Henson Andrew 1655 of Cropwell Bishop Will

Andrew Henson of Cropwell Bishop 1655 Will

The National Archives PROB 11/248/95

In the Name of God Amen the nineteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred & fiftie and foure I Andrew Henson of Cropwell Bishopp in the County of Nottingham yeoman being weake and sick in body but of good and perfect memory (praysed bee god) doe here constitute appointe and make my last will and testament (which I confirme to bee irrevocable) In manner and forme followinge vizt

First I commend my soule into the handes of Allmighty god my maker and Jesus Christ my redeemer Throughe whose merritts death and passion I hope to inioy the Inheritance of eternall life with those that are sanctified through faith in him and my body I commit to the earth, to bee buryed at the discretion of myne Executor

And concerning all my estate wherewith god hath blessed mee in this world I will bequeath and dispose of it and every parte and parcel thereof as followeth vizt

Imprimis I give and dispose unto Joseph Henson my eldest sonne all my Lands tenements and hereditaments scituate lying and being within the townes and territories of Cropwell Bishopp and Cropwell Butler and both of them togeather with all Meadow, pasture and Common of pasture, with all commons waies easements emoluments and appurtenances to the same or to any parte or parcel thereof belonging or in any wise apperteyninge To have and to hold the same and every parte and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances to him the said Joseph and his heires forever

Provided allwaies, that it is my will and pleasure, that Elizabeth my Lovinge wife doe and shall have occupie and enioy one third parte of my said Lands tenements and hereditaments with all and every the appurtenances as her dowry dureing the whole terme of her naturall life

Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Samuell Henson the full sume of fiftie poundes to bee paid him and his assignes in manner afterwards followinge That is to say Twenty pounds to bee paid upon or before the Twenty fift day of March next ensueing and twenty pounds upon or before the twenty fourth day of March in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred fiftie & six, and Tenn poundes upon or before the twenty fourth day of March in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand six hundred fiftie and Eighte

Itm I give and bequeath to my Sonne Richard Henson the sume of tenne shillinges in full satisfaction of his porcon or childs parte

Item I give & dispose unto John Astine and Elizabeth his wife the Summe of tenne shillings in full satisfaccon of his and her porcon or childes parte

Item I give and bequeath to Adrian Gamble and Anne his wife the sume of tenne shillings in full satisfaccon of his and her porcon or childs parte

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Holland and Mary his wife The like summe of tenn shillings in full satisfaccon of his and her porcon

Item I give and bequeath to John Dam.. the Sume of twenty pounds to bee paid to him at the end of one yeare after hee shall estate and infeoffe Grace his wife in his landes lyinge in Bulwell and the territories thereof together with every parte and parcell thereof with their appurtenances for and duringe the full time and terme of her naturall life and the heires of her body lawfully begotten or to bee begotten for ever

Item I give and bequeath to John Dam… and Grace his wife the summe of Tenne shillings in full satisfaccon of his and her porcon or childes parte

Item I give and bequeath to every of my grand children the sume of five shillings

Item all the rest of my goods Cattle and Chattles quicke and dead moveable and unmoveable (my debts beinge paid and my funerall expences being discharged) I give dispose and bequeathe unto Elizabeth my wife and Joseph my sonne to bee divided betwixt them in manner and forme followinge, That is to say, One third parte thereof I give and dispose to my said wife and the remayning two third pts to my said Sonne Joseph, makeing him the sole and full executor of this my last will and Testament hopeing that hee will performe all this my said will and pleasure faithfully to the utter of his ability

In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written

Memorandum these words (cattle and chattles) betwixt the fourth & fifth lines of this page were interlined before the sealeinge and publishing hereof


Anthony Wood

Andrew Henson

Sealed Signed published and read in the presence of

Anthony Wood

Robert Bestwick

This will was proved at London the ninth of June One thousand six hundred fiftie five Before the Judges for probate of wills and graunting Administracons lawfully authorized by the Oath of Joseph his Sonne and Sole Executor named in the said will, To whom was committed Administracon of all and singular the goodes chattles and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said Will hee being first sworne by Virtue of a Commission truely to Administer the same