Richard Brown of Nether Broughton 1595 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/216/33
In the name of God Amen the xxxith day of August in the yeare of our Lorde god 1595 & in the xxxviith yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France & Irelande Queen defendrysse of the fayth &c I Richarde Browne of Neather Broughton in the counte of Leicester husbandman sick in body but hole in mynde do make this my last will & testament following
First I comitt my soule to almighty god my maker & redeemer & my body to by buryed in the church yarde of Broughton aforesayd
Itm I give & bequeath unto the church of the sayd Broughton xiid
Itm I give to John Browne my sone thirteene pounds six shillings & eight pence
Itm I give to Henry Browne my sonne thirteene pounds six shillings & eight pence
Itm I give to Robt Browne my sonne thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence
Itm I geve to Andrew Brown my sone thirteene pounds sixe shillings & eight pence
Itm I geve unto the parson for forgotten tythes vid
Itm I give unto every one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I give unto Elizabeth Ells my mayd servant iiiid
Itm all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give to Elizabeth my wyfe & to Willm Browne my sone & my will is that the sayd Elizabeth my wyfe & Willm my sonne shall take my ferme of the whole goods & that the sayd Elizabeth my wyfe shall remaine in the sayd ferme with the sayd Willim my sonne so long as she keepeth hir unmaryed
Itm my will is that yf any of my children do dye then there partes to remayne to the rest of their brethren
Itm I will that yf my wyfe do mary againe & can not have this ferme that then she pay the one halfe of the taking of a ferme of two yarde land for the sayd Willm my sone
Itm I make & ordaine the sayd Elizabeth my wyfe & the sayd Willm my sonne my full executors of this my last will & testament & I do request Willm Browne & Willm Scarborowe to be the overseers herof
These being Witnesses John Scarborowe Willm Browne William Scarborowe George Gamble
Probate 14 November 1595