John Ireland of Nether Broughton 1571 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/262/21
In the name of god amen and in the yere of our lorde god 1571 and on the xiiith daye of July I John Irelande of Nether Browghton sicke in bodye but whole in mynde and of good and perfecte remembrance do make this my laste wyll and testament in manner and forme folowynge That is to saye
Firste I bequethe my sowle to god who is my redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the churche yearde of Browghton aforesaid
Also I geve to the mother churche of Lincolln iiiid
Also I geve to the poore mens box iid
Also I geve my goods to be devided in to iii partes The one parte to my iiii children The other parte to bringe me to the grownde and the thirde parte to my wyffe
The reste of my goods unbequethed I geve to my wyffe whom I do make the full executrixe of this my laste wyll
Wittnes hereof be theise John Smythe Richard Smythe and Willm Wright
Probate Leicester 2 August 1571 to Margaret executrix and Thomas Ireland