Richard Orson of Nether Broughton 1609 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/231/59
In dei noie Amen the Seaconde day of Aprill Ao 1609 Regni dni … Jacobi dei gra Anglia Francie et Hibine Regis fedei defens &c Septime et Scotia Quadragisimo secondo I Rychard Orson of Neither Broughton in the countie of Leicester Laborer sicke in bodye but whole in mynde doe Constitute ordayne And make this my Laste Will and Testament in manner and forme folowinge viz
First & principally I doe yelde and bequethe my soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker And Redemer Trustinge that he will eccepte it and Receve it unto hym selffe & place it amongst the number of his Holye Anngles and blessed Saints not for anye worthynes that is in me, But for the worthynes of Christ Jesus my onlye Redemer and Saviour
And as for my bodye I doe commend it to the ground from whence it Cam, Trustinge lykewyse that my Lorde & Saviour will Raise it upp at the laste daye and make it lyke in all poynts unto his glory… bodye willinge that it may be buryed in the Churche yarde of Nether Broughton afoer said
Itam I geve and bequeath to the perishe Churche of Nether Broughton xiid
Also I will that my Wyffe Margarit Orson shall have my howse duringe her widdowe hoode
Also I make my Wyffe my full and soule executrix of this my Last will and Testament
Also my will is that Mr Thorne Andrew Wright Henry Broune And Thomas Wright the yonger Supervisers of this my Last Will and Testament
Also I will That Willm Orson my sonne be Joyned full executor with my wyffe
These beinge Witnesses Charles …ttall Henry Morris Andrew Wright Thomas Wright
Debtes owinge to the Testator
John Smythe of Broughton xxxvis iiiid
Ita Willm Smyth of Harbie iiiis
Sum iii li iiiid
Debts which the Testator dothe owe
Imprimis to Robte Armeson of Dalbie on Oules v li
It to Ryc Symson of Nether Broughton xxs
Ita To Elizabeth Orson my daughter xxss
Ita to Symon Garton of Lowddam liis
Sum ix li xiis
Probate Melton Mowbray 6 October 1609