Renold Castle of Eaton 1568 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/259 page 46
In the name of god Amen the fyrste daye of October in the yere of our lorde god 1568 I Renolde Castell of Eton in the countie of Leicester beinge of good and perfect memorie thanks be geven to god do ordayne and make this my last will and testament as foloweth
Fyrst and prinsipallye I bequieth my soule to allmightie god trustinge faythfullie to be saved thorowghe the merits of the death and passion of our saviour and Redemer Jesus Christ and my bodie to be buried in the church yarde of Eton aforesaid
It I geve to the church of Eton iid
It I geve to the mother church of Lincoln iid
It I geve & bequieth to Allse my wyffe a bedstead iii shets i blanket i coverled
More I geve to my wyffe iii yards of woline clothe
More I geve to my wyffe my … …
Also I geve to my wyffe a brasse pote & a pane ii owlde bords
It I geve to John Castell my sonne vis viiid
It I geve to Johanne Castell my dowghter vis viiid
It I geve to Elizabethe Castell my dowghter vis viiid
It I geve to Cowstanse Castell my dowghter vis viiid
It yf my dowghter Johanne do not come within xii monethes her parte to be devided amongste the other iii
It I have xvi shepe I will that the be devided into iiii parts to my iiii children aforenamed
It I geve to Custannce Castell my dowghter my beste materes & a kettell
Also I have ii cotes the better I geve to John Castell my sonne
The other I geve to Willm Dawson
Also my sonne Thomas he hayth hade of me xs & vi shepe I will that he be content with yt
Allso my woole I geve to Willm Dawson my executor
It I will that theare be a shepe kyllyd agaynste my buriall
Also vs vid I will that yt be bestowed as my executor shall thinke good
All my other goods moveable and unmoveable my detts & legacies beinge payde I geve to my executor
Wyttnesses to this my sayd will & testament Mr Wrighte & Mr Bealye
Probate Leicester 10 November 1568