Peter Howitt of Ab Kettleby 1624 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1624/46
Three or four words are missing all the way down the right-hand side of this will
In the name of God Amen The 13th daye of Januarie 1624 And in the 22th yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne [missing] by the grace of God of England France and Ireland kinge defender of the faith etc And of Scotland [missing]
I Peter Howet of Abkettlebie beinge sicke of bodie but in good & perfect remembrance praysed be God [missing] make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in manner & fourme following
First I bequeath my Soule [missing] my maker, and my bodie to be buried I the Churchyarde of Abkettlebie aforesaid
Item I give to the poore of [missing] foure shillinges
Item I give to the poore of Twiforde two shillinges
Item I give to the poore of Abkettlebie [missing]
Item I give to Hellen Howet my wife & to her heires my house and lande in Abkettlebie for ever
Item I give to Clement [missing]
Item I give to Frauncis Howet 12d
Item I give to William Howet & his Children 20s
Item I give to Agnes [missing] Charger, this money is to be given within a yeare & a halfe after my decease and the Charger after the [missing] Howet her Aunt
Item I give to Elizabeth Howet 20s and one great Pan after the decease of Hellen [missing] and one Charger
Item I give to William Newton 10s
Item I give to An Newton 10s
Item I give to [missing] shillinges
Item I give to John Newton five shillinges
Item I give to Judeth Newton 10s
Item I give to [missing]
Item I give to Margret Newton five shillinges
Item my will is that this money be geven & payed unto [missing] with in one yeare & sixe moneths after my decease but the pan & the two Chargers not to be delivered [missing] of Hellen Howet my wife
All the rest of my goods and Cattell unbequeathed my funeral expences discharged [missing] bequeath unto Hellen Howet my wife whom I make the sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament
[missing] witnesses Samuel Neale & Simon Lee his marke
Probate 25 January 1624/5