John Bailey of Eaton 1672 Will and Inventory
There are two different John Bailey of Eaton wills proved in 1672 and two inventories taken on 31 May 1672. One of the inventories is attached to a bond which states the executor and so it has been possible to assign that to the relevant will. Only one burial has been found at Eaton at the right time, on 21 May 1672.
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1672
In the name of god Amen I John Bealy of Eaton in the County of Lecester husbandman being sick and weake in body but whole and perfict in memory and understanding thankes bee given unto allmighty god for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament this three and twenty day of February in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred Seaventy and one in manner and forme Followinge
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty god my maker hopeinge to bee saved by the merits of the death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and by noe other meanes and my Body to the earth from whence it came and to bee Buried in the Church yeard of Eaton aforesaid
Item First I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Bealy Six Ewes and Lambes now at this present Springe to have and twenty pounds in money to be paid by my Sonnes William and Thomas unto her to have at the age of foure and twenty yeares after my discease
Item my will and minde is that Elizabeth my wife shall have her dwelling and continuall abode in this said house with my Sonnes William and Thomas and to have the previlidge and Free liberty as to bee the Cheefe guide and governor of the house with them dureinge the term of her mortall life and that shee shall bee found upon the propper cost and chardges of my sonnes William and Thomas and that they shall finde her meate drinke and apparrell good and Sufficient washinge & wringinge and all other necessaries dureinge her life and as oft as need shall require likewise my will and minde is that William and Thomas my sonnes shall pay her yearely ten shillings dureinge her life for her part and portion at two several Feasts or times that is to say at Michallmas five Shillings and at the Annunciation of Mary the Virgine five shillings and that they shall keepe her two ewes and lambes yearely as longe as she lives at there propper cost and chardges and finde her Imployment to worke for them and it is my minde that my wife shall have two strikes of corne yearly the one of Barly and the other of Rie as longe as she lives to bee at her owne dissposeinge and it is my will that my wife shall have the use of that part of goods which shee brought with her the livery cubbard, all the rest which shee brought, it is my will that shee shall have the disposure of them to whom shee thinketh good
Item I give tenn shillings to the poore of Eaton to bee given unto them within one yeare after my discease and the use of it as longe as the world indureth
Item I give to the church of Eaton to provide some necessaries wanting there as a lininge table cloath and therefore I give five shillings towards the provideinge of one, to be given according to the discretion of my executors and it is my will for a Sermon at my Funeral which I have spoaken to Mr Holden for
Item I give unto William and Alce Bealy one ewe and lambe to have betwixt them after my discease
Item it is my will and minde that my two Sonnes William and Thomas shall continue and have theire aboades togeather in this saide house and liveinge until one of them can bee better provided and when they doe part the owne [sic] from the other then to have the goods equally devided betwixt them and hee who shall part and remove from it the first shall have twenty marke more then [sic] his halfe of goods comes to; By the oversight of Robert George and John Bealy theire Brother whom I doe request and appoint to bee supervisors of this my last will and testament beseechinge the said Robert George and John Bealy my sonne to bee aidinge and assistinge my executors in all kindes of causes good and lawfull whatsoever
And all the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable my Cattells and Chattells whatsoever unbequeathed my debts beinge paid my Legacies and Funerall dischardged I give them wholly unto William and Thomas my sonnes whom I have ordained and doe appoint to bee the trewe and lawfull executors of this my last will and Testament and in the presence of these wittnesses I have put to my hand and marke unto this my last will and Testament the day and yeare above written
John Bealy his marke and Seale
John Holden minister
Robert George
John …ire his marke
Item upon considaration this beinge thought of afterwards: therefore it is my desire to have it annexed unto the rest of my will which is this: that my Sister Ellen Bealy shall continue in that said litle house where shee is, paying halfe a crowne a yeare unto my executors at Saint Michall the Archangele
Probate Leicester 10 July 1672
Maye 31th 1672 A trewe and perfect Inventory of all the goods and Chattles that John Bailie of Eaton in the County of Leicester husbandman late deceased: estimated and praised by us: whose names are underwritten
£ | s | d | |
Impris his purse and Apparrell | 2 | 0 | 0 |
In the Hall A table & a frame a furme a Setle a chaire & a litle table & a Cubbard | 1 | 0 | 0 |
In the parlour one Bedsted and furniture thereunto belonginge a livery Cubbard | |||
a litle table a Chaire & two buffit stooles | 2 | 10 | 6 |
Item one presse three Chests and a box eight paire of hempen & Flaxen sheetes | |||
a dosen of napkins fowre yeards of hempen and Flaxen Cloath | 6 | 6 | 8 |
Item in the Chamber two Bedsteads and bedinge thereunto belonginge | 1 | 13 | 4 |
In the Store Chamber three Bakon Flickes and a halfe Butter Cheese mault and | |||
other implments seene and looked upon there | 4 | 2 | 6 |
Item in the kitchen two pottes three brasse pannes pewter and other | |||
implements Irons at the fire and some other necessaries | 4 | 13 | 4 |
Item in the Dearie milke vessels earthen vessels brewinge vessels Barrells other | |||
things | 2 | 6 | 4 |
Item in the yeard ould fire wood & coales and ash polles and other offle wood | |||
there | 2 | 6 | 8 |
Item two Carts and Geeres plowe and plowe Geeres harrowes sheepe cribbes | |||
and other implements belonginge to husbandrye | 6 | 6 | 8 |
Item Corne and grasse in the feild and towne | 43 | 6 | 8 |
Item five mares and two Geldings worth | 16 | 0 | 0 |
Item five Cowes five Heffers three yerlinge heiffers and foure wained Calves | 20 | 6 | 8 |
Item three swine hogges and a pigge & pullen | 2 | 4 | 0 |
Item Eleaven todd of wooll valewed | 7 | 10 | 0 |
Item Bees and things forgotten and not seene | 0 | 6 | 8 |
Sum | 153 | 0 | 4 |
John Holden minister
William Charter
Robert George