Thomas Hough of Eaton 1707 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1707/127
January the 6th day Anoq Dni Dei 1706/7
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Hough of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester Husbandman Being at this present in good health & perfect minde & memorie Praised Be God therefore, But Considering my old age & the mortallitie of Man Doe make & Ordaine this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme following (That is to say)
Principly I Bequeath my soule to God that gave it me in hope of a joyful Resurrection with my Body, in the mercie of God & By the Merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & Redeemer
And as for the worldly Estate which God hath Been pleased to Lend me I give Devise & Bequeath as followeth (vizt)
Imprimis I give & Bequeath to Thomas Felstead of Aslocton my kinsman & his Assignes the sume of two Pounds of Lawfull money in full out of my Estate to be paid by my Executrix in one yeare after my Decease it Being first Demanded
Item I give & Bequeath Likewise to my kinswoman Mary …errin the Sume of two Pounds of Lawfull money to be paid at the time aforesaid or to her Assignes it being first Demanded
Item I give & Bequeath to the Eldest Child of John Flower of Aslocton the Sume of two Pounds Lawfull money to Be Likewise Paid at the time aforesd it Being first Demanded
Item I give & Bequeath to Joseph Gleaves that Married Anne Holyday my wifes Neice one shilling in full out of my Estate as aforesaid to be paid at the time aforesd first being Demanded
Item I give to James Browne of Broughton [since no county is mentioned this is probably Nether Broughton] my Brother in Law one shilling to be paid as aforesaid
Item I give to John Holiday of Coson Bassett one shilling to be paid as aforesaid
Item I give to Jacob Edenborough of Great Croppwell one Shilling to be paid as aforesd
Item I give to John Cliffe of Cottgrave the Elder one shilling to be paid as aforesaid
Item I give to John Cliffe the younger of the same Towne one shilling to be paid as aforesaid
Item All the Rest of my goods Cattells, Chattells, Bonds, Bills, Debts, Dues, moneys, househould goods, & Credits whatsoever & wheresoever & in Whose soever hands or Custody the same, or any part thereof are in or Remaine, I give Devise & Bequeath unto my Deere and Loveing Wife Anne Hough, Whom I Appoint & make Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament, She Paying & Dischardgeing all my Debts Legacies & Funerall Chardges
Soe Revokeing all former Wills By me made to this my Last Will & Tesatment I the said Thomas Hough have sett to my hand and Seall the Day & yeare above Written
Thomas Hough his marke & seal
Signed Sealld Published & Declared the Last Will & Testament of the above menconed Thomas Hough in the presence of
Ric: …
Demetrius Glen his marke
18 March 1707/8 Anne Hough sworn
An Inventory of the goods, Cattle, Chattles, and Credits of Thomas Hough late of Eaton in the County of Leicester deceas’d appriz’d the twenty first day of Feabruary Anno dom 1707 by these whose names are Subscribed as followeth
£ | s | d | |
Impris Purse and apparrell | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Item Bonds bills and desperate debts | 20 | 00 | 00 |
Item In the hall one long table one buffet furme one cubbard cheers and other | |||
small things there | 00 | 12 | 00 |
Item In the parlour one tester bed one half headed bed with beding on them | |||
two Joynt Chest and other small things there | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Item brass and pewter in and about the house | 01 | 00 | 00 |
Item two soas [?] two beer barrels and other small matters in the dayre | 00 | 05 | 00 |
Item Corn and hay | 02 | 04 | 00 |
Item three Cows and one heifer | 05 | 00 | 00 |
Item twenty sheep | 02 | 00 | 00 |
Item two pigs | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item pullen and other small things in and about the house and yard | 00 | 05 | 00 |
Total | 34 | 16 | 06 |
The apprizers names
Edward Exton
Joseph Gleaves