Dorcas Cooper of Old Dalby 1903 Administration
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, DE 1169/2/1
Be it known that Dorcas Cooper (wife of John Cooper) of Old Dalby in the County of Leicester, who at the time of her death had a fixed place of abode at Old Dalby aforesaid within the District of the Counties of Leicester and Rutland died on the 18th day of March 1903 at Old Dalby aforesaid intestate.
And be it further known that at the date hereunder written Letters of Administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representatives of the said intestate were granted by His Majesty’s High Court of Justice at the District Probate Registry thereof at Leicester to the said John Cooper of Old Dalby aforesaid, Iron Stone Company’s Foreman, the lawful Husband of the said intestate.
Dated the 27th day of May 1903.
Gross value of Estate £105.14.3
Net value of Personal Estate £105.14.3
Surety William Drake of Old Dalby aforesaid, Station Master