Matthew Noble of Wartnaby 1670 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1670
In the name of God amen the third day of October in the two and twentith yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c and in the yeare of our Lord Christ according to the Computacon of the Church of England one Thousand six hundred & seaventy I Mathew Noble of Wartnaby in the County of Leicester Gentleman being well in body (praysed be god and of a good and perfect minde and memory and calling to Remembrance the uncertayne Estate of this Transitory life and that all flesh must yeild to death when it shall please God to call doe make and ordayne this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following hereby revoking and annulling all former wills by mee made and theis to be my last Will and Testament
And first I comitt my Soule unto Allmightie God in whom and by the Merritts of Jesus Christ I trust and beleeive assuredly to be saved and my body I comitt to the Earth whereof it was made and to be buried where it shall please my Executors hereafter named to appoint
And for the settleing of my Temporall Estate and such Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements goods Chattles and Debts as it hath pleased God (far above my deserts to bestow upon me) I give and dispose of the same in manner and forme following that is to say
And first I give and bequeath unto my Cosen John Cant (Sonne of my Sister Elizabeth Cant All that my Capitall messuage or mansion house with the appurtenances scituate and being in Wartnaby aforesaid now in the occupacon of me the said Mathew Noble and the said John Cant and also all those foure yard land of arable land meadow and pasture ground with the appurtenances to the said Capitall messuage belonging and therewithall now used and enjoyed lying and being within the feilds liberties and precincts of Wartnaby aforesaid now in the tenure or occupacon of the said John Cant and all that my woulds Close and an acre and an halfe of meadow lying on Hollwell woulds to the said Capital messuage belonging and also all those three Cottages or Tenements scituate and being in Wartnaby aforesaid with their and every of theire appurtenances now in the severall tenures or occupacons of Widdow Shittlewood John Hart and Edward Jackson Together with all and singular houses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Orchards gardens yards Lands Tenements & hereditaments whatsoever with theire and every of theire appurtenances to the said Capitall messuage four yard land Three Cottages wouldes Close and an acre and an half of meadow and to every or any of them belonging or in anywise apptayning And also all that Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances scituate and being in Grymston in the said County of Leicester now in the tenure or occupacon of William Packe And also all those arrable lands Leyes meadow & pasture ground with the appurtenances containing by Estimacon Thirtie acres or thereabouts be the same more or less lying and being within the feilds Liberties and precincts of Grimston aforesaid now in the tenures or occupacons of the said William Picke [sic] and Robert Adcock And all and singular the houses edifices buildings barns Stables Orchards Gardens Yards backsides Lands Tenements Comons Profits and hereditaments whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement arable lands & premisses and to every or any of them belonging or in any wise appertaining And also all that Closse of meadow or pasture ground with the appurtenances lying & being within the feilds Liberties & precincts of Hollwell aforesaid in the said County of Leicester contayning by Estimacon nine acres or thereabouts be the same more or less now in the Occupacon of the said John Cant And also all the Hedges ditches fences ways Easements profits and Comodities whatsoever to the said Closse & meadow or pasture ground belonging or in any wise appertaining And also all other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever of mee the said Mathew Noble scituate & being in Wartnaby Grymston & Hollwell aforesaid To have and to hold the aforesaid Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements & Hereditaments unto him the said John Cant his heires and assignes for ever
And my will & minde is that the said John Cant his heires and assignes or such other person as shall enjoy my Messuage and Lands in Grymston aforesaid shall pay unto the Poore Inhabitants of the Towne of Wartnaby aforesaid for ever the Some of forty Shillings yearly and every yeare to buy them Coals at the best rates and to be Distributed yearly before Christmas by the said John Cant his heires and assignes or such other person or persons as shall enjoy the said Capitall Messuage and Lands in Wartnaby aforesaid to and with the [blank] of the Poore of Wartnaby aforesaid or els the some of forty pounds of lawfull money of England either to Land or to putt forth for the best benefitt and advantage of the Poore Inhabitants of Wartnaby aforesaid to buy them Coles as aforesaid at the best rates to be distributed before Christmas yearly which he the said John Cant his heires or assignes or such other person or persons as shall enjoy my said Capitall Messuage and lands in Wartnaby aforesaid shall thinke itt most fit and Convenient
Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Cant his heires and assignes All that my two yard land of arrable meadow and pasture ground lying and being in Wartnaby aforesaid which I lately purchased of John Neal yeilding and paying out of the same the Some of one Hundred pounds of lawfull money of England unto Robert Pare of Kinelton in the County of Nottingham Clerk his Executors Administrators or assignes within one yeare next after my decease And if he the said John Cant his heires & assignes shall fayle in the payment of the said one hundred pounds unto the said Robert Pare his Executors Administrators and assignes as aforesaid Then my Will is that the said Robert Pare and his heires shall enter upon have and enjoy the last menconed two yard and untill he or they be satisfied and payed the said one hundred pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Cant his heires and assignes All that Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances scituate & being in Barrow upon the Sore in the said County of Leicester now in the occupacon of John Marshall the Yonger And also all those arrable Lands leyes meadow and pasture ground with the appurtenances conteyneing fourscore and Ten acres or thereabouts lying & being within the feilds Liberties & Precincts of Barrow aforesaid now also in the occupacon of the said John Marshall And also all those severall peices of meadow called Lambecroft with the appurtenances conteyneing by Estimacon five acres and an halfe or thereabouts now in the occupacon of the said John Marshall lying and being in Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid And also all those Lands Comonly called or known by the name of the acres now in the occupacon of Thomas Lylley and Theophilus Lylley lying and being in Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid To have & to hold the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement lands meadow ground and premisses with the appurtenances in Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid unto the said John Cant his heires & assignes forever
Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Cant his heires & assignes forever All my land meadow & pasture ground lying & being within the feildes territories & precincts of Broughton Sulney in the said County of Nottingham which I lately purchase of Richard Franke
Item I give and bequeath all that my Closse of meadow or pasture ground now devided into five Closses with thappurtenances conteyning forty & six acres or thereabouts be the same more or lesse which I heretofore purchased of Thomas Dilke lying and being in Barwell in the said County of Leicester And also all that Closse of meadow or pasture ground with thappurtenances lying & being within the feilds & Territories of Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid comonly called or known by the name of Ley Parke conteyning by Estimacon the Quantity of Three acres or thereabouts be the same more or lesse now or late in the Tenure or occupacon of the said John Marshall And also all that peice of meadow ground comonly called or known by the name of Home Close conteyninge by Estimacon the Quantitie of Eight acres or thereabouts be the same more or less lying & being in Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid and now in the Occupacon of Symon Clarke And allso all those severall peices of meadow ground comonly called or known by the anem of South Home conteyning by Estimation the Quantitie of three acres or thereabouts now in the occupacon of [blank] Lord And also one Closse of Pasture ground now in the occupacon of William Meas lying & being in Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid conteyning by Estimacon the Quantitie of three acres or thereabouts be the same more or lesse unto the said Robert Pare and Elizabeth his now wife and to the right heires of the said Elizabeth forever
Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Cant and Robert Pare All those several peices of meadow ground conteyning by Estimacon the Quantitie of Eight acres or thereabouts be the same more or lesse lying and being within the feildes of Barrow upon the Sore aforesaid and now or late in the occupacon of Ralph Dyson Gentleman & Izaacke Eaton theire assignee or assignes To have and to hold the one moyety or halfe part of the said Eight acres unto the said John Cant his heires & assignes for ever And to have & to hold the other moyetie or half part of the said Eight acres unto the said Robert Pare his heires & assignes forever
Item I give & bequeath unto the Daughter of Thomas Freeman late of Balderton in the said County of Nottingham deceased which doth not nor shall not enjoy the Coppyhold Estates of the said Thomas Freeman in Balderton aforesaid the Some of fifty pounds of Lawfull mony of England to be payed unto her within two yeares next after my decease shee being of Lawfull age to give my Executor a discharge for the same
Item I give & bequeath unto my cosen James Freeman Six pounds of lawfull English money to be payed unto him yearely after my decease out of the Rent of my Close in Hollwell aforesaid which I lately purchased of John Bayley by him the said John Cant his heires and assignes or such other person or persons that shall have & enjoy the said Closse in Hollwell aforesaid at Michaelmas and Lady day by even and equall porcons the first payment thereof to begin at such of the said Feasts or dayes as shall happen next after my decease during the naturall life of the said James Freeman And if the said yearely rent of six pounds or any part thereof happen to be behind or unpaid in part or in all after either of the said Feasts on which the same ought to be payed as aforesaid by the space of twentie dayes being lawfully demanded That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said James Freeman his heires and assignes to hold the aforesaid Closse in Hollwell aforesaid for and during so long tyme as he the said James Freeman shall be fully satisfied & payed the said Six pounds and the arrearages thereof
Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen Mary Ansells Children the Some of fourscore pounds of Lawfull English mony to be payed unto them within two yeares next after my decease by my Executors hereinafter named they being of lawfull age to give a Dischardge for the same
Item I give and bequeath unto Nicholas Folkener (Sonne of my Cosen Mary Ansells the Some of five pounds to be payed unto him within two yeares next after my decease But my will and mynde is that the said Nicholas Folkner shall not have any part or share of the aforesaid fourscore pounds given unto the said Mary Ansells Children
Item I give and bequeath unto the Children of my Cosen Edith Freeman fourscore pounds of lawful money of England [blank] after my decease yf they shall be then alive to give a legall Dischardge for the same
Item I give and bequeath unto the Sonne of my Cosen Ann Freeman the some of forty pounds of lawfull English mony to be payed within two yeares next after my decease he giving a legall Dischardge to my Executors for the same
Item I give and bequeath unto the now Daughter of my Cosen Anne Freeman Tenne pounds of Lawfull English mony to be payed within two yeares next after my decease she giving a Legall Dischardge for the same
[Blank] pretence of a Promise that I should give unto Jane Freeman now wife of Thomas Pilgrim Two hundred Pounds att my death I doe therefore declare by thes my last will that I have lent unto the said Thomas Pilgrim one hundred pounds And I doe hereby order that he pay Interest for the same unto my Executors according to the Statute And yf he shall refuse to pay Interest for the said one hundred Pounds for the Tyme he hath had the same Then I order my Executors not to pay the other Hundred pounds unto him but yf he allow Interest unto them according to the Statute Then I give unto the said Jane one hundred pounds to be payed unto her within one yeare next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto the foure Sonnes of the said Elizabeth Freeman now wife of William Brown of Nether Broughton Tenne Pounds apeice to be payed unto them when they shall accomplish the age of one and Twenty years
Item I give and bequeath unto every of my Godchildren Twenty Shillings apeice
Item I give unto Mr George Thorpe of Dishley forty Shillings
Item I give unto the said John Cant Robert Pare & Elizabeth Pare their Executors Administrators & assignes All that my Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances scituate & being in Loughborow in the said County of Leicester late in occupacon of John Ireland Gentleman for and during the residue & remainder of the Tearme of yeares yet to come & unexpired therein to be equally devided between them and no benefit or Survivorshipp to be made use of Between them
Item I give & bequeath unto the said John Cant Robert Pare & Elizabeth his wife All that my Shoppe or Parloure scituate in the Markett [blank] Loughborough aforesaid under the now Dwelling House of Robert Bunnys comonly called or known by the name of the George together with the ground in the Street thereto belonging And all those my two yard Land of arable Land meadow & pasture ground with all & singular [blank] lying & being within the feilds Territories & Precincts of Loughborow aforesaid one of them now or late in the Occupacon of Christopher North which I lately purchased of Benjamin Mouseley & Rebecca Mouseley the other now or late in the occupation of John Peatwood which I lately purchased of Bartholomew Tillesley To have & to hold the one Moyetye of the said Shopp or Parloure & ground in the Street thereunto belonging and the said Moyetye of the said two yard land with the appurtenances in Loughborow aforesaid unto the said John Cant [blank] assignes forever And to have and to hold the other Moyetie of the said Shopp or Parloure & ground in the Streete thereunto belonging and the other Moyetie of the said two yard land with thappurtenances in Loughborow aforesaid unto the said Robert Pare [blank] heires & assignes forever Provided allwayes & upon Condicon that they the said John Cant Robert Pare & Elizabeth Pare their heires Executors Administrators or assignes doe & shall well & truly pay or cause to be payed unto John Ireland James Ireland William Ireland [blank] Elizabeth Ireland Margarett Ireland Edith Ireland & Mary Ireland Children of the said John Ireland deceased the some of three hundred & twenty Pounds of Lawfull mony of England to be equally payed & devided amongst them share & share alike [blank] respectively come unto & attayne the age of twenty & one yeares And yf it shall happen any of the said Children of the said John Ireland decease to dye before his her or theire proporcon & Divident of three Hundred and twenty pounds shall become due & payable [blank] Then the Proporcon or Divident of the said Three hundred and Twenty pounds shall become due and payable [blank] Then the proporcon or Divident of the said Three hundred & twenty pounds of him her or them so dying shall be equally payed & devided amongst the Survivors or Survivor of them And iff they the said John Cant Robert Pare and Elizabeth Pare their heires Executors and Administrators shall [blank] of the said Three hundred & twenty pounds to & amongst the Children of the said John Ireland deceased in such manner as is before menconed that then my will & mynde is that the said children of the said John Ireland deceased or any of them shall & may enter into & upon the aforesaid [blank] Tenements in Loughborow aforesaid and have hold & enjoy the same untill they & every of them severally & respectively shall be satisfied & payed theire severall parts & Dividends of the said Three Hundred & Twenty Pounds in such manner & forme as is before menconed for [blank] mynde is that what mony my Executors hereafter named shall pay or disburse for any of the said Children of the said John Ireland for the putting of them to Prentices that it shall & may be lawfull to & for my said Executors to defalk & deduct so much mony out of his her or their [blank] as they shall so lay out & disburse as aforesaid anything herein before conteyned to the Contrary notwithstanding
Item I give to the Poore Inhabitants of the foure towns bordering upon Wartnaby Meer that is to Ab Kettleby Welby, Saxelby & Nether Broughton [blank] to each Towne to be distributed amongst them at the Discression of the Church Wardens & Overseers of the poore of the said Townes to be payed unto them within one month next after my decease
Item I give unto my Cosen John Cant all my chayres & little Table [blank] celler
Item I give unto my servant Maide Hester Freeston the Some of Twenty pounds of lawfull English money yf she continue with mee untill my Death
Item I give and bequeath unto him or her that shall take the most pains with me & of me in my sickness [blank]
Whereas there was given by the last Will & Testament of William Neale Twenty pounds to John Stokes Sonne of Theodocia Stokes and hee nor his Children haveing butt Tenne Pounds in part thereof I doe therefore give & bequeath unto Bridgett Stokes Daughter of [blank] to be payed unto her within one yeare next after my decease
Item I give & bequeath unto Judith Ward Wife of Edward Ward the Some of Tenne Pounds to be disposed of as shee shall think fit to the poorest of the Kindred of the said William Neale deceased [blank]
And all the rest of my Lands Tenements Leases Anuities yearely rents profitts Comodities & hereditaments whatsoever with theire & every of theire Appurtenances which I the said Mathew Noble am owner or possessed of or which of right belongeth unto me my [blank] dischardged I give & bequeath unto my said Cosen Robert Pare & my said Cosen John Cant equally to be devided betweene them who I doo hereby make constitute & appoint my Executors of this my last Will & Testament hopeing that they will faithfully perform [blank] before herein conteyned
And I doe hereby nominate constitute & appoint my loveing freinds William Clarke of Abkettleby aforesaid Clerke and Robert Ireland of Melton Mowbray Gentleman to be Supervisors of this my last Will and Testament and I doe intreate [blank] assisting to my said Executors by theire advice & councell and yf hereafter there shall happen any Controversy Doubts Strife or Ambiguity in or concerning any part of this my last Will or in the due Interpritacon thereof between my Executors or amongst my friends [blank] or any of them about any former matter or for want of Due Disposicon in Law then I doe intreate my said Supervisors And I doe hereby authorise them to supply all defects therein and the same to expound compose resolve and absolutely to determine all or any [blank] and Controversies as they in their best Judgement shall thinke meete & convenient according to my true and plaine meaning or the nearest thereto that may be possibly Imagined and to heare and determine all Controversies and [blank] reason of any legacy guift or bequest before herein conteyned and such their determinacton to be absolutely byndeing to all partyes before herein menconed and for their Care and paynes therein I give and bequeath unto [blank]
In Wittness whereof I the said Mathew Noble have hereunto sett my hande and seale the day and year above writte
Mathew Noble
Sealed and delivered and published to be the last Will and Testament of the said Mathew Noble in the presents of us
Rob. Ireland
Edward Jackson
John Jackson
The marke of Hester Freestone