Alexander Jarvis of Eaton 1623 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/65
February 10th 1622
In the name of god Amen I Alexander Jarvis of Eaton in the Countie of Lecester husbandman, beinge sicke in bodie, but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorie (Thankes be given to god) doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner and fourme followeinge
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker, hopeinge to be saved by the merritts of the death and passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer and by no other meanes and my bodie to the earth from whence it Came, and to be buried in the Churchyard of Eaton aforesd
It I give to the Church of Eaton iis
It I give unto the poore of Eaton iiis iiiid
It I give unto James Jarvis the sonne of Thomas Jarvis of Statherne deceased my kinsman 2 ewes neither of the best nor of the worste, to be delivered unto him at Martilmas next after my decease, and allso a paire of graye breeches, with the doublet and Jerkin suitable thereto
It I give unto Bridgett and Isabell his daughters my kinswomen xxs a peece
It I give unto Thomas Jarvis my sonne in lawe all the Implements in the house and upper parler (exceptinge the bed which he lieth in)
It I give unto John Moare of Claxton my best suite of apparrell hoase Jerkins and breeches and to Francis his wife my daughter in lawe as much houshold stuffe as shall be estimated worth xxs
It I give unto Elizabeth Jarvis my daughter in lawe that Coffer which she hath now in use and another Coffer that standes now in the Chamber and a paire of hempen sheets
It I give unto Agnes Jarvis my daughter in lawe the Coffer at my bed side, the bigger brasse potte, and the best board Cloath
It I give unto Alice Jarvis my daughter in lawe the Cubboard in the house the bedstead in the upper parlour with the furniture to it my Coffer the Christeninge sheete with 2 pillow beares, and one towel
All the rest of my goods whatsoever, my debts paied, my legacies discharged, the Church satisfied, and my bodie decently brought to the ground I give unto Margaret Jarvis my wife whom I make full and soule executrix of this my last will and testament the daye and yeare first above written in the presence of Thomas Caunte Clrk and Robt Sympson and Richard Tompson whom I appointe and ordeine Supervisors hereof
Probate Melton Mowbray 1 April 1623
The true and perfect Inventory of the goods of Alexander Jarvis late of Eaton deceased, praised and valued the 24th of February 1622 by Anthony Marriott Robt Sympson and Richard Tompson as followeth
The parlour | |
Impris his purse and apparel | xxs |
It 5 flaxen sheets, 7 pillow beares 2 flaxen towels, 2 flaxen board Cloathes & 2 diaper towels | xxxs |
It 6 paire of hempen and midlinge sheetes, & 3 napkins | xxis |
It 2 bedsteads and their furniture | xxs |
It one mattrisse, one Coveringe, & 2 boalsters | xs |
It 2 Coffers, one boxe and a Chaire with a table | vis |
It one bedstead in the upper parlour with the Cloathes | xs |
It one Chist there with 2 little Coffers | iiiis |
The house | |
It a tub | vs |
It one great pan | xvis |
It 3 litle pannes | vs |
It 2 brasse potts | vis |
It 4 great platters with 4 lesser | viiis vid |
It 4 porringers one Candlestick with 3 litle peices of old pewter | iis vid |
It one Cubboard there a litle fall board, one Chaire, the fire reckins with the Implements there | xvis |
In the yard and field | |
It Corne and haye | xxxs |
It 2 kine | iiii li |
It 20 sheep | iii li |
It Corne sowen and land readie to sowe | xxs |
It thinges forgotten | iiis iiiid |
Suma | xviii li xviiis iiiid |