 to keep the peace especially towards Jeremiah Moore.
Fri 16 May 1777 Derbyshire, England
To be S O L D, FOUR Pieces of Meadow and Pasture Land, lying at Hillsdals in the Parish of […] Mr. Morris, Rector of Hickling, Nottinghamshire; a public Sale of which begun this Day at SAMUEL CRESWELL’s, Bookseller, under the New-Change, in Nottingham; for ready Money, at the printed Prices. Nottingham: Printed by Samuel Cresswell, where C […].
Leeds Intelligencer Tue 23 Oct 1781
[…]or of Hickling in Nottinghamshire, to Miss Eli[…] Carver, (sister) to the Rev. John Carver, of Morihen in this county. On Sunday was married, Mr. John Atkinson to Miss Knipe, both of York. Thursday was married, Bernard Shaw, Esq of Long Bennington […].
Leeds Intelligencer Tue 20 May 1783
[…]od at Hickling, in Nottinghamshire. Two women were taken up on suspicion of receiving goods knowing them to be stolen, and committed to Derby gaol. On Friday last Mr. Thomas Parker, of Wetherby, unfortunately fell from off his horse, upon the […].
Derby Mercury Thu 05 Oct 1786
[…]or of Hickling in Nottinghamshire, and the Sum of £101. 6s. 0d. collected. The Rev. Laurence Bourne, Vicar of Dronfield in this County, has been pleased to give Twenty Guineas to this Hospital. […]. N. C. Mundy, Esq; of (Mansfield?) an […] paid […].
Northampton Mercury Sat 30 Dec 1786
[…]tram Hickling, near Belvoir, that as […] men were working in a Field, one of them struck his Pick-Axe against an Urn, which he broke to Pieces by the Blow, and scattered several Remains. Copper Coins, some with the Head of Adrian, and others with […].
Northampton Mercury Sat 18 Aug 1792
[…]y, of Hickling, Nottinghamshire, to Mifs C. F. Watson, fecond daughter of Major Watson, of the former place, and niece of the late Sir Thomas Samwell, Bart, of Upton near this town. DIED.] On Saturday laft, at Hallpughton, in the county of Leicefter […?] Northampton Mercury
Derby Mercury Thursday 19 January 1797
Rectory of Hickling in Nottinghamshire, vacated by the death of the Rev Robert Barker […].
Leeds Intelligencer Mon 23 Jan 1797
Rectory of Hickling, in Nottinghamshire, vacated by the death of the Rev. Robert Barker […].
Oxford Journal Saturday 28 October 1797
Married at St Bride’s,Mr Eddison Furrier of Fleet Street to Miss RAYBOULD, NIECE OF […] of Hickling, Nottinghamshire.
Northampton Mercury Sat 27 Sep 1800
Notice is hereby given Widmerpoole, Hickling, and Over-Broughton, in the County of Nottingham; Nether – Broughton, Ab-kettleby, Welby, Sysonby, Melton Mowbray, BurtonLazairs, Little Dalby, Pickwell, and L…thorpe, in the County of Leicester ; Whissendine, Barleythorp […?]
Friday 22 Jul 1814 Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
On Monday the 18th inst at Hickling, Notts the Rev. Maurice Johnson, M. A. Sr. John’s college, this university, to Frances, daughter of the late William Post, Esq. barrister-at-law, of Place, near Maidstone, Kent. the 13th insf. Mr. J. Kendle, of Brandon, to Miss Towel […]
Leicester Journal Fri 26 Aug 1814 Leicestershire, England
[…] And […]r. J. MANN, of Hickling, in County of Nottingham a Dark Brown HORSE, ten years old, with four black […] and half high. […] near eye very weak, the lid being torn […] and is pinched the […], with cut […]
Stamford Mercury Fri 10 Nov 1820
[…]ip of Hickling, in, the County of Nottingham, near the town, and containing 14A. OR. 16P., now staked out, and divided for sale in four lots. In immediate possession may be had John Collishaw, of Hickling, will show the land; and for further particul[…].
Bury and Norwich Post Wed 26 Jun 1822 Suffolk, England
[…]A. M. Rector of Hickling, Notts, to youngest daughter of the late Archdeacon Paley.
Stamford Mercury Fri 28 May 1824
William Dickman bp 30.4.1806 wkes, Hickling, in the same county. The bridegroom is upwards of 70 years of age, and the bride 21. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy pair set off in the Colonel’s carriage for town […].
Stamford Mercury Fri 29 Sep 1826
[…]or of Hickling, Notts. On Tuesday sennight, at Wymeswold, Leicestershire, William Fox, Gent., in his 86th year. On Monday the 18th, at Stanford, near Loughboro’, tbe Rev. Saml. Fras. Dashwood, aged 53 years, Rector of the former place, a Prebendary […].
Stamford Mercury Fri 29 Sep 1826
G. Mann, of Wymondham, lord of the manor of Hickling
Stamford Mercury Fri 25 Jun 1830
[…]nt of Hickling, Notts, to Miss Elizabeth Kirkby, of the former place.
Stamford Mercury Fri 25 Jun 1830 Lincolnshire, England
LINCOLN, June BIRTH. On Monday last, at Beaconfield House, near Newark, the lady of T. S. Godfrey, Esq., of a […]nwin, Rector,) John Basilico, Gent of Hickling, Notts, to Miss Elizabeth Kirkby, of the former place.
Stamford Mercury Fri 03 Sep 1830
at Hickling, Notts, aged 66, Mrs. Basilico, widow of Andrew Basilico, Esq. who, for many years in the reign of George the Third, was one of his Majesty’s messengers in ordinary, and in that capacity was the bearer to this country of many important […].
Stamford Mercury Fri 07 Aug 1835
[…]h. At Hickling Rectory, on the 22nd ult, Mrs. Catherine Fleming Anderson, In her 71st year.
Leicester Chronicle Sat 05 Dec 1835
[…]od of Hickling, was driven into the town, and sought refuge in a public house, which he entered in gallant style ; and after capsizing the table and breaking the jugs, glasses, etc. he was taken prisoner. On Tuesday, he was safely lodged to the custody […].
Leicester Chronicle Sat 08 Sep 1838
[…]e, of Hickling, […] the veteran Reformer, Mr. Chapman, whom age, although he has seen eighty-three winters, hath not chilled the generous ardour of his blood to the holy cause of civil and religious liberty, addressed the spectators. Tbe resolution […].
Leicestershire Mercury Sat 21 Aug 1841 Melton Mowbray
[…]y, of Hickling, was taken before Mr. Gilliott, and fined 2s. for being drunk and disorderly the nigbt before […].
Leicester Chronicle Sat 22 Oct 1842
[…] of Hickling, was much admired, as were also two tine pigs, only fourteen months old from the sow just mentioned, which were shown as extra stock. The sow obtained the prize at Waltham. and did so in this instance; for although there were several […].
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 13 Jan 1843
[…] at Hickling Rectory, Notts, the Rev. Edw. Anderson, […] aged 58, and 22 years rector of that parish.
Carlisle Journal Sat 21 Jan 1843 Cumbria, England
At […]homthwaite chapel, near Keswick on the 14th […] by the Rev. J. Monkhouse, Mr. Joseph Vickers, to Mi[…] Ann […] At Hickling Rectory, Notts, on the […]th instant, the Rev. Edward Anderson, […] aged 58, formerly of Carlisle. The deceased was twenty-two years rector of that parish […].
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 21 Apr 1843 Lincolnshire, England
[…]U.D., Rector of St Botolph’s, Cambridge, to the Rectory of Hickling, Nottinghamshire, on the presentation of the President and Fellows of Queen’s College.
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 29 Dec 1843
[…]mer, Hickling, Nottinghamshire, to Mary Scott Gray, of the former place. At Stanground, on the 19th inst., (by the Rev. Robt. Cory,)
Norfolk Chronicle Sat 27 Jan 1844 Norfolk, England
MARRIED. -At B..ckhurst Park, Francis Geo Hastings Russell, Esq., eldest son of Lord and Lady William Russell, to the Right Hon (…) rector of Hickling, Nottinghamshire, late Fellow and Bursar Coll., to Catherine, third daughter J. E. Wilson. Esq., of Benet-street.
Leicestershire Mercury Sat 06 Jul 1844
[…]n, of Hickling. June 30, at St. Margaret’s Church
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 20 Sep 1844 Rutland Agricultural Society
[…]y, of Hickling, Notts. Two competitors – Class 29 To the exhibiter of the best Shearling Ram, to be used in the district, […] to Mr. B. Smith, of Burley. Second best, 37., to Mr. E. E. Dawson, of Ingthorpe. 4 competitors. Class 30. To the exhibit […].
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 25 Oct 1844
[…]y, of Hickling, Notts. Twelve competitors. The hedge cutting took place on Mr. Hoyle’s farm, of Muston. The judges on the occasion were Mr. George March, of Wartnaby; Mr. Wm. Guy, of Kettleby; and Mr. Robt. Mackley, of […]. After their decision w[…].
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 31 Jan 1845
To DEBTORS and CREDITORS ALL persons having any claim or demand against […]te at Hickling aforesaid, very near to the village, and adjoining the highway from Hickling to Nether Broughton, now in the occupation of Mr. James Hardy, in the following lots : Ñ Lot 1. The Nether Close 4 2 35 Lot 2. The Far Close, South of and adj[…].
Leicestershire Mercury Sat 27 Jun 1846
[…]ng at Hickling, Nottinghamshire, was fully committed for trial at the ensuing sessions, charged with stealing a lamb, the property of Mr. Robert Payne, of Nether Broughton. Pickard Ecob, servant to Mr. Tooty, of Stapleford, was charged by John Osbo[…].
Lincolnshire Chronicle 28 August 1846
Nottingham August 28th births
On the 17th inst at the Rectory Hickling the lady of the Rev. W. H. Walker, of a son […]
Lincolnshire Chronicle 28 August 1846
Nottingham August 28th births
On the 17th inst at the Rectory Hickling the lady of the Rev. W. H. Walker, of a son […]
Derby Mercury Wed 13 Jan 1847
[…]ives, Hickling, Notts., to Mary, eldest daughter of a Mr. W. Smith, late of Ingleby Hill. Ho[…].
Page 3 Article Derby Mercury Wed 13 Jan 1847 Derbyshire, England
MARRIAGES. On the 31st ult, by the Rev. E. H. Abney, Mr. John Duffield, to Eliza Banton, youngest daughter of […] ives, Hickling, Notts., to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Smith, late of Ingleby […]. On Thursday last at Duffield, by the Rev. Mr. Barber, Mr. Herbert Goodale, […].
Leicester Chronicle Sat 13 Nov 1847
[…] of Hickling, near Melton, to Miss Jane Hanwell, of Yeoman-street.
[…]dy’s (Hickling) […] Langar. 5 years old Mr John Foster’s (Saxondale) […] The Brownie. 5 vrs old Mr. John Spriggs’ (Cottesmore) […] by The Count. 5 vrs. Mr W. Smith’s (Easthorpe) […]) Stula. 5 years old Mr. Charles Wright (Tinwell, near Stamford […].
Leicestershire Mercury 24 September 1850
Thomas Hickling, farmer, of Long Clawson, in this county, for wilfully setting fire to two wheat-stacks, his own property. Hickling had insured for more than the stacks were worth on’y twelve days before in the west of England Insurance Office. On Mon […]
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 05 Dec 1850 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] We would suggest to Solicitors, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and others, the great advantage they would derive from forwarding (…) inson HICKLING. Wm, Hopkinson Chas. Oxby Wm. Collershaw Thos. Daft John Collershaw Richd. G. Wells A. Wres John Collishaw (…) Holmes J.March R. Parr E. Wilford R. Corner Josh. Thompson S. Beaumont J. Mogson W. Murden J. Hopkinson R. Frick W. Co […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 05 Dec 1850
HICKLING. Wm, Hopkinson Chas. Oxby Wm. Collershaw Thos. Daft John Collershaw Richd. G. Wells A. Wres John Collishaw t. Holmes J.March R. Parr’ E. Wilford R. Corner Josh. Thompson S. Beaumont J. Mogson W. Murden J. Hopkinson R. Frick W. Co […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 24 Jul 1851
Summer assizes
1, at Hickling, one quart of milk, the property of Thomas Daft. Two witnesses gave the prisoner Morris a good character. To be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for fourteen days. STEALING HEN EGGS. THOMAS STOUT, aged 28, framework-knitter, was ch […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 24 Jun 1852 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]6, at Hickling Long Clawson […]. Hickling.
Leicestershire Mercury Sat 19 Jan 1856
Wm. Collishaw, of Hickling, farmer, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Jos. Wright, of Chatteris, Cambridge
London Standard Thursday 29 January 1857
[…]ry of Hickling, near Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. W. Walker, B.D. (instituted 1843). The benefice, which is worth […] a year, is in the gift of the President and Fellows of Queens’ College, Cambridge […].
Thu 11 Jun 1857 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]f the Hickling clubs. Much anxiety prevailed on the supposition that they were equally matched. In the first innings Hickling led 28; afterwards Owthorpe screwed themselves up to the sticking point, showing their usual stamina, and won easily […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 18 Jun 1857 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] v. Hickling. On Monday last a return match was played between the Owthorpe and Hickling clubs, which was easily won by the Owthorpe party scoring 28 ahead of their opponents. The Hickling party were certainly indebted to Mr. Taylor Sharp a battin […].
Leicestershire Mercury 20 March 1858
The late fatal accident on the London Road the Public and Friends, and Hickling, are respectfully informed that a Committee has been appointed to raise a subscription to assist them after the above unfortunate occurrence, and to offer their condolence to Mr. Dams for his melancholy loss. Subscriptions will be rece[…]
Page 5 Miscellaneous Derby Mercury Wed 07 Jul 1858 Derbyshire, England
BELPER […]dy of Hickling […] resumed at the Midland Hotel, before Mr. C. S. B. Busby, coroner of the district. The same jury was also to inquire into the death of […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 25 Nov 1858
At Hickling, on the 20th inst., aged 75, Mr. William Collishaw farmer and grazier. On the 20th instant, at her daughter’s residence, Hickling aged 78, Mrs. Lucy Goodson.
Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury Sat 16 Apr 1859
Bankruptcy lists
Robert Collishaw, Hickling, Nottingham, grocer
Perry’s Bankruptcy Gazette CERTIFICATES Sat 18 Jun 1859
class Collishaw Robert, grocer and joiner, Hickling
Nottinghamshire Guardian Thu 15 Nov 1860 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] We would suggest to Solicitors, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and others, the great advantage they would derive from forwarding for
[…]te at Hickling, in the County of Nottingham, and now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Collishaw and others. For further particulars, apply (as to Lots 1 and 2) to Mr. Thomas Spencer, 5, Melville Terrace, Nottingham, Messrs. TAYLOR and JEFFERY, Solicito […]
Nottinghamshire Guardian Friday 19 September 1862
[…]odge, Hickling Pastures. I beg you will contradict this report. I had nothing to do with the theft, and at the time it was committed was at Willoughby, some miles distant. I am, sir, yours truly, John Cross. Upper Broughton, 17th September, 1862 […]
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 29 Jun 1866 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]l 125 Hickling (Second Eleven) v. Wysall. This match was played at Hickling, on the 22nd inst, and proved an easy victory for the latter. Score […] Hickling. J Clark, b Elliott 8 b Elliott 29 J Hettley, c Gee, b Hu[…]
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 17 Dec 1869
At Hickling, on the 10th mat, Mr Robt Dlckman, shoemaker, aged 58. At Hickling. on the 12th inst. Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. George Daft, farmer
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 28 Jan 1870 Nottinghamshire, England
fowl […]
[…]ng at Hickling, A very daring robbery of four sheep, the property of Mr. W. Collishaw, farmer, of Hickling, was committed on Wednesday week, About four o’clock in the afternoon […] Collishaw himself left 12 sheep all right in his field. Next mo […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 04 Mar 1870 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] AT HICKLING. George Kemp Hockebby, 52, fellmonger, was indicted for stealing four sheep, of the value of £10, the property of Mr. William Collishaw, farmer, of Hickling, on the 20th of January. Mr. Lawrence appeared for the prosecution. The p […].
Friday 12 May 1871 London Standard
Marriage Blake Read
[…]h, at Hickling Church, by the Rev M Mickethwaite, M A assistod by the Rev. H. N. W. Comyn M A the Rev. William Aston Blake, M.A., third son of John Joseph Blake, Esq. of […] Hall in the county of Norfolk, to Emily second daughter of the R […]
Leicester Chronicle Sat 24 Jan 1874
[…]year Collishaw on the 12th inst., at Hickling, M[…] Jane Collishaw, aged 77
Nottingham Evening Post Fri 12 Dec 1879 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]it at Hickling. William Cheshire and William Edderly, two young men, were charged with being drunk, disorderly, and refusing to quit the Navigation Inn, at Hickling, on the 27th ult. Mr. Lamb, the landlord said defendants became disorderly while in […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 26 Dec 1879
at Hickling, John Daft, 34 pears parish clerk, aged 78 years.
Leicester Chronicle Sat 28 Feb 1880 Leicestershire, England
[…] T. W. Collishaw, Hickling ; 2, Mrs. Sikes, Cossington Hall ; vhc, W. Green, Colston Bassett ; vhc, F. Woodcick, Rothley vhc, W. Collishaw. Hamburgba, 1, H. Kidger, Oakham ; 2, T. Wild ; vhc, R. F. Everard, Oakham ; vhc, W. Whitaker, Frisby ; vhc, D. Hay (…).
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 09 Jul 1880
T. W. Collishaw, Hickling, was awarded the first prize for light Brahmas, and in the Spanish class Mr. R Hill, Parliament-street Nottingham, showed a pair of fine birds, and it was not difficult to judge which were the best The first prizes for gold […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 09 Jul 1880 Nottinghamshire, England
[…], NOTICE. Advertisement, of […] Auction ordered for insertion in the Nottinghamshire Guardian (published on Thursday Evening) will also
[…] from Hickling to Widmerpool and Nether Broughton, and to lands belonging to Messrs. March, Hopkinson, Croft, and Collishaw. LOT 111, comprising T>n Closes of LAND, and Plantation, Homestead, and Farm Buildings, situate at Hickling aforesaid, on the […] Fri 09 Jul 1880
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 18 Mar 1881 Nottinghamshire, England
Saets by factum. ~ BY MR J. M. POTT. ~ MR, J. M. POTT begs to announce his retirement
[…] HICKLING, NOTTS To be Let, with possession on the 6th of April next, 23 acres of rich Feeding Laud, well fenced and watered, situate in the middle of the village. Apply to Mr. H. T. Haabury, Wilathorpe. Derby ; or to view, to Mr. W. Collishaw, […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 25 Mar 1881 Nottinghamshire, England
NOTICE. JM Advertisements of Sales by Auction ordered for insertion in the Nottingham Guardian (publishted on Thursday Evening) will also
[…]nton. HICKLING, NOTTS. To be Let, with possession on the 6th of April next, 23 acres of rich Feeding land, well fenced and watered, situate in tbe middle of the village. Apply to Mr. H. T. Haabury. Wilsthorpe, Derby; or to view, to Mr. W. Collishaw […].
Nottingham Evening Post Fri 06 Oct 1882
Poultry, Pigeon and Rabbit Show
T. W. Collishaw, Hickling, Melton
Leicester Chronicle Sat 25 Nov 1882
T. W. Collishaw, Hickling
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 06 Jul 1883
Halloughton, aged 62.position of the prisoner and the circumstances under which the assault was stated to have been committed. He would not trouble them witb all the details, but would mention shortly […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 04 Jul 1884
[…] at Hickling. George Thwaites was charged with assaulting George Harriman and John Mann, at Hickling, yesterday, it appeared that Mann was throwing at cocoa nuts belonging to the defendant, when some dispute arose, and resulted in blows. The c […]
Leicester Chronicle Sat 07 Mar 1885
Mann. On the Ist inst, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. George J Mann, of Hickling, and late of Plungar, aged 72.
Nottingham Evening Post Wed 05 Aug 1885 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] W. Collishaw, on the 3rd August, at Hickling. Several of the fowls were found in the prisoner’s possession. Prisoner, for whom Mr. Norman (for Mr. Cockayne) appeared, was fined £5, or a month’s imprisonment.
Fri 20 Aug 1886 Nottinghamshire, England
The following students have been awarded prizes in the Government Examination for 1886 : NATIONAL COMPETITION. Silver Medal J. R. A. Pitman Group in Oil Colours Bronze Medal P. K. Allen Design for Country Resi […] Richard Granger, William H. Pegg, Henry J. Warsop. THIRD GRADE. Percy K. Allen, J. W. Attenborough, Edwin Barker, Eliza A. Barlow, Louis Bircumshaw (three prizes), Thomas Chamberlain, Richard Cooper, Charles a Cullen, Frank G. Dalby, Walter T. Dommett, […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 22 Oct 1886
Misses Collishaw, and the prayer – book was also kindly presented by a friend. The interior of the church presented a very gratifying contrast to that which existed previous to the improvements being accomplished. Vestries have been built at the wa […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 01 Apr 1887 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]sey ; Hickling, William Collishaw, sen. ;
Page 5 Article Derby Mercury Wed 26 Oct 1887 Derbyshire, England
[…]B.D, Hickling Rectory, Melton Mowbray. West Bingham, By. P. H. Douglas, M.A, Thrumpton Vicarage, Derby. Bulwell, Bey. B. Holden, M.A, Nuttall Rectory, Nottingham. […].
Nottingham Evening Post Sat 24 Dec 1887 Nottinghamshire, England
[…]r. J. Hopkinson, of Hickling, the latter of whom also contributes to the show some excellent pork.
Nottingham Evening Post Tue 24 Apr 1888
[…]ge Hr Collishaw, of Hickling, for £2 2s. for wages as housegirl and general servant. The plaintiff stated that she was hired for half a year, her wages to be £5. She had previously been in the employment of his brother-in-law. The defendant threatened […].
Killed by a ram at Hickling October 1890
[…]AM AT HICKLING. The Deputy District Coroner (Mr. E. William) conducted an inquiry at the Navigation Inn, Hickling, yesterday afternoon, into the death of Elizabeth Ecob, an old woman, who was found lying dead in a field at Hickling on the previous S […]
Citizen Wed 15 Oct 1890 A WOMAN KILLED BY A RAM
Inquest at Hickling, on Tuesday evening, on the body of Elizabeth Ecob, aged 67. The evidence showed that the deceased left home on Saturday to pick sticks, and as she did not return a search was instituted, with the result that her dead body was found in […].
Wed 16 Dec 1891 Nottinghamshire, England
[…] Mr. Hopkinson, of Hickling, went to Mr. Berryman for £7 Is.; one from Mr. Whyler, of Barnston, was also secured by Mr. Berryman for £8 17s. ; and two from Mr. R. Holbrook, of Barton, were sold to Mr. Tyler for £6 12s. 6d. and £8 10s. Two calves fr […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Sat 23 Jan 1892
MANN. On the 13th inst. George Mann, of Hickling, aged 77 years
Nottinghamshire Guardian Sat 26 Mar 1892
COLLISHAW. On the 18th inst., at Hickling, Elisabeth, wife of William Collishaw, sen., aged 69 years.
Nottingham Evening Post Tue 23 Jun 1891
[…]e, of Hickling, claimed the sum of 6s. 9d. from George Collishaw, of Hickling, balance due for sowing 2 tons 7 cwfc. of soot. Plaintiff said he agreed with the defendant to sow the soot for […] per ton. He sowed 2 tons 7 cwt., and after he had finish […].
Friday 18 November 1892 Nottingham Evening Post
Sad death of a child at Hickling
… at Hickling. Mr. E. Williams, Deputy District Coroner, held an inquest at the Wheel Inn, Hickling, Notts., last evening, touching the death of Elizabeth Collishaw, who died yesterday from injuries sustained by falling downstairs on the llth inst. […]
Nottingham Evening Post Tue 10 Jan 1893
Manor Farm, Hickling Pastures: Hickling, this afternoon, into the circumstances attending the death of George Harvey, aged 41 years, of the Manor Farm, Hickling, who died from lockjaw on Sunday, the 8th inst. Kate Louise Harvey, said she was the wife of […].
Nottingham Evening Post Mon 24 Apr 1893
[…] at Hickling, John Thomas Elliott, aged 14 months, son of Thomas Hickling Elliott, farmer, of Hickling, was found drowned in a cesspool near his home on Saturday afternoon. An inquest will be held […]
Nottingham Evening Post Wed 05 Dec 1894 Nottinghamshire, England
G. H. Collishaw, farmer, Hickling. Holme Pierrepont. H. P. Norris, farmer, Holme Pierrepont. Keyworth. John Hall, farmer, Keyworth. Kinoulton Edward Shaw, farmer, Kinoulton; W. Herrick. Kneeton. Edward Baker, farmer, Kneeton. Langar. Tames S […].
Nottinghamshire Guardian Sat 10 Oct 1896 Nottinghamshire, England
On Tuesday tbe marriage was solemnised of Mr. Richard Granger, of Winterley Cottage, Lenton Boulevard, Nottingham, son of Mr. F. S Granger, of Ebury road, Sherwood Rise, and Miss Helena Tapham Turney, the eldest daughter of […] Sir […].
Sat 17 Dec 1898 Nottinghamshire, England
[…])m Mr. Hopkinson, of Hickling, at a minimum price of 90a with a maximum of 1045., were bought by Messrs. Parr, Hand, and Fletcher; while Mr. Hand, of Beeston purchased three from Mr. Brett, of Upper Broughton, at prices varying from £4 10a to £5 lla […].
Lincolnshire Chronicle Fri 12 May 1899
The Hickling Tragedy.
In accordance with the terms of his remand on the 2nd inst […]r, at Hickling, on May lst, was again brought up on Wednesday at tbe Shire Hall, Nottingham. The proceedings were of the most formal character. Prisoner was farther remanded, and will be brought up at the ordinary sitting of the Bingham Bench on Thur […].
Page 3 Article Derby Mercury Wed 26 Jul 1899 Derbyshire, England
[…]er at Hickling. On the day of the crime prisoner who had been drinking somewhat heaviiy, quarrelled with his wife, and made un- founded allegations against her. […].
Northampton Mercury Fri 11 Aug 1899
Northamptonshire, England
[…]er at Hickling in May last. Prisoner, although resigned to his fate, protested he had no intention of killing his daughter. Whilst gaol he made his will in favour of his wife, by whom he was visited on Saturday. Billington was the executioner, assist […]
Worcestershire Chronicle 12 August 1899
[…]r, of Hickling, was hanged at Nottingham, on Wednesday for murdering […] daughter, Mary Ann Torr (26). whom he shot through an opening of a reach had battered in with a gun […] unfounded his wife, against whom he […] to charges, and whom he […].
Lincolnshire Chronicle
[…]r, of Hickling, was hanged at Nottingham, on Wednesday for murdering […] daughter, Mary Ann Torr (26). whom he shot through an opening of a reach had battered in with a gun […] unfounded his wife, against whom he […] to charges, and whom he […].
16 January 1930
HICKLING YOUTH’S LARK. COMMITTED FIVE OFFENCES IN MOTOR-CYCLE RIDE. AND HE MET A POLICEMAN! A Hickling youth who took a surreptitious ride on his master’s disused motor cycle, and in doing so committed almost every offence is possible for a motor […].
Nottingham Evening Post Thu 21 Jan 1937
A 6.50 AM offence r, of Hickling, who was summoned or driving a milk float without front or rear lights, at 6.50 a.in. on January 6th. It was stated that the defendant was driving a horse-drawl) float through Hickling at tho time stated without lights, when a motorcy […?]