Hugh Noble of Scalford 1513 will
National Archives PROB 11/17/404
In the name of god Amen the xvi daye of the month of Aprill The yere of oure Lorde god m vc xiii and in the iiiith year of the Reigne of kyng Henry the viiith I Hughe Noble of Scalford in the Countie of Leicester Gentelman beyng in my good and hole mynde laude and praysyng be unto Almyghti god make ordeyn and declare this my present testament and last will in maner and forme folowyng
Fyrst and principally I bequeath my soule unto Almyghti god my maker and Redemer to his most blessed mother and virgin oure lady seynt Mary And to All the Saynts of hevyn And my body to be buried in the parishe Churche of Seynt Sepulcre of London by the good discrecion of my Supervisour here under written
Item I gyve and bequeath to the highe aulter of the said parishe Churche Seynt Sepucre xiid
Item I gyve and bequeth to my parishe churche of Scalford my best beast in the name of my principall and mortuary
Item I gyve and bequeith to the said parish churche of Scalford for my tythes necligently witholden or forgotten xiid
Itm I gyve and bequeth unto William Noble my sonne my gowne of Russet furred with foxe And my doublet of blake velvet
Item I gyve and bequeth unto Richard Noble my sonne a Ryng of golde beyng nowe in my purse
Also I gyve and bequeth to the seid Richard my sonne on house lying in Wykhm the whiche I late purchased of John Daff
Also I gyve and bequeth unto my two doughters called Parnell and Jelyan x sterlyng evenly and eqally to be devided betwixt them at the daye of their marriage
And yf it fortune either of them to dye afore their daye of mariage then I will that she that lyveth the longer to be others heire and have hyr systers parte And yf they both dye afore their daye of mariage then I will that my wyff shalhave the oone v li and the other v li to be disposed for my soule health The seid Julain and Pernell soules and all Xian soules
Itm I will that xx li that master [blank] Steward to my lorde of Canterbury oweth unto me as apperith by a certen bill delivered me by Mr Doctor Wellys of the goodes of Richard Noble my brother shalbe bestowed and distributed by the good descrecion of myn Executrice and Supervisour underwriten to the payment and performyng of my seid brother Richard detts and Last will
Item I will that there be distributed and disposed for my soull on the daye of my burying iii dosen of brede and ii barells of good ale
The Residue of all my goodes Catalles and detts whate so ever they be above not bequethed after my present testament in all thyngs truely performed I gyve and bequeth unto Katyn my wyff she therwith to doo and dispose hur owne fre will and pleasure as hir owne proper goodes for ever more
The whiche Keteryne my wyff I make and ordeyn my sole Executrice of this my present testament
And I make and ordeyne my Right trusty frende John Clerke Citizen and Skynner of London my Supervisour of this my present testament and last will
These witnesses Sir John Wakefelde present my gostly father John Justice Baker and Thomas Manchester Corser Citizens of London