John Garrett of Hose 1567 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/258 page 46
In the name of god amen in the yere of our Lord god 1567 the v daye of January & in the ninthe yere of the raigne of Elizabethe by the grace of god quene of England Frannce and Ireland defender of the faythe &c Witnessethe that I John Garrett of Hoose in the Countie of Leicester Laborer beinge sicke in body and of good perfecte remembrannce do ordaine & make this my Last will & testament in maner & forme hereafter folowinge
Firste I bequiethe my soule to allmightyie god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churche of Hoose my parishe churche
Item I bequiethe to the parishe churche of Hoose iiis iiiid
Item I bequiethe to the poore of Hoose iiis iiiid
Item I bequethe to the mendinge of the hie wayes in Hoose iiis iiiid
Item I bequethe to Issabell Watson iiis iiiid
Item I will & ordaine that Thomas Byarde of Claxton have the rent of my cottage howse in Hoose unto suche time as my sonne John Garret be of thage of xxith yeres
Item I will that my sonne John Garrett have his childes parte at the age of xxith yeres by the discretyon of Thomas Byarde whom I will make governoure of my sonne unto he come to the age of xxith yere
Item I bequiethe all my goods unbequiethed to Thomas Byarde and John Garrett my Sonne
Item I ordaine & make Thomas Byarde and John Garrat my Sonne my full executors of this my Laste will and Testamente
Thies witnesses Edward Tomson vicar John Spencer John Herso… with other moo
Probate 27 September 1567, power reserved for John Garrett