Nicholas Harbee of Scalford 1599 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/220 page 50
In the name of god Amen I Nicholas Harbee of Scalford in the countye of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodie but whole in mind and of good and perfect memorye thanks be to god therefore do make and ordeine this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge
First I bequeathe my soule to allmightye god, and my bodye to be buried in the church yard of Scalford aforesaid
Itm I geve unto Alice Harbee my daughter v li to be paide her at mayday come twelve months
Itm I geve and bequeath unto Willm Harbee my sonne vi li so that he make clame of noe suche debts as I oughte him which yf he do claime them my will is that he shall have his debts payde him which I ought and noe further legacye and the legacye (yf he will … to it) to be payed at mayday come two yeares next after the date hereof
Itm I geve and bequeath unto Betterise Harbee my daughter v li to be payed at mayday come thre yeares nexte after the date hereof
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Margarett Harbee my daughter v li to be payed at the age of xxi yeares
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Sarah Harbee my daughter v li to be payed at the age of xxi yeares or else at the day of her mariage
Itm I geve and bequeath unto Mariery Harbee my daughter v li to be payed at the age of xxi yeares or else at the daye of her mariage
Itm I geve to Elizabeth my wife one baye cow one younge colte of two yeares old and one blacke horse, two ewes and lambs and two lambe hogges
Itm I geve to Elizabethe my wife and Thomas Harbee my sonne the lease of my farme I now dwell in in equall portions, except that my wife departe this life before the expiration and end of the terme of yeares, yet unexpired in the said lease which yf she doe then I geve and bequeathe (after her decease) the whole lease during the terme of yeares then unexpired unto my aforesaid sonne Thomas Harbee
Itm the rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts beinge payed and my funerals discharged I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabethe my wyfe and Thomas my sonne whom I make my full executors of this my last will and testament
Itm I will that Elizabethe my wife and Thomas my sonne shall occupie my farme and use my goods ioyntely together during her widowhood and his tyme beinge unmarried, but yf either of them marry then the yards and farme to be equallye parted and either of them to have equall portions and to be at equall charges in bringing up the rest of my children not able to helpe them selves
Further I will that yf either of my executors depart this life the goods being unseparated that yet it shalbe lawfull for either of them firste departing this life to dispose of the one halfe of my goods (which is his or her bequeathed portion) at his or her pleasure … … … … in my last will and testament which might or may hinder the same
Thes being witnesses to this my last will and testament
Wiam Birkes [Binckes?] marke
Robert Noble
Nycholase Robinsone
Probate 5 July 1599
An Inventorye of the goods and chattels of Nycholas Harbee of Scalford in the countye of Leicester husbandman taken and praysed the iiiith daye of June ano dni 1599 By us Willm Neale yeoman Sethe Hosse yeoman Robarte Noble husbandman and Raffe Gilbarte husbandman
In primis his apparell | xxs |
In the hall | |
Itm one table with cheares formes Stoles and cushenes | xiiis |
Itm one cobboard with payneted clothes | iiiis |
Itm xvii peeces of pewtare & porringers, one basan iii sawsers one pewter salte | |
iii candlesticks | xvis |
Itm the fireiron and hinges | xviid |
In the kitchen | |
Itm iii potts iiii pannes iii kettles | liiis iiiid |
Itm one payre of quernes | xs |
Itm dishes, spoones, trenchers, a salteing troffe, with other implements in the kitchen | xiiis iiiid |
Itm one old lead | vis viiid |
In the parloure | |
Itm x payre of flaxen and hempen sheets | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm iiii payre of harden sheets | viis |
Itm vi napkins iii boardeclothes two towels vi flaxen pillow beares iii other | |
pillow bears | xviis |
Itm the bedsteads with the furniture | xxvis viiid |
Itm ii matrises and one quilte | xxs |
Itm ii bolstars and v pillowes | xs |
Itm iiii coffars and the painted clothes | xs |
Itm iii bottils | iiis |
Itm one fryeing panne and small gavellock | xvid |
In the chamber | |
Itm the barley maulte rye and wheat therein | xxviiis |
Itm one bedspread ii chese cratches and the chest | iiiis |
Itm v bacon flitches | xxvs |
Itm iii broches and one paire of cobyrons | iiis iiiid |
Itm one brandyron | xviiid |
Abroad in the yard and other places | |
Itm the coles | xxs |
Itm two olde carts | liiis iiiid |
Itm the charte geares and ploughe geares ii shares and … and one ploughe | xviiis |
Itm the tymber for ploughe and carte | xiiis iiiid |
Itm the hovels palles and ladders | xxs |
Itm iiii younge swine | xxs |
Itm vii kine, one heckfer, and iii weaning calves | xs li |
Itm ii horses and one mare | ix li |
Itm one …clothe iii sacks, one stricke with sives and scuttles | vs |
Itm the cocke and hennes | iiis iiiid |
Itm iiii sheepe | xxvis viiid |
Itm the crope of corne and haye | xxiiii li |
Itm the lease of his farme | viii li |
Sum tolis | iiii xx iii li xvs vid |