John Robinson of Scalford 1580 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1580/6
In the name of god amen the xxxth daye of September ano dni 1580 I John Robenson of Scalforth in the countie of Lecester beinge sycke in bodye but of good and perfecte Remembrance the lorde be praysed Doe make and ordayne this my last wyll & testament in maner & forme folowinge that ys to wylle
Fyrste I Commende my sowle into the handes of almyghtye god my Creator Saviour and Redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the parishe church yarde of Scalforthe aforesaide
Itm I give and bequethe unto the mother church of Lyncolne | iid |
Itm I give and bequethe to Elizabeth my daughter | xiid |
Itm I give and bequethe to Jone my daughter | xiid |
Itm I give and bequethe to Anthoney Robinsonn my son | iiiid |
Itm I give and bequethe to Nicholas Robenson my son | iiiid |
Itm I give and bequethe to the children of the sayd Nicholas | viiid |
Itm I give and bequethe to my daughter Ann | iis |
Itm I gyve and bequethe to Marmeduke Robenson my son | vs |
Itm I gyve and bequethe to James Robensonne my sonn | vs |
Itm In consyderacion of bringinge up of my two youngest children I give & bequethe unto Ann Robenson my wyfe the reversion of the lease of my howse to inioye duringe the tearme and yeares therein specified and mencioned
Itm all my debts and legacies beinge payde & my funerall exspencis discharged, the one halfe of the reste of all my goodes movable and inmovable unbequethed and not geven I give and bequeth to Phyllype Robenson my sonne and to Margaret Robensonn my doughter equally to be devided betwixte them
Also the other parte thereof unbequethed & not give I five and bequeth to Anne Robensone my wyfe whome I make Solle and alone exsecutrix of this my laste will and testament
Also I constitute and appoynte for Supervisors of this my laste will Nicholas Muston & Hughe Collington and to ether of them for there paines taking therein I gyve iiiid
Debts which I doe owe
In primis to Mrs Barsaye of Notyngehame | iii li |
I doe owe Itm to Thomas Andrew of Garthorpe | xxxs |
Itm to Humfrey Pyppes of Melton | xxxs iiiid |
Itm to Raphe Wylde of Scalforth | xxs |
Itm to Ane Watchehorne dwelinge now in Scalforth | iiis |
Thes beinge wytnesses
Nicholas Muston Hughe Collington and Roger Thornell with others
An Inventorye of the goods and cattell moveable and unmoveable of Jhon Robinson of Scalforde in the county of Leicester weaver praised by Hughe Collington Willm Astell and Sethe Hosse the seconded daye of Januarye Ano doi 1580
In primis his apparell | vis viiid |
Itm in the Chamber ii beds with their furniture | xxxiis viiid |
Itm in the parlore ii beds with theire furniture and iiii coffers with other bede | |
hillings, blankets & pillowes | xliiis iiiid |
Itm iiii paire of flaxen shets and v paire of harden shets with other implements | xls |
Itm in the hall one cubborde and xvi peces of pewter one table, one forme one | |
cheare with trasons and boards and other woode | xliiis iiiid |
Itm vi candellstickes | vs |
Itm iiii pots v panes with other small things | xls |
Itm iiii spits, one fire yron, with hookes, and hinges | vis viiid |
Itm in the nether house chamber, one … with other woode | xxvis viiid |
Itm in the parlore nexte the kitchine one table with other implements | xs |
Itm one leade and a paire of quornes, with all bruinge vessels and other stuffe | xls |
Itm one mare and a fillye | xxvis viiid |
Itm ii kine | xlvis viiid |
Itm iiii swine | xxs |
Itm the corne in the barne and the haye | v li |
Itm a greate troughe and woode in the yarde | xxvis viiid |
Itm two spences with woode about them | vis viiid |
Suma | xxvi li xiid |