Joan James of Harby 1614 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/237/75
In the name of god Amen this xiith of September anno Domini 1614 I Jone James of Harbe in the County of Lester syck of body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be to god do make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme foloing
First I bequeth my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker and only redeemer and my body to be buried in the parish churchyard of Harbey aforesaid
Ite I geve and bequeth unto Margery Blankly the wiff of Willym Blankly xs to be payd within one twelve months after my decease
Ite I geve unto the Children of Willym Blankly xiid apeece to be payd one twelvemonth after my decease
It I geve unto Ann Oxly the wiff of Thomas Oxly xs and to his v children iiiid a peece to be payd as aforsayd
It I geve to my sonne Jhon James one heyffer to fech him away when he will
The rest of my goods and Chattells unbequethed I geve to my thre chilldren Jhon Isbell and Ellin to be equally devided amongst them and I do make my sonne Jhon James my full executor of this my last will and testament my depts being payd and my funeral expences dyscharged and I apoynt Thomas Cam and Jhon Groves supervisers of this my last will to looke that my goods be equally devided amongst my chilldren according to the true meaning of my will and the sayd supervysors to have xiid apeece for ther paynes
In witness wherof hereto have sett my hand the day and yeare above written
Jone James
Georg Ormrod
Thomas Came
Jhon Groves
Probate 18 October 1614