Day Thomas 1578 of Stathern Will

Thomas Day of Stathern 1578 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1578

In the name of god amen the xxiiiith daie of the monethe of Auguste in the yere of our lord god a thowsand v hundrethe seventie iiiith I Thomas Daie of Stathurne in the countie of Leicester husbandman sycke in bodie but of whole and perfecte remembrance thankes be to god allmightie doe make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme followinge

Fyrste I bequethe my soule unto allmightie god my maker and redemer in whose dethe and passion I truste to be saved And my bodie to be buryed in the churche yerde of Stathurne yf yt please god to call me to his mercie at this …

I geve and bequethe to the mother churche of Lincoln iiiid

Alsoe I geve and bequethe to Raphe Wylsonne my Kynesman the lease of my Farme

Alsoe I geve unto my ii dowghters Elis and Agnes xls a pece and eyther of theym a Sowe

Alsoe I geve unto theym all my puter and brasse excepte one greate panne which Issabell Wylson my dowghter shall have and she shall geve to Issabell Daie my Kynsewoman vid

I geve unto John Fowler my godsonne one sheepe hogge which shalbe sett forthe by the syght of Thomas Rowse & Hewe Vergus

Alsoe I will that yf my towe dowghters Elis and Agnes or eyther of theym ch…ch to remaine with Raphe Wilsonne after my deceasse and that the sayd Raphe cannott be unburdened of theym I will that he shall have the kepinge of there parts and yf they dye wyth hym then he shall have all there parts to his owne use

Alsoe I geve and bequethe to Thomas Daie my sonne one stryke of wheate and one stryke of barley and one stryke of pease

Alsoe I geve unto Margerie my dowghter one cowe

It I geve and bequethe to Agnes my doughter one olde ambre an old bedstyd with the clothes therunto belonging & Elis my Dowghter one old bedstyd with the clothes thereunto belonging & an old coffer

All things els unbequethed I geve unto Raphe Wilson my kynsman whom I make my lawfull executor & all other wylls heretofore made I doe utterlie forsake & pronounce this to be my last will

Wyttnes hereof Thomas Rowse Georg Sharpe Hewe Vergus Georg Wilson George … with others

Probate Leicester 22  January 1578