Andrew Kirby of Kinoulton 1659 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/294/337
In the name of God Amen I Andrew Kirkby of Kinalton in the County of Nottingham Labourer doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of Almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth from whence it came and for my worldly goods That god hath lent mee I give in manner and forme following
First I give to my sonne William Kirkby the sume of twenty poundes to bee paid him when he comes to the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give him five poundes more to bee paid at the age of foureteene yeares towards putting him an Apprentice if hee have a mind of a Trade and my will is That my wife shall have the interest of all the monies given to him till the dayes of payment
Item I give to my daughter Margarett the sume of fifteene poundes to bee paid when she shall accomplish the age of Twenty yeares And my will is alsoe that my wife shall have the interest of it till the day of payment for their better educacon
I give to my Goddaughter Dorothy [no surname given] three shillings
For all the rest of my goods and Chattells not given nor bequeathed I give to Margarett my wife whome I make sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I intreate my Loveing freindes Robert Kirkby of Claxton in the County of Leicester Clerke and Robert Parr of Kinalton Clerke to bee overseers for my Children
In wittnes whereof I sett to my hand and seale the seaventh of February one thousand six hundred fifty eight
Moreover my will is That if the Overseers of this my will vizt Robert Kirkby and Robert Parr shall see heare and conceive that my aforesaid Children William and Margarett whalbee ill used and abused by any bad and … husband that shee shall happen to mary I meane my wife Then my will is that my Children shalbee putt forth to table and shall have allowed them out of my estate each of them five poundes per annum and to bee paid yearely for the space of five yeares
In wittnes whereof I sett to my hand and seal to this my last Will
Andrew Kirby his marke
In the presence of us
Robert Pare Clarke
William Kirkby his marke
John Welch his marke
The Twenty Seaventh day of July one thousand six hundred fifty & nine issued forth Letters of Administracon with the will annexed to William Kirkby the naturall and lawfull uncle and Curator lawfully assigned to William and Margaret Kirkby the naturall and Lawfull Children in minority of Andrew Kirkby late of Kinolton in the County of Nottingham Deceased To Administer the goods chattels and debts of the said Deced according to tenor and effect of the said will and dureing the minority and for the onely use and benefitt of the said William and Margarett Kitkby hee the said William Kirkby being first sworne by Comon truly to Administer &c Margaret the relict of the said Deced dyeing the same day that Andrew the deced dyed