William Savage of Ab Kettleby 1577 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1577/102 and probate copy
In dei nominee Amen The xxiiiith daye of Januarye Anno dni 1578 and in the xxth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of Ynglande France and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c I Wyllm Savage of Abkettlebie in the countie of Leicester beinge sicke in bodie and in perfecte memorie thanked be god make and ordeine this my last will & testament in manner and forme folowinge
First I comend my soule unto almightie god trustinge to be saved by Jesus Christ and my bodie to be buried in the middle alye of the parishe churche of Abkettlebie aforesaid
Itm I geve and bequethe unto Willm Freman of Saxelbie one shepe
Item I give and bequethe unto Thomas Jurdaine of Wartnambie one lambe hogge
Itm I geve and bequethe unto Mr Holms one ewe
Itm I geve and bequethe unto my hostes Tubman one brasse pan and fortie pence in monie
Itm I geve & bequeth and I will that all sheperackes hovels and all wodden stuffe within my house and without remaine and shalbe heire lomes to my house
Itm I geve unto Edward Pickeforke one shepe and a shepe marke
Itm I geve unto Robt Cross my staffe and foure pence monie
Itm I geve unto the towne of Abkettlebie one gavelocke to the use of the comons of the same towne and the constable for the tyme beinge frome yeare to yeare to have the charge thereof
Itm I geve & bequethe unto everie godchild I have iiiid
Itm I geve unto Richard Hurst and his dawghter Marie two shepe
Itm I geve unto Jhon Hurst the sonne of Willm Hurst one shepe
Itm I geve unto Willm Nealle the sonne of John Nealle one featherbed one matteres and a boulster
Itm I geve and bequethe unto Margaret Tubman one lambe hogge
Itm I geve & bequethe unto Robert Harrison my best cotte
Itm I geve and bequethe unto John Nealle my sonne in law all suche houshould stuffe as is at his house
Itm I geve and bequethe unto John Downes of Melton xiid
Itm I geve and bequethe unto Agnes Clyffe a paire of nether stocks and two pickforks … the … stocks
Itm I geve and bequethe unto Elizabeth Tubman one brasse pott
Itm geve and bequethe unto Jone … one little … brasse pott which is at John Nealles
Itm I geve & bequethe unto Agnes Talles of Barrowghe ii shepe
Itm I geve and bequethe unto the children of John Nealle and the children of Nycholas Harbie which they had by Agnes and Margerie my dawghters all my goods movable to be divided unto them by equall portions and I will that Mr Segrave of Scalford shall have the overseeinge of that portion which Harbies children shall have and Harbie to have the use of them & to deliver them when the children shalbe come to lawfull age
Itm I geve and bequethe unto John Nealle & to the heares of his bodie lawfullie begotten by Agnes my dawghter and his wyffe laite deceased all that my house and messuage in Abkettlebye with one yearde lande and other inclosures and pastures and to their heires forever
Item I make & ordeine John Nealle my sonne in lawe whole and sole executore of this my last will and testament to see my debts paid legacies performed and my funerall discharged with my goods
In Wytnes hereof xpofer Homes vicar there, Richard Hurst Willm Stokesthelder Mr Edwarde Pickeforke
Probate Melton Mowbray 20 February 1577/8