Levitt John 1672 of Wycomb Inventory

John Levitt of Wycomb 1672 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives 44’28/1322/119

A true and perfect Inventory of the goods, Cattles, & Chattles of John Livitt of Wickham husbandman, lately deceased taken and prized February the Third by us, vizt William Hubbard William Tinsly Edward Wright 1671

Inprimis, his Apparrells, purse, Girdl and Money in it500
In the Hall and Chimney
One Cubbert & Three Tables, Two Joyned fourmes, six chaires, the fire Iron,
Gallowe tree, & hookes, the Crisscit, bellowes & other Small Irons3100
In the Parlour
One Bedsted with the hangings, One Featherbed & mattris, One Rug, Three
Blankets, a Bolster and a Paire of hempen Sheets600
Allsoe a Presse & Livery Cubberts, a warminge Pan, and Cradle0150
In the greate Chamber
A Bedsted with the hanginges, one featherbed Two Bolsters, One Coverlet
Three Blankets, One Mattresse & a Pillowe7106
A Livery Cubbert, Foure chaires, Two Chests, A Trunke a boxe and sixe Cushions226
Allsoe Five Paire of Flaxen Sheets, Sixe Paire of hempen Sheets a Dozen
Pillowbears, a Dozen Table Napkins, Foure Towells, two Table Clothes, some
hempen cloth, & Twenty yards of harden Cloth7196
In the little Chamber
One Bedsted & a featherbed, Two feather Bolsters, one Coverlet and a Blanket,
foure Pillowes and one other Bolster460
A great Chest & foure Coverlets, two Blankets, Two Bearinge blankets and a
Allsoe some more wearinge linnen there0154
In the Store Chamber
The Wooll, and Cheese, and other usefull things there10106
In the Buttry and Kitchin
One hogshead and Three Barrells, foure Panns, Three pots, Ten Pieces of
Pewter, foure Candle stickes, one Pewter Flagon & some other small things756
Allsoe the Coper, Brewinge vessells, and chees presse440
In the Corne Chamber and Dairye
Six quarters of Barley, foure quarters & Sixe strikes of Pease, and Three quarters
and a halfe of Mault900
Allsoe Two Bacon flitches, foure pailes, & some other small things300
In the Stable
Foure Mares, foure Colts, one filley, a geldinge, and Two foales60100
In the Yard
Thirteene Cowes & a Bull, Three yearlings, and Three Calves4000
Allsoe the wheat, Rye, & Barley, upon the hovells1600
Moreover Sixe Score Sheepe, & some od ones3500
The Carts & Cart geares, Plowes & plow geares, the harrowes, fold Trayes,
Sheep Cribs, beasse cratches, hovells, Mangers, Racks, quernes, plowetimber,
Troughe, & well furniture18100
The Mannure in the yard, the Swine, Poultry, & wood there900
In the Field
Twenty Eight acres of Wheat, Rye, & Barley, Earth, & Seed to sowe it2800
Allsoe Twenty Eight Acres of Pease Earth, & seed to sowe it2800
Moreover in thinges not viewed, or forgotten    034
Summa Totalis31200

Exhibited 29 April 1672