Alice Hubbard of Harby 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217/57
In the name of god Amen the xxi day of October Anno dni 1596 and in the xxxviii yeare of the Raygne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande France and Ireland Quene deffender of the Fayth etc I Alice Hubbard of Harbie in the Countye of Leicester widow beinge sicke of body but in good and perfitt Remembrance thankes be to Allmighty god do ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and fourme followinge
First and most principally I bequeath my Soule into the handes of Allmighty god my Creator and redeemer And my body to be buried in the Church of Harbie aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath to my Sonne James Hubbard Ten poundes of lawfull Englysh mony to be payed unto hym by my Executor within one quarter of a yeare next ensuing after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my twoe dawghters Mary Watson and Isabell Hendshewe to eyther of them Ten pounds to be payed unto them as to my Sonne James
Item I give to the sayd Mary Watson my dawghter all my wollen apparel
Item I give to Katherine Hubberd the dawghter of James Hubberde xxs to be payed unto her at her age of xvi yeares
Item I give unto Eight of the Children of Mary Watson my dawghter vid James, Richard, Thomas, Willm, John, Alice, Mackline and Isabell Watson to eyther of them xxs to be payed at their age of xvi yeares
Item I give unto Precilla Watson fyve pounds of like lawfull Englyshe mony to be payed unto her at her age of Eyghteen yeares
Item I give unto the Three Children of John Hubberd my Sonne vid James, John, and Alice Hubbard to eyther of them xxs to be payed unto them as to the other
Item I give unto the dawghter of Isabell Hendshew xxs to be payed as aforesaid
Item I give unto my Sonne in Law Willm Boff xs to be [“paid” missing] unto him within one halfe yeare next after my decease
Item I give unto the five Children of the said Willm Boff to eyther of xxs to be payed to them at their [“age” missing] of xvi yeares
Item my will is that if any of my Childrens Children do decease before they come to their age of xvi yeares, that then the part of hym or her so deceased shall remayne to their brothers an Sisters remayninge Alive to be devided amonge them
Item I give unto Alice Boff and to Alice Watson to eyther of them a heifer but my will is that Alice Boff shall have the first Choyse
Item I give unto my god Children to eyther of them iiiid
Item I give unto my Servants now dwellinge with me to eyther of them vid to be payed to them Immediately after my decease
Item I give unto John Dawne one Ewe and a Lame to be delivered unto hym at tyme of the yeare
Item I give unto mye Sister Mary Bruen one Stricke of wheate
Item I give unto Francis Che… one stricke of wheate
Item I give unto Prudence Hichcocke fyve shillings which she oweth me
Item I give unto Margarett Brannstone one flaxen sheite
Item I give to the Three Children of the said Margarett to eyther of them a Lame
Item I give to the use of the Church iiis iiiid
Item I give to the poore people of Harbie xs
Item my will is that the tables and fourmes which are now in the Hall shall remayne to the use of the house forever
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed my dettes beinge payed my funerall discharged and this my Last will and Testament fulfilled I give and bequeath to John Hubberd my Sonne whome I make Sole executor of this my last will and Testament and I appoint Edwarde Nicolson and Edmunde Woode to be Supervisors to see that this my last will and Testament be fulfilled accordinge to my minde and they to have for their paynes eyther of them Two Shillings
The marke of Alice Hubberd
Theis beinge witnesses Henrie Phelps Edwarde Nicolson Richard Caunte
Probate 22 November 1596