Margaret Colley of Holwell 1581 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Wills and Inventories 1581/21
A small amount of the right hand side of this will is missing. The usual format of wills means that the missing words can be approximately ascertained and, where this is possible, they have been included in square brackets
In the name of God Amen The fourth daie of March in the yeare of our Lord god 1580 and the xxiiith yeare of the raigne [of our Sovereign] Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Frannce and Ireland Quene Defendaresse of the faith &c I Margerit Colley [of Holwell in the] Countie of Leicester Wydowe beinge of whole mynde and in good and perfect remembrance praised be god therefore [do make and ordain] this my present Testament contayninge therein my last will in maner and fourme followinge
First I comende [my soul into the] hands of Almightie god maker of heaven and Earth and of all things contained there assuring my selfe [through the merits of] Christ Jesus our Saviour knowinge to be saved through him and by no other waies or meanes and my bodye to be [buried in the church] or Churchyarde of Abkettlebye assuring my selfe also that this same my bodye shall rise againe at the last daie unto [… …
Item I] geve to the poore mans’ Boxe of Abkettlebye and Holwell iis
Item I do forgeve John Smith my sonne in lawe xxs of that [… … …] the said John doth owe unto me uppon a certaine Bill of Covenante made betwene me and the said John [Smith
Itm I geve every] one of my children vid a peece and to everye one of my children’s children iiiid apeece
Itm I geve [… … …] which is at Willm Smarts
Itm I geve to Wm Cowlley my sonne xxxxs
Itm I geve to Margerie Coolye … [… … …]
Itm I geve to John Smythes wife my daughter in Lawe three strikes of Rye
Item I will that [… … …] an heireloome unto John Cowlley the sonne of John Cowlley late deceassed
Itm I will that John Collye and [… … …] howse wherein I now dwell yearlye for ever vid a yeare unto the poore people of Hollwell
[All the rest of] my goods unbequethed I geve to Marye Cowlley my daughter whome I make my full and whole [executrix of this my] last will and Testament
Itm I ordaine Robert Palmer of Warpnabie [sic] Supervisor of this my last will and [testament giving him for his] paynes xiid
These being witnesses: Robart Blankeley of Abkettlebye and Robart Morrice of the same with other [mo]
Probate 19 July 1581
The Inventorie of all the Goods Cattells an Debts or Margerit Colley of Hollwell in the Countie of Leic wydowe which departed this life the eight daie of Aprill 1581 and praised by these men whose names followe Willm Hurst, John Hurst, John Baylye and John Hollwell
First i matteris, ii Coverledds, iii pillowes, i paire of flaxen sheetes the price | xxs |
Itm iii harden sheets, i table napking, ii pillowberes the prise | iiiis |
Itm i brasse pott, iii pannes, ii candlestickes, ii salts, viii peeces of pewter | xxs |
Itm i chaire, i table, i fourme, i spit, i trespitt, iii cheesefatts | vs |
Itm i Cupbord, i Coffer | iiis iiiid |
Itm ii tubes | xvid |
Itm i bedstead with a strike & a halfe pecke and ii olde loomes | xiid |
Itm i sheepe hogge prise | iis viiid |
Itm i Acre of Barlye & a three Roode of Rye | xxiiis iiiid |
Itm her Apparrell | vs |
Itm i lynen whele, i cheeseheck, i swinglestocke | xvid |
Summa | iiii li viis |
Detts owinge unto her | |
Itm by John Smyth of Holwell | viii li |
Summa totalis | xii li viis |