John Wilford of Scalford 1748 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1748
In the Name of God Amen I John Wilford of Scalford in the County of Leicester Sheppard being weak in Body but of Sound mind and memory Doe make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament
First of all, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son John Wilford of Wikam all that my House Cottage or Tenement with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging Scituate Standing & being in Scalford aforesaid upon Condition of paying unto my Two Sons Edward Wilford & William Wilford and my Daughter Mary Wilford Five pounds a peice to him my said Son John Wilford his heirs an Assignes for ever upon Condition of his paying the aforesd Three Five pounds & not otherwise The Said Cottage House or Tenement & premises to Stand Ingaged for payment thereof
Item all my Live Stock I give to my Son Thomas Wilford paying to my Daughter Sarah Wilford five pounds
Item all my household goods & other dead goods I give and bequeath unto my Two Daughters Sarah Wilford & Mary Wilford to be Equally Devided betwixt them Share & Share alike
Item I give to my Son Mathew Wilford of Burton Lazeras one Shilling
All The Rest of my Real & personall Estate goods & Chattels whatsoever & wheresoever I give & bequeath to my foresaid Son John Wilford whom I make & ordain my whole & Sole Executor of this my Last will & Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this Tenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & forty Seven 1747
John Willford
Sealed and delivered by the within named John Wilford the Testator as his Last will & Testament in the presence of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto
William Dunsmore
Robart Draper
Tho: Pick
The 20th Day of April 1798 John Wilford the sole Executor within named was sworne
Before us Richard Grey