Richard Alsetson of Harby 1545 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1545
In dei noie amen the xiii day of May In the yere of owr lord mdxlv I Robertt Alsetson of Hardby In the countye of Leicester make my last wyll & testamentt In thys manner & Forme foloyng
Fyrst I bequethe my soll to almyghty god to owr lady Sancte Mary and to all the holye compenye In heaven & my bodye to be buryed In the Churche yard of owr lady In Hardby
Also I bequethe to the hygh auter of Hardby vid
Also to owr mother churche of Lyncoln iiiid
Also to the churche of Hardby iiis iiiid
Also to the churche of Staturn xiid
Also to the church of Heosse xiid
Also to Wyllm Dove hys wyff a Cowe
Also to Thomas Dey wyff and chyldryn a quarter of barle
Also to Wyllm Spencer a quarter of barle & a quarter of beaness
Also to Robertt Rous & hys child a quarter of barle
Also to Als Dubulda ii kye & a calff
Also to Als Cantt a wenyng calf
Also to every one of my god chyldren iid
Also to Rychard Dobulda ii oxen that were boght at Grantham & ii kye & a steyr and a wayne & he to have halffe the farme with my wyffe at the next falowe after my dysseasse & to have toward hys seyd fowre quarter of barle & ii quarter of wheat
Also to Wyllm my brother my best Jakyt & a payer of hose
Also to Thomas Wat[rest of word missing] and Elsabeth halff a quarter of barle
The resydew of my goods I leave with my wyff & Rychard Dobulday & make them my executors
Rychard …son to be oversear & he to have for hys labor iis
Theys wytnesse Sir Thomas Bayle Wyllm Burdon Thomas …
Thys the Inventtorye of the goods of Robart Elsytsone of Hardby praassyd by thes iii Indefferent men Robart Dowbledey Rychart Stanhope Thomas How… Wyllm Dowbledeye
In primis iiii oxene | iiii li |
Itm iii steres | xls |
Itm viii kyne | iiii li |
Itm iii quyes & a steare | xxiiiis |
Itm iii weanynge calves | viis |
Itm ii horssys and iii mars | ls |
Itm ii yearlynge fyllys | viiis |
Itm ii shepe | iiiis |
Itm vii swyne | xiiiis iiiid |
It a sowe & x shotts | xiiiis |
Itm xviii gees | vs |
Itm x duks | xvid |
Itm xii heens & a coke | iis |
Itm the wheat in the barne | iiii li |
Itm the barlye in the barne | v li |
Itm the peasen & the beans | xxxs |
Itm viii aker of wheat | xls |
Itm a wayne a plughe & harras & yoks | xxs |
Itm brasse & pueter | xxs |
Itm in beddynge & shets & other napprye ware | xxvis viiid |
Itm bords & formes & othere hosholde stuffe | xs |
Sum totalis | cxxxii li xvs viiid |