William Harris of Grimston 1667 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667
In the name of God amen January the 28th 1665 I William Harris the Elder of Grimstone of the parish of Rothley in the County of Leic Shepheard being weakly in Body but of good & perfect memory (praysed be the Lord therefore) doe ordaine & make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following that is to say
First I give & bequeath my Soule to Allmighty God my Creator hopeing & verrily assuring myselfe through God his mercyes & Christ his meritts to be partaker of life Everlasting & my Body I give to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian buryall in the Church yarde of Grimstone aforesayde at the discretion of my Executor & for the worldly Goodes which it hath pleased the Lord to endow me with I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following that is to say
Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my loveing Daughter Mary Bunney two Pewter dishes & one brasse Candlesticke one fether Pillow & one payre of Hemping Sheetes & one Bedstead standing before the Parlour doore for her filliall portion
Item I give unto my loveing Daughter Joane Harris one Covering one yeallow blankett one fleaxen sheete & one payre of hemping sheets a flaxen Towell foure flaxen napkins two flaxen pillow beares one Cubard Cloth one bed a mattrice & a pillow & fortie Shillings for her filliall portion with two Cushiions
Item I give unto my loving Sonne William Harris all the rest of my Goodes Cattell & Chattells whatsoever undisposed of moveable & unmoveable whom I nominate & appoint to be the Executor of this my last Will & Testament requireing him to pay the Legacies by me bequeathed & my detts (if any be) & funerall Charges & to bringe me decently to the grounde as a Christian for revoking all former wills whatsoever I constitute & appoint this to be my last will & Testament
Witness my hand & seale hereunto put the day & yeare first above written
William Harris
Reade published sealed & delivered to be the last will & Testament of William Harris above named in the present of
Robt Kirkby
John Neale
The mark of Tho. James
Henry Austin
Probate 9 October 1667
44’28 1322/86
A true and perfect Inventorie of all the Goods Cattel and Chattells of William Harris the Elder late of Grimston in the County of Leicester Shephard deceased taken October the 7th 1667 by
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and apparell | 0 | 13 | 04 |
Item in the house one Table 2 formes one little fall Table one Cubberd | |||
5 dishes of puter 3 Candlestickes | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Item in the Parlor 3 Beds one Chest 2 Coffers 3 paire of Sheet 2 Table clothes | |||
2 wheeles one Cimnil one Barill one Churne 4 Cushings | 2 | 5 | 0 |
Item in the milkehouse one brasse pott one pan 3 panshings 2 bards | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Item one fire iron 3 hookes | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Item one Cow | 1 | 15 | 0 |
Item for things unnamed and forgotten | 0 | 1 | 0 |
The summe total is | 6 | 8 | 4 |
John Neale
Robert Adcocke
Nichlis Burgis
Exhibited 9 October 1667
Bond, bound William Harris yeoman of Grimston and Nicholas Burges farmer of Grimston 9 October 1667, condition bound William Harris executor named in last will of William Harris late of Grimston to administer estate
Signum William Harris
Nichlis Burgis