Richard Hurst of Holwell 1578 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1578
In the Name of God Amen the xxixth daye of June 1578 I Richard Hurst of Hollwelle in the countie of Leicester yoman whole of mynde and of good and perfecte remembrance do make this my laste wyll and Testamente in manner and forme followinge
Fyrste I beqethe my soule to Allmightie gode my onelie Savioure and my Redemer and my bodye to be buried in The Churche of Apekettelbye in the said countie of Leicester
Itm I gyve to the Churche of Kettelbie vis viiid
Itm I gyve to the poore there iiis iiiid
Itm I gyve to the Chappell of Hollwelle xs and to the poore there iiis iiiid
Itm I gyve to the poore of Wartenabie iiis iiiid
It I gyve to everie one of my brothers and systeres children a lambe
Itm I gyve to my brother Clerkes two sonnes too Lambes
Itm I gyve to Mr Ralffe Segrave of Scalforde my beste ewe
Itm I gyve to my syster Alice Dovie one paire of flaxen sheets and a …
Itm I gyve to everie one of John Wyles children a lambe
It I gyve to everie godchild I have vid
Itm I gyve and bequiethe to Alice Hurste my mother one messuage with a Cottage with all landes medowes pastures feadinges closures and rents with all other the appurtenances whatsoever belonging or appurtayninge to the saide medowe in the tenure and occupacon of Robert Crosse & Bartholmewe Crosse his sonne during her naturall lyffe and after her decease to remaine to John Hurst my brother and to the heires males of his bodye lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires males of his body lawfullie begotten to remayne to my Dowghter Marie Hurste and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten then to remayne to Margerie Perpoynte my Syster and to the heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten Then to remayne to Willm Hurste my brother and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten to the rights heires of me the saide Richard for ever uppon this condicon hereafter followinge and nott otherwise
That my sayde mother Alice Hurste do make or cause to be mayde before the feaste of all Sts nexte ensuing my deceasse a full perfect sure good & lawfull assuerance in the lawe in fee simple of one messuage or ferme, and of one Cottage lyinge and beinge in Ablekettellbye in the countie of Leicester with all howses orchards, gardaines landes, medowes pastuers fedinges, closures commones toftes croftes territories & whatsoever belongethe or appurtaynethe to the same now in the Tenure and occupacon of John Pares or this assignes unto Willm Hartoppe and Valentine Hartoppe of Burton Lazars in the countie of Leicester yomen to the use and behowfe of Marie Hurst my dowghter and to the heires of hir bodye lawfullie begotten, and for lacke of heires of her bodye Lawfullie begotten Then to remayne to Margerie Perpoynte my Syster and to the heirs of hir bodye lawfullie begotten, and for lacke of heirs of her bodye lawfullie begotten then to remine to Willm Hurst and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten: and for lacke of heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten to the Right heires of me the saide Richard for ever
And yf yt shall happen no such assuerance to be mayde by my mother Alice Hurste as is aforesaid or the said assurance which shalbe then made by my sayde mother unto Willm & Valentine Hartoppe as is aforesaid to be unperfected and nott founde good whereby my said dowghter Marie shall nott quietlye enioye the said lande in Apekettelbye aforesaid according to the trew meaninge of this my laste will and Testament then I wyll that my lande in Holwell before bequethed to my mother during her lyffe and then to my brother John upon the condicon before reheresed shall whollie discende and come to my said dowghter Marie Hurst and to the heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten
And for lacke of heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten Then to remaine to John Hurste my brother, and to the heires of his Bodye lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten To my Syster Margerie Perpoynte and to the heires of her body lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten to William Hurst and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten And for lacke of heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten Then to remaine to the heires of me the said Richarde for ever
And further I wyll that yf thafforesaide assuerance shalbe founde good and perfect according to lawe That the said Willm and Valentine Hartoppe shall bestowe the rente of the said ferme in ApeKettelbye aforesaide towards or in the good educacon and bringinge upp of my said dowghter Marie
And also I wyll that my mother and my brother John or eyther of them theire heires executors administrators or assignes shall paie yerelie as muche monie over and beside the said rente as shall annswer the whole charges of my sayde dowghters bringinge uppe
Also I gyve & bequiethe to my sayde dowghter Marie one hunderethe & tenne pounds of good and lawfull monye of Englande to be payed to Valentine Hartope to thuse of the said Marie Hurste my dowghter the saide Valentine enteringe into bonde to my executors to repaie the same to the saide Marie at the daye of hir marriage or to hir assignes Provided that yf she departe this worlde after she come to the adge of fyftene yeres before she marrie or come to thadge of xxi yeres makinge no will then to remayne to John Hurste my brother as followethe that is to saye lv li at or within one halfe yere nexte after she shall come to thadge of xvten yeres and the other lv Ii within one whole yere then nexte after
Further I will that the saide Marie Hurste my dowghter shall remaine with my saide mother until she come to thadge of fyftene yeres Then the saide Valentine Hartope to have the kepinge and custodie of the saide Marie until she be married or come to thadge of xxiti yeres
Further I wyll that me saide executors shall keep my saide dowghter Marie at schole untill she come to thadge of xii yeres
Also I will that my saide dowghter Marie shall not marrie withowte the consents of Mr Ralfe Segrave of Scalforde Willm Hartope & Valentine Hartoppe
And also my wyll is that yf Roberte Crosse and his wyffe doe survive the years that he haithe in his howse that then they shall enioye the said fearme during theire naturall lyves or the longer lyver of them paying thaccustomed rente & kepinge reparacons and doynge other things appertayninge to a Tenante to doe
The reste of my goods unbequethed my debts and my Legacies discharged & funeralls done I gyve and beqethe unto Alice Hurste my mother and John Hurste my brother whom I make and ordaine my full executors of this my Laste wyll and Testament
Also I will that Willm Hartoppe and Valentine Hartoppe shalbe supervisors of this my laste wi
Theise beynge wyttnesses Willm Hartoppe Valentine Hartoppe John Neale Willm Hurste with others
Probate Leicester 12 August 1578