Elizabeth Kelham of Grimston 1798 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1798
In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Kelham Widow of Grimston in the County of Leicester this Twenty fifth Day of October One Thousand seven hundred and ninety seven being weak in Body but of Perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be to God Do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, and knowing it is appointted for all Men once to Die I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Executrix hereafter Named and such Worldly Estate as I am Blessed with in this Life I give and dispose of the Same in the following Manner and Form
Imprimis I give and Bequeath to my Grandaughter Mary Holmes the Sum of One Shilling
Item I give and Bequeath to my Grandaughter Ann Greenhill the Sum of One Shilling
Item I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary Kelham the Sum of One Guinea
Item I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Abell Wife of George Abell the Sum of One Guinea
Lastly I make and ordain Eleanor Millar Wife of John Millar Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament She paying all my Legacies Debts and Burial Charges
I give and Bequeath all my Household Goods Personal Effects to my Executrix Eleanor Miller
And for the full intent of having this Will performed and the above said purposes, I hereby disannul and revoke all other Wills & Testament before Named ratyfying and confirming no other but this my last Will and Testament the Day and Year above Written
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal
The Mark of Elizabeth Kelham
Signed Seal’d published and pronounced by the said Elizabeth Kelham to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribing Witnesses
Wm Hart
The Mark of Thos Stockwell
May 7th 1798 Eleanor Miller the sole Executrix within named was then sworn to the due execution of the within written Will and at the same time made oath That the within named Testatrix Elizabeth Kelham (her late mother) deceased did not die possessed of a personal Estate to the value of forty pounds as she verily believed
Before me Sam Heyrick Commissary