Robert Hyde of Saxelby 1601 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/223/9
In the name of god amen The xviith day of June Ano Dom 1601 I Robt Hyde of Saxulbye doe make this my Last will and Testament in the manner and forme following
First I give and bequeathe my Soule into the hands of allmightye god and my Bodye to be buried in the Churche yard of Saxulbye aforesayd
Itm I give to my Sonne John Hyde v li to be payd at the age of Sixteene yeare
Itm I give unto Thomas Hyde v li to be payd at the age of Sixteene yeare
Itm I give unto Elyzabeth Hyde my daughter v li to be payd at the age of Sixteen yeare
I give also to my sayd daughter Elyzabeth my Best Brasse Pott and the best cawdron or pann, and foure of the best pewter platters, and the best duble sault seller and a Common playne bedsteede with a mattris and a payer of flaxen sheetes and a payer of hemppe sheetes & a payer of harden sheetes & a Coverled and a Blanckett with a boulster and ii pillowes with the pillowe beares for the sayd pillowes
The rest of my goods and Cattels unbequeathed I doo give to my wyffe Elyzabeth Hyde whome I make full executrixe of this my last Will and Testament and furthermore my mynde is that if any of my sayde Three Childeren dye before the age of Sixteen yeare then that the part or sume of monye of him or hir so deceased shall remayne unto the other ii Childeren and yf any of the sayd twoo Childeren doo decease then that the sayd whole sum of monye shall remayne to the Longer Liver of the sayd three Childeren
In Witnes wheareof to this my last will and Testament I have putt my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written
Robt Hide his marke
Sealed in the presens of
William Bond
Edward Dalton
Nathaniel Rutland
George Rodelye
Probate 17 October 1601