Elizabeth Berry of Hose 1571 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/262 page 5
In the name of god amen the xxvii daye of Februarie and in the yere of our lorde god 1570 I Eliz Berye of Hoosse in the countie of Leic Widowe sicke in bodye but of a hole and perfecte remembrance doe make my laste will & testament in maner & forme folowynge
First I bequeth my sowle to almightie god & my bodye to be buried within the churche yerde of Hosse
It I bequeth to Margerie Arnolde a red hecfore
It I bequeth to Richard Leake my godson 1 shepe
It I bequethe to Willm Arnall one table borde and and chere
It I bequethe to John Arnall a bed stedd & a chere
The residewe of my goods my detts and legaces beinge paid I bequethe to Thomas Arnall
It I doe make Elis Arnall my sonne in lawe my full executor and Richard Hande supervisor of this my will and testament
Theyse beinge wittnesses Edward Tompson clerke John Spenser with others
Probate Leicester 29 March 1571