William Gamble of Long Clawson 1556 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1556/39
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of oure lorde god A thowsande five hundrethe l & vi the xxii daye of Januare in the Second And thyrde yeares of the Reange of Phyloppe and Mare by the grase of god kynge and queen of Englonde Franse Naples Jeruzalem and Ierlande defendors of the feathe prynse of Spayne and Cessyll [Sicily] archduke of Astrege [Austria] Duke of [small hole, should be “Burgundy, Milan”] And Brabon [Brabant] Grantes of Janbryge [Habsburg] Flannders and Zoddes Thybolls [Tyrol] &c I Wyllyam Gambull of Claxton husbandman In the Cont of Lycster byng of gud and holle mynde and perfette memore do order and make thys my laste Wyll and testyment as hereafter folowethe
Fryste I bequethe my soulle to god allmyghte my maker and Redeemer To our lady Saynte Marye and all the holy Companye of heaven and my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Saynt Rymige of Claxton
It I beqwethe to our lade of Lyncone iiiid
It I beqwethe to the hyghe aulter for thythes and offeringes by me neclegentlye forgotten yff any shuche be xd
It I beqwethe [hole about four words] of the belles xd
It I beqwethe to the Churche of Bynnyngtonxiid
It I beqwethe and wyll that my gudds be devided in to three partes on parte to me and the seconde parte to my wyffe the thyrde parte to my Chylderin and I to be broughte to the grounde of my parte and to paye all my [small hole] and detts of the same and yf ther leave any thyng of my parte to be devided amonggest my Chyllderin
It I order and make Rychard Browne of Bynnington and Rycharde Robart of the same towne feyffes of … in Bynnington for the be huffe of Wyllyam Gambull my sonne
It I ordene and make my wyffe And my dowghter Isabell my full Exsecutors of thys my laste wylle to se ytt performed as the wyll make answere be fore god
It I make Wyllyam Browne and Jhon Gambull the supervisors of thys my laste wyll and the to have for ther paynes ether of them xld
… test… Wyllyam Browne Thomas Hicling Wyllyam Byarde Roberde Powre Cum multis alliis
Inventorium omnium Bonorum Wyllm Gambull de Claxton Appreciatum per Wyllm Browne Thomas Hicling et Wyllm Byarde Et Robertum Powre de eadem Villa
Inprimis xix horsse and beystes xx li
It iii Schore Scheppe x li
It iii Schotts vis and viiid
It for gyesse hennes and duckes iiiis
It A wane and a carte wythe all the Erin ware pertenyng therto and ploghe and harrowes the prysse of thes thyngs xls
It wheatte peasse and barlye iii quarters iiii marke
It for hey xxs
It for wheatte and peyasse sowen of the grownde xxs
It v brasse pans & v brasse pottes and puter the prysse of them xls
It a ombere bords forms and ii cheyrs xs
It iii Coverledds iii matteressus iii bolsters xxs
It vi payre of lynon schetes and v payre of harden schetes xxs
It iii arkes iis and iiiid
It anerne Chymnaye potthuckes tongs and frying pans iis
Sum totalis xlv li xixs iiiid