William Hand of Hose 1640 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/250/107
Memorandum that upon the 7th day of May in Ano 1640 William Hand of Hoosse in the Countie of Leicester Labourer did make this his Last will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth only In this manner following That is to say
First hee did bequeath his soule to god and his bodye to be buryed in the Churchyard of Hoosse abovesaid
Itam hee did give unto his daughter Marye Hand the sum of Foure poundes to be payde unto her at the age of one and Twentie yeares by John Hand his sone
Itam my will is that my sonne John shall enter upon my House with the Apurtenances to the same belonging imediatly after the decease of his grandmother Grace Hand provided that my sonne shall quietly suffer my Twoe sisters Anne Hand and Elizabeth to have habitation (during theire lives) in the west end of the sayd House as it is alredye devided, provided, yf upon this Condition Grace Hand my mother is to Abate me the summe of Fourtie shillings in the price of the House
In wittnesse whereof we as wittnesses … set to our hands the day and yere above written
James Marritt his mark
John Littledike