Thomas Yarwood of Eaton 1619 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1619/93
September 16 1618
In the name of god Amen I Thomas Yarwood of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester mason sicke in bodie, but of perfect good sense, and memorie praised be god, doe make and ordeine this my last will, and testament in writeinge in manner and fourme following
First and before all thinges, I Comende my soule into the mercifull hands of allmighty god, surely trusteinge, that for Jesus Christs sake, my sinnes shall be forgiven me, and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyarde of Eaton aforesd
It I give to the repaireinge of the said Church of Eaton two shilleinges sixe pence
It I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Eaton aforesd tenne shilleinges [about two words missing in fold] in the hands of the vicar and Churchwardens there successively [about two words missing in fold] use of the poore at their discretiones
It I doe give will and bequeath unto John Yarwood my grand Childe sixe pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence of lawfull English money to be payed unto him within seven yeares next after decease
It I doe give, will, and bequeath unto Henry Yarwood my grande Childe Sixe poundes thirteene shilleinges foure pence of lawfull English money to be payed unto him, within fourteen yeares next after his [sic] decease
It I give will and bequeath unto Thomas Yarwood my sonne all my landes, meadowes, pastures, Comons, and Comon of pastures, with their, and every of their appurtenances in Eaton, and in the fields, and parish thereof, which I bought had and purchased of Thomas Caunte, now vicar of Eaton aforesd To have and to holde the said landes, meadowes, and all other the premisses, unto him the said Thomas Yarwood, and to his assignes, for and dureinge the whole tearme and time of the life natural of him the said Thomas Yarwood my sonne
It I give will and bequeath unto Thomas Yarwood my grande Childe, all and singuler my landes, tenements, meadowes, pastures, feedeings, Comons, and Comon of pasture with their and everye of their appurtenances aforesd To have and to holde all and singler the said landes, tenements, meadowes, pastures, feedeings, Comons and Comon of pasture with their, and every of their appurtenances unto him the said Thomas Yarwood my grandechilde, and to his heires, and assignes for ever, after the decease of his said father, my sonne Thomas Yarwood
It I give will and bequeath unto Bridget Cooke of Statherne one blacke Cowe, and foure ewes and to her two Children two lambe hogges
It I give will and bequeath unto Dorathy Spreckley my daughter one Coverled, one blanquette, one mattrisse, one paire of sheets, and to hir 5 Children five lambe hogges
It I give will and bequeath unto Jane Sharpe my daughter one ewe, and to hir sonne one ewe, and to hir daughter one lambe hogge
It I give unto Jane Yarwood my grandechilde one ewe
All the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable whatsoever, my debts payed, legacies performed, and funeral expences discharged I give, will, and bequeath unto Thomas Yarwood my sonne, whom I make my full and sole executor of this my last will, and testament
In witnes whereof I have set to my hande and seale the daye, and yeare first above written
Red, sealed, and signed in the presence of
Anthony Hotchkin
Jerome Potter
Probate Leicester 7 April 1619