Thomas Brown of Nether Broughton 1617 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/239/33
In the name of god Amen I Thomas Browne of Netherbraughton in the County of Lecester laborer beinge sicke in body but of perfect memory god be praised doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner & forme following
First of all I commend my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker and redeemer And my bodye to the earthe from whence it was taken
The goods that god hath bestowed on mee I give unto my daughter Jane forty shillings to be paide unto her foure years after my decease by my executor
Item I Doe give unto my daughter Elizabethe Browne xls to be paide unto her six years after my decease by my executor
Also I doe give unto Jone Browne my daughter xls to be paide unto her two years after my decease
Also my will is that all my householde stuffe after my decease shall be devided equally into foure parts by Mr Thorne & by my brother Andrew Wrighte and Rob: Talior and they to sett unto my foure children every one there parte therein
Also my will is that my sonne Andrew Browne shall have to him & his heires for ever the house with the Apurtenances that now I dwell in & my father will is that he shall give houseroome unto my daughter Jone Browne so longe as she shall live unmarried & I doe charge him upon my blessinge that he be helpinge to her as god shall make him able
The rest of my goods unbequeathed I doe geve unto Andrew Browne my sonne whom I make my full executor he payinge of my debts & discharginge the former legacyes and my funerall rites
And I doe make Andrew Wright and Rob: Talior the elder supravisors of this my last will and testament
And so I rest in the mercy of god
Dated this 15th day of November 1616
Tho: Browne his marke
Witnesses heereunto
Fran: Thorne
Andrew Wrighte his marke
Rob: Talior the eder his marke
Debts owinge by the testator unto widdowe Bennet xls
Probate Melton Mowbray 15 June 1617