John Hurst of Holwell 1731 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1731
In the name of God Amen I John Hurst of Holwell in the County of Leicester gentleman being in good health sound mind memory and Understanding praised be God for the Same do make and Ordaine this my last will and testament in manner & forme following That is to say
Impris I comit my soul into the hands of the Almighty, and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be interred as my Executrix hereinafter named shall thinke meet and Convenient And as for my estates both real and personall I dispose thereof as follows
Imprimis I give devise and bequeath unto my Loving sister Anne Hurst spinster All my Messuages Cottages Closes Lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with theire and every of their appurts in Holwell als Holywell aforesaid or else where in the said County in possession revercon remainder or expectancy and Unto the heirs of her body and for want or in default of Such heires I give the same premisses and every part thereof with their every of their appurts unto my Nephew William Cant and his heires Subject Nevertheless and Upon this express Condicon and lyable to the payments of the Several Legacys and Sums of money and every of them and every part of them in manner and forme hereinafter menconed That is to say
I give devise and bequeath Unto my said Nephew William Cant and my Nephew John Cant Sons of my Sister Mary Cant Two hundred pounds to each of them one year next after the death of my Loving wife Mary and my brother William Hurst or either of them which shall first happen out of my Said Lands tenements and hereditaments and every of them
I also give devise and bequeath unto Elizabeth Godfrey and Susanna Godfrey daughters of my Sister Susanna Godfrey One hundred pounds to each of them one year after the decease of my said wife and brother William Hurst or either of them which shall first happen out of my aforesaid Lands tenements and hereditaments and every of them
And my will and mind is and I doe further give devise & bequeath unto my said Nephew John Cant the Sume of Two hundred pounds one Year next after my said Nephew William Cant & his heirs as aforesaid shall enjoy the imeadiate freehold and inheritance of the aforesaid Lands tenements hereditaments and premisses or any part or parcell of them to be paid out of my said Lands and tenements over & above the said two hundred pounds herein before by me given unto my said Nephew John Cant
Item my will & mind is That if my personal estate shall fall short & not be sufficient to pay my debts Upon Specialtys and Simple contracts Then & in such case I do hereby Subject & charge my said Lands tenements hereditaments and premisses with their and every of their appurts and every part of them with the true just and full payment of them and every of them and every part and parcell of them & every of them And do hereby will authorise Order and impower my said Sister Anne Hurst to borrow & take up at interest on mortgage or mortgages in Fee or for years of the aforesaid premisses or such part thereof or by Sale of the said premisses or such part thereof As she shall at her will & pleasure thinke most convenient & necessary so much and such sume and sums of money as shall and will be sufficient with my personal estate (after my funeralls & legacies paid and discharged) to pay off and discharge all my said debts and every part of them as aforesaid any thing hereinbefore conteined to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding
Item my will & mind is and I hereby will & devise that the sume of twenty shillings a year for ever hereafter without any deduccon or abatement in any wise shall be paid out of my Close in Holwell als Holywell aforesaid called Cole’s Stonepitt Close in the tenure of William Colly conteining about four acres to and for the uses ends intents and purposes following That is to Say To and for the placing and putting out to Apprentices to such trades callings and imployments such poor Child and Children that now are or hereafter shall be borne in Holwell als Holywell aforesaid in such manner and forme and to and for the use and benefitt of such Child & Children as aforesaid As such person & persons & his her & their heires to whom the Imeadiate freehold of the same Close shall at any time or times hereafter apperteine and belong shall seem meet and convenient The first payment thereof to begin and be paid Upon the Nine and twentieth day of September come twelve months next after my decease any thing herein before conteined to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding
Item my will and mind is and I do give and bequeath unto my Laborers William Colly Edward Cowly & Edward Bristoe severally who usually worke laboring worke for me over and above any Sume of money that shall be due from me to them for worke at my decease the full sume of forty shillings to each of them to be paid within twelve mouths next after my decease Provided they every one of them shall be my usual Laborers at the time of my decease
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Loving wife the Bed bedstead and bedding and usual furniture in the best Chamber in the House where I now live together with two pair of sheets
Item all the rest & residue of my personal estate not hereinbefore by me given & bequeathed I give devise and bequeath unto my said sister Anne after payment of my debts and funerall expences And I doe hereby make constitute and appoint my said sister Anne full & Sole Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking All former wills & testaments by me made
In Witness whereof I the said John Hurst have to this my last will and testament put my hand and seale the fourth day of February in the 13th year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George by the grace of God of Great Britaine France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Annoq Dni 1726
John Hurst
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Hurst for and as his last will and testament in the presence of us who all of us in his presence have hereunto set our names as Witnesses, memorandum these words viz: and Legacies, were interlined before the sealing and delivery hereof
Wil: Cheselden
Richd Cheselden
John Smith jun
Probate August 1731