Thomas Burbage of Scalford 1695 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1695
In the name of God Amen the 14th day of June 1695 I Thomas Burbidge of Scalford in the County of Leicester being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by these presents all and every Testament and Testaments, Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or by writeing, and this is to be taken only for my last Will and Testament and none other
And first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past, most humbly desireing forgiveness for the same I give and commit my soul unto Almighty God my saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and beleive assuredly to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveness of all my sins and that my soul with my body at the generall day of resurrection shall arise again with joy & through the merits of Christs death & passion possess & inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect and chosen and my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executrix hereafter named to appoint
And now for the setling of my Temporall estate and such goods & Chattels and debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me I do order, give and dispose the same in manner & form following (that is to say)
First I will that all those debts & duties as I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and payed or ordained to be payd within convenient time after my Decease by my Executors hereafter named
Item I give & bequeath to my Wife Mary Burbidg all my personall estate and my dwelling house and all things belonging to it for her life whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and Testament but with this consideration that my sd wife shall give leave to her son Tho: Burbidg and his Wife to live with her in the sd house during the Term of her life and in case of disagreement my Will is that my son and his wife shall remove into the two Bayes of building adjacent to the sd House making it habitable at their own cost and charges
And after my Wifes decease my Will is that my eldest Son Tho: Burbidg shall have the entry House and Parlour with one cow Pastour for him & his Heirs for ever, and the south side of the yard from the door to the Top of the Close & to have egress & regress through the gate into the sd yard and for want of such Heirs to the right Heirs of Tho: Burbidg sen: & Mary his wife
Item my will is that my son William Kitchin & Sarah his wife shall after my wifes decease have the two Bayes of Building Adjacent to the sd House and part of the North side of the yard for them to hold & their Heirs for ever lawfully begotten of their two bodyes and for want of such Heirs to the right Heirs of Tho: Burbidg and Mary his Wife And that the sd William Kitchin and Sarah his Wife shall defray all charges that Tho: Burbidg jn: shall have been at provided that the sd Tho: Burbidg maketh habitable the aforesd two Bayes
Item my Will is that after my Wifes deceased my Daughter Ann Burbidg shall have the two Bays of the Barn with a peice of ground belonging to it for her and her Heirs for ever lawfully begotten of her
And my will further is that all the aforesd inhabitants of the sd Tenaments shall have egress and regress to the Well without any disturbance
Item my Will is that after my Wifes decease the aforesd Tho: Burbidg, William Kitchin & Ann Burbidg shall pay to my son Francis Watchin and Mary Watchin my Daughter the Wife of the sd Francis the sum of one pound, and to Francis Watchin jun: Luke Watchin and Will: Watchin the sons of Mary Watchin my Daughter the sum of three pound to be equally devided between them, which foresd moneyes shall be payd them within a year after the Executrix decease by the aforesd Tho: Burbidg Will: Kitchin and Ann Burbidg
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written
The mark of Tho: Burbidg
In the presence of
Tho: Laxton Vicar
The mark of Mr Stephen Awood
The mark of Richard Kerk
Probate 26 September 1695