Robert Handley of Chadwell 1673 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1673
Aprill the 23 1673 In the name of God amen I Robert Handly of Coldwell in the County of Leic yeoman being of perfect memory and remembrance praysed be God doe macke and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
Imprimis I bequeth my Soule into the hand of Hallmighty my maker hopeing through the merritts death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only Savior and Redeemer to receive free pardon and forgivenese of all my Sins and as for my body to bee buried in Christian Buriall at thee discreetion of my Executrix hereafter nominated
Item I give unto my son John Handly my howse and lands and whomstead whatsoever after he doth accomplish the yeares of one and twenty and afterwards to pay to my wife the Sum of foure pounds a yeare for her life and to build her a house convenient in the yard at his Cost and Chardge
Item I give to my Dauter Marry Thurty Pounds to be paid when she shall accumplish the age of twenty four yeares to bee paid by my Son John Handly
Itm I give to my Dawter Esther Handly Thurty pounds to be paid when shee shall accomplish the yeares of twenty foure to be paid by my Son John Handly
It I give to my Dawter Ane Handly the Sum of Ten pounds to bee paid by my Son John Handly when shee shall accomplish the age of twenty foure
It I give to my Son Richard Handly the Sum of Ten Pounds to bee paid by my Son John Handly when he shall accomplish the age of Twenty foure
Item all the Rest of my Goodes Teniments whatsoever I give to all my wife for ever to dispose according to her mind upon Condicon that Shee shall pay my Debts and Legacies and make her sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills and Testaments
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seal the day and yeare first above written
John Handley
Richard Julian
Thomas Daft his marke
44’28 1322/143
That his Wife Alice Handley should have his house and Land untill his Son John Handley did attaine the yeares of one and Twenty yeares towards the maintenance & Educacon of his Children that is to say John Handley Mary Handley Hester Handley Richard Handley and Anne Handley
And alsoe did upon the sealing & signing of his said last Will declare & give unto Mary Handley and Easter Handley his two daughters by a former wife all his Household Goods that he had from Harbie in the County of Leic which he did declare as his Codacill to be annexed to his Lt will A trew and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattles and Cattle of Robert Handly of Cawdwel in the county of Leicester yeoman deceased taken the Seventh day of May 1673 by us whose names are under written
Item purs and Aparell | 06 | 00 | 00 |
Item the Goods in the hall with tables Stooles chears forms and other | |||
Apertnences | 04 | 05 | 08 |
Item in the parlor 2 beds chests and other mete | 04 | 10 | 00 |
Item in the Citchin the Copper and brewing vessell brass and other … and puter | 03 | 05 | 00 |
Item in the deary millke vessel and other mete | 00 | 12 | 06 |
Item in the Chamber over the hall tow beds with furnitude theare unto be | |||
longing with chestes and Cobert and other mete | 10 | 06 | 6 |
Item in the chamber over the citchin Graine wheate Rey barly malt strike and | |||
other mete | 02 | 15 | 2 |
Item Carpinter tooles | 01 | 00 | 0 |
Item the parler Chamber tow beds and other mete | 01 | 13 | 0 |
Item in the Stable plows and plow Geares with Cart Geares and other mete | |||
with the harrows | 03 | 11 | 0 |
Item in the barne quirnes and fann with other mete | 01 | 00 | 0 |
Item in the yard beaste Cribs Sheepe Cribes and fentce trayes and overlidgers | |||
with other mete | 01 | 00 | 0 |
Item Six mares and tow stond Coultes | 16 | 00 | 0 |
Item Sheepe | 06 | 10 | 0 |
Item 8 beastes | 13 | 00 | 0 |
Item Swine | 01 | 04 | 0 |
Item the maner in the yarde and backside | 01 | 05 | 0 |
Item the Crappe upon the Ground | 37 | 00 | 0 |
114 | 17 | … |
Fran Huddleston
Richard P…ncham
Richard Closse
Bond, bound Alice Handley widow of Chadwell and John Handley of Chadwell 9 May 1673, condition bound Alice Handley relict and executrix of Robert Handley yeoman of Chadwell to execute will
Signum Alice Handley John Handley