This page includes our available records for the Daft family in Hickling:
- The listing is roughly divided into generations, beginning in c.1490; with several different branches of the same family, these divisions are quite arbitrary – please check generations either side or use a search function.
- Entries within each generation are not necessarily directly related to each other (#) are used to separate these from each other. Every attempt has been made to make connections where possible; please contact us if we have missed any or if any corrections/clarifications are needed.
- The listing only shows links between branches of the Daft family where we are reasonably sure of them; the full records may take years to unravel properly – if you can help with this, we would be very grateful to hear from you (if possible, please include source material and references).
- Finally; please contact us if you would like a Word version of this information (suitable for your own editing) – please also refer to our group t’s&c’s for the non-personal use of information published on our website.
It is known that the Daft family were present in Hickling before the following lineage begins in 1490 but more work is required for these early years.
- For example, William Dafte (born c.1490 – generation 1, below); may be the son of Thomas Dafte (born c.1470) and Issabell; and the grandson of Robert Dafte (born Nottinghamshire c.1447) and Elizabeth.
- (Ancestry searches – no source citations available; information to be confirmed)
- Robert Dafte; born Nottinghamshire c.1447 – no further detail
- Married Elizabeth – no further detail
- Thomas Dafte; born c.1470 – no further detail
- Married Issabell – no further detail
- 3 possible children; William, Edmund & Alice
- Thomas Dafte died in Hickling in 1549 (age 79)
- William Dafte born c. 1490 – no further detail
- See generation one, below
- Wife’s name, unknown
- William sees to have died in the same year as his father – 1549 (age 59)
- Robert Dafte; born Nottinghamshire c.1447 – no further detail
- (Ancestry searches – no source citations available; information to be confirmed)
Generation 1: earliest records – 1400s/1500s
It is understood that an unknown Daft couple had at least three children around the end of the 1400s; Edmund, William and Alice. We know from Edmund’s will that he was living at Upper Broughton when he died.
William Daft probably born about 1490:
- William had a brother, Edmund, who lived in Upper Broughton when he died in 1549. We know, however, that there were Dafts in Hickling before 1490 so he may have been born here. Edmund’s wife Alice left bread to the poor of Hickling in her will.
- The name of William’s wife is not known but they had at least 6 children.
- Children:
- Rauf, a husbandman, married Katherine and died in Hickling in 1575
- Robert, unmarried of Hickling, died 1561 and buried in Hickling according to the wishes in his will
- Thomas, married Agnes daughter of Edward Hopkinson, died 1550 and buried in Hickling according to the wishes of his will
- Edmund, married unknown and buried Upper Broughton 1596
- George (see generation 2)
- John, of Nether Broughton according to his will but desiring to be buried in Hickling
- Possible death record for William Dafte in 1549.
Generation 2: 1500s to early 1600s
George Daft probably born about 1530:
- Married Elizabeth, almost certainly Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas and Joyce Mann since in his will of 1567 Thomas made bequests to his daughter Elizabeth Dafte and her son John Dafte.
- Known children of George and Elizabeth:
- John born about 1565, he married Katherine and they both died in Hickling in 1624.
- His father left him nothing in his will, stating that he considered that he had already given him enough of his estate in his lifetime.
- Jane, probably born after her mother’s father made his will in 1567
- Married George Mann,
- Still alive when her father made his will in 1613.
- William born about 1570.
- Married unknown but had a son George.
- His father left him a house and land, which William already occupied, in his will.
- Thomas born about 1570 – see generation 3
- Richard born about 1575
- Married Rebecca Astell of Wigston in 1606.
- His father gave him half of his manor house prior to making his will in 1613.
- Richard then sold it to his brother Thomas, probably some time after his father made his will.
- Joan born about 1575,
- Married John Musson and died after her father made his will in 1613.
- Robert(see generation 3); born about 1580
- He was left the half of the manor house in which his father then lived in his father’s will.
- Elizabeth born about 1580,
- Married William Bosworth 13th May 1609 in Hickling according to a certificate to Nottingham confirming the details of the marriage.
- She was buried 15th July 1636 in Hickling, a widow according to her will.
- George born about 1585,
- Still alive when his father made his will in 1613; his father left him a house and some land in his will.
- John born about 1565, he married Katherine and they both died in Hickling in 1624.
- George Daft’s will, made in 1613, makes no mention of his wife Elizabeth, so she had probably pre-deceased him. It shows that he owned at least 10 oxgangs of land and other smaller parcels, the manor house and seven other dwellings, some occupied by tenants, some by some of his children. We know from the Parish Registers (which start in 1646) that the family lived at “the Hall” so it would seem likely that George owned Hickling manor house.
Also note:
- In the Will of William Atkynson, rector of Hickling (1566-1593) he leaves a number of charitable bequests to the village of Hickling, including:
- The twenty poorest households in Hickling twelve pence each and a piece of corn, barley or wheat George Daft and John Parleby to be trustees and money towards the repair of the boulder causeway.
- “I, William Atkinson, clerk, parson of the parishe of Hicklinge, co. Notts., &c. I geve unto the repaire of the Churche of Hyglynge, wheareof I am now parson, iij li [£3]; to the repaire and amendinge of the Causey in Hyglynge xxs [twenty shillings].; the same iij li. I will to be bestowed on the said Churche and Causey at the discresion of Rauff Smythe, Geo. Dafte and John Parlabye of Hycklinge, when and in what places as they shall thinke convenient, and not tatt anie others appointment but by theimselfes or some of theim. I geve to twentye of the poreste house holders in Hycklinge xij d. [12pence] a pece, and to everye of theim a strike of suche corne, bairley or wheate, as shall please my executors, the same money and corne to be bestowed by the dyscrecion of the said Rauff, Geo. and John.”
- William Dafte; named in a fragment document (C Granger, appendix 17)
- Calendar of Patent Rolls 1553 (fragment) Edward Vi Vol V P233 30th June 1553 for £699.13 paid to Edward Peckham knight
- Grants to Lionel Duckett and Sir Edward Peckham
- William Dafte Thomas Manne John Hufton Edward Hopkynson Ralph Pylkyngton Robert Parlebie Thomas Howett Ralph Keme and all other lands of Hycklyng late of Thurgarton Monastery except:- (…)
Generation 3: late 1500s to mid 1600s
(1) Robert Daft born about 1580:
- Robert was married to Elizabeth.
- His father left him half of the manor house in his will
- Known children of Robert & Elizabeth:
- Richard, married Joane daughter of John Francis at Upper Broughton 5 February 1631.
- alternative record found: Marriage record; Richard Daft (of Hicklinge) to Johan Fraunces (of Broughton Sulney) 5th February 1630.
- He was left nothing in his father’s will, Robert stating that he had already given him sufficient of his estate in his lifetime.
- Known Children:
- Elizabeth Dafte baptised 28th April 1641 (Hickling), daughter of Richard and Joane Dafte of the Hall
- Richard was buried 25 March 1634 at Hickling, described as “at St John’s”.
- Joane buried Hickling 19 November 1682.
- Dorothy, died after her father made his will in 1634.
- Elizabeth, died after her father made his will in 1634.
- George, married Margaret Smith in Radford 9 December 1638, buried Hickling 31 March 1634, described as “in the hall”.
- Joint executor and residuary of his father’s estate along with his brother William.
- William(see generation 4) born probably about 1615.
- His father made him joint executor and residuary of his estate along with his brother George.
- Thomas baptised 28 April 1622.
- Married Grace Robinson in St Peter’s Nottingham in 1648.
- She was buried in Hickling 23 June 1672.
- He then married Alice Humberston widow of Plumtree at St Peter’s Nottingham 29 March 1679.
- Thomas was buried at Plumtree 20 March 1691.
- He was described as a tailor when administration of his estate was granted to his widow.
- Alice was buried at Plumtree 21 May 1692.
- Richard, married Joane daughter of John Francis at Upper Broughton 5 February 1631.
- Robert made his will on 19 September 1634 and was buried in Hickling 8 days later; 27th September 1634. His wife Elizabeth was still alive when he made his will.
(2) Thomas Daft; born c. 1570 – son of George and Elizabeth Daft.
Thomas Dafte appears to have been a difficult character; records from the Ecclesiastical Court (and research by Chris Granger) paint an interesting picture of his behaviour – although we don’t have any record of his view of these matters:
- Thomas Daft was charged with sexual immorality for committing incontinency with Mary Musson in 1618.
- In 1623, Thomas Dafte the elder (churchwarden) found himself in trouble with the other churchwarden and the rector because he had ‘been absent from church in time of divine prayer, both a morning and evening, for the space of forty days; he neglects and refuses to come to church, even when messengers are sent for him, to execute his office of churchwarden or to consult or confirm with William Smyth his fellow churchwarden over urgent repairs, consequently the inhabitants of the town are put to a greater charge to repair windows etc; Dafte has received several sums of money to be disbursed upon urgent and necessary business in and about the church, but says that if money is wanted he will present those inhabitants that have not paid their levies to him; Dafte says that he will make it manifestly appear to any ecclesiastical judge and justify that the churchwarden elected by the parson [ie Smyth] shall stand as a cipher and not receive any money to disburse; as a result of his rigorous speeches, protestations and threatenings, the inhabitants withhold their payment from Smyth and he has not received any money since the last visitation; Smyth spent £3 more than he received on necessary repairs and now cannot get the money back; Dafte has refused to collect and gather from seat to seat for all briefs since becoming churchwarden; Smyth has often brought the briefs to him and offered to do it himself; Dafte refuses to subscribe and set his hand with the minister and churchwarden to the said briefs, but instead subscribes or procures to be subscribed the name of one John Frankeland of the said town, who is not elected churchwarden, and refuses to let Smyth sign them; they present Dafte for his ‘resisting turbulence, vile unreverent and unlawful demeanour’ against the minister, Edward Cooper, within the parish church on 5th August; for his ‘bourding’, unseemly and injurious contrameddling with the said minister about a brief, to which Dafte refused to subscribe properly’.
- It is also believed that two of his sons were excommunicants (clarification needed).
- The churchwarden and rector also presented Thomas Dafte to the Ecclesiastical Court for his ‘bearding, brawling, contentious, churlish and turbulent speeches to and against the said minister in church on Sundays and holy days in front of the congregation, bidding him get himself out of the said church, saying that he had nothing to do in the church amongst the inhabitants’.
- In 1624 the then church wardens with the blessing of the rector, Dr Edmund Bardsey, took Thomas Dafte before the Archdeaconry court as follows: “Thomas Dafte the elder, one of the churchwardens of Hickling, was lately presented by them for divers defaults and misdemeanours committed within the township and church of Hickling, before ‘your worship’; they have not yet had sufficient reformation worthy of his offence; therefore, with the voice and consent of Mr Doctor Bardsey (parson of Hickling) they humbly pray that the said Thomas Dafte the elder, who was presented for his perverse dealings and his railing and slanderous speeches and for his reviling, scornful and reproachful wordes with the church, and for other misdemeanours, may have his submission or penance enjoined on him without delay, to be done within the said church of Hickling, seeing that he has not cleared himself”.
- His father, George Daft, also appears to have had reservations about Thomas because in his will (dated 1613), after leaving him a house and land he adds the stipulation; “Provided always and my will and meaning nontheless is and I hereby ordain and devise that if the said Thomas Dafte my son shall at anytime hereafter molest, trouble or sue any of his brothers and sisters for or concerning any goods or lands by in this my said last will or testament unto them or any of them given lymitted and bequeathed then this present guift or disposing of the said messuage or dwelling house, close, oxgang of land, meadow and pasture and other the … before mentioned unto him the said Thomas shall forthwith cease and become void and of none effect”.
- Perhaps he thought that Thomas had his eye on the half of the manor house which George had retained to his own use and which he left to his son Robert, in which case Thomas partly got round his wishes by buying the other half which George had already given to his son Richard.
Also note:
- Baptism Easter Dafte 24th April 1622 – daughter of George Dafte senior (parish registers)
- Baptism John Dafte 26th July 1622 – son of George Dafte at the Dovecoate (parish registers)
- Baptism Matthew Dafte 16th October 1622 – son of George Dafte, Thomas Dafte’s son. (parish registers)
- Jane Dafte 1622 – daughter of George Dafte (parish registers)
- Ecclesiastical Court; 12th December 1601. Edward Bloode and Jane Randall of Hickling were accused of marrying at the wrong time. Edward admitted that he was married on 1st December by Mr Warde, the Curate of Hickling, and that there were present one Stephenson, Robert Dafte, George Dafte, Thomas Musson, Thomas Harris and Thomas Dafte. He was automatically excommunicated and afterwards absolved and dismissed.
- Ecclesiastical Court; 23rd March 1623 Francis Daft appeared for his father, Thomas, a Hickling yeoman, and paid into the court two pence due to the parish clerk for half a year’s tithes on one part of a dwelling house in which he maintained. (this may be Thomas (2), above)
Generation 4: early to late 1600s
Note – Protestation Return (1641); in the order they appear on the return:
- John Daft
- George Daft at ye towne end
- Richard Daft at ye bridge
- George Daft at ye hall
- Thomas Daft ye elder
- George Daft at ye dove coat
- George Daft at ye bridge
- William Daft at ye Hall
- Richard Daft in ye lane
- John Daft
- George Daft
- William Daft
- John Daft
- Thomas Daft
- Thomas Daft
- Richard Daft at ye hall
- William Daft at Mawkin Lane
- Henry Daft
- George Daft at ye wire (weir)
- William Daft
- Thomas Daft
- John Daft ye elder
- Robert Daft (his mark as overseer for ye poore)
(note: ‘ye bridge’ probably refers to the Dalby Brook or the Smite; the Grantham Canal wasn’t a feature of the village until the late C18th.)
(1) William Daft born probably about 1615
- He married Dorothy; at Michaelmas 1637 a presentment was made against him and his by then wife Dorothy for incontinency before marriage.
- In the Protestation Return of 1641 William was described as being “at the Hall”.
- Known children of William and Dorothy:
- Richard baptised Hickling 18th February 1637, buried Hickling 4th March 1638
- Robert baptised Hickling 20th January 1638 (see generation 5)
- George baptised Hickling 8th March 1641, buried 14th November 1681 “feltmaker, in the Hall Yard”
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 11th February 1647, had a daughter Elizabeth Newby
- Ann baptised Hickling 14th April 1648, buried 26th January 1651 – “hall”
- William buried Hickling 25th December 1652 – “hall”.
- Joseph baptised Hickling 6 November 1653 – “in Hall”, married Elizabeth Linney, buried 10 September 1691 St Mary’s, Nottingham
- Dorothy was buried 6th December 1676 (Hickling) – William pre-deceased her.
Also note:
- Marriage: George Daft to Anne Wilson 2nd June 1672 (Hickling)
- Robert Daft – Will 1653 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Richard Daft – Will 1654 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- John Daft – Will 1667 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Will: George Daft (at the Towne end of Hickling) 1657 – see separate Will page for full transcription:
- His Will references his wife, Joan and daughters Jane, Mary and Dorothy.
- At the time of the Will Jane is not yet aged 21, but she is the main beneficiary of his property and land.
- His two sons-in-law are Thomas Musson and John Dafte.
- Also, ‘to every poore widdowe in the Towne foure pence’
- Witnesses, Hugh Gill, John Musson, Margaret [Taylell]
Generation 5: mid to late 1600s
(1) Robert Daft baptised 20th January 1638; parents William and Dorothy Daft
- 27th January 1670 married Mary Stevens in Long Clawson.
- Children of Robert and Mary:
- William baptised Hickling 8th September 1673 of the hall
- Robert baptised Hickling 30th May 1675, buried 24 October 1686
- Theodosia baptised Hickling 4th November 1677, married John Faux 31st January 1702, died 23rd December 1727 in Hickling age 51; her headstone names her “Dosie” (see generation 6)
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 2nd January 1681, alive 1717 when her father made his will
- Stephen baptised Hickling 28th November 1682, married Susannah Morely St Peter’s Nottingham 15th January 1714, she was buried Sneinton 12th February 1673, he was buried there 17th February 1767
- Mary baptised Hickling 1 June 1686, married Hugh Shyrley of Kingstone in Hickling 16th April 1713.
- Joseph baptised Hickling 27th October 1689 (see generation 6)
- Robert was a hatter and was the first Daft identified in the parish registers by his occupation rather than place of residence (although he was described as of the hall when his first child was baptised, he was thereafter after described as the hatter).
- Mary was buried Hickling 23rd September 1715 and Robert 2nd December 1717 “aged about 80”.
- Robert made his son Joseph executor and residuary legatee of his will.
- The inventory made at his death showed that he had a small amount of livestock – a heifer, a calf, seven sheep and a pig – and also a horse and foal.
- His will did not indicate that he owned any real estate.
(2) Richard Daft married Margaret Butler; 21st December 1658 (Hickling?)
- Richard and Margaret Daft had one (known) son; Richard Daft, baptised 17th November 1661 at the Dovecote (see generation six).
- Possible burial record: Margaret Daft (widow) – 23rd/24th August 1700 (Hickling)
(3) Robert Daft; probably born c. 1640
- Identified in the search for the antecedents of Daniel Daft (baptised 15th September 1672 (Hickling).
- Assuming that Robert Daft was baptised shortly after he was born and also that he was baptised in Hickling, three possible baptisms have been found:
- 5th October 1634 parents not stated
- 20th March 1636 son of John and Ales
- 20th January 1638 son of Robert and Dorothie (this baptism refers to (1) Robert Daft, above)
- Robert Daft married Joan Man 26th April 1669 (Hickling)
- Known children:
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 29th November 1669, buried 8th December 1669
- William Daft baptised 13th November 1670
- Daniel Daft baptised 15th September 1672, father shepherd – see generation 5
- Jane Daft; named as Robert’s daughter in his Will but no further records found
- Joan wife of Robert Daft buried Hickling 17th March 1680.
- Robert Daft (shepherd) buried 17th January 1687 (Hickling). His will, dated 4th January 1687, shows that he had three children, an eldest son William, another unnamed son and a daughter Jane. No baptism has been found for Jane. Robert left “my mansion house barns, stables, yards gardens and closes and half an oxgang of land with all meadows leyes and common and all manner of appurtenances belonging to the sayde house and half oxgang of land” to the George Fisher rector of Hickling and John Collishaw yeoman of Hickling for the benefit of his children and he also made them guardians of his three children until William reached the age of 26. Fisher and Collishaw were to decide which of the sons should receive the land and when, the other to have £25. Jane was to receive £15 on the day of her marriage, the residue of the estate to be divided equally among all three children.
Also note:
- Baptism; George Daft 27th February 1696 – son of George and Mary Daft (parish registers)
- Baptism; Elizabeth Daft 1696 – daughter of Richard Daft ‘and Mary his wife baptised the same day’
- The Hickling Terrier of 1687 includes the following records for the Daft family (Chris Granger, A History of Hickling ap.15) – possibly helpful in placing some of the locations on the Protestation returns:
- Of the Arrable Land in the wood field;
- Item One wonge in Broughton gates being eight Lands and a Balke containing Two Acres and a halfe George Man lying north John Daft lying south
- Item One wonge being sixe Lands and Two Balks on the Rice Furlonge containing Five Acres Henry James east Widdow Daft west
- The Arrable Land in the Bare land Field:
- Item One Land on the Mors Furlonge being halfe an Acre Richard Smith lying east \ Richard Daft west
- Item One Land on the same Furlonge being halfe an Acre Richard Daft lying east George Man west
- Item Foure Lands on the same Furlonge being Two Acres John Daft lying east \ Mary Daft lying west
- Item One other Land of the same Furlonge one Rood Richard Daft lying east Lawrence Robinson lying west \
- Item Three Lands in Norborrow being one Acre and a Roode Thomas Daft lying west and George Man lying east \
- Item One Land butting into Stobrooke containing halfe a Roode Steven Pickard lying south Steven Daft lying north\
- Item Foure Lands on the same Furlonge one Acre John Daft lying east George Man lying west \
- Item Two Lands on the same furlonge being one Acre John Daft lying east William \ Smalley lying west \
- Item One Land on the same Furlonge containing one Roode Widdow Daft lying on \ both sides \
- The Ley Ground in the Bareland field \
- Item Ten leyes on Thrussell end contyining Two Acres with one Balke Thomas Daft \ lying east \
- Arable Land on the Nether Field \
- Item Five Lands att Claxton Bridge and Two Balks containing Two Acres Thomas d Daft lying north John Smith lying south \
- Item Foure Lands in Middle sedge lands contayning three Roodes Steven Daft lying east Hugh Gill lying west \
- Item One wonge being sixe Lands and Two Balks on the same Furlonge contayning Three Acres Thomas Daft lying south Steven Daft lying north \
- Item Sixe Lands in Upper new brakes and Two Pikes and a Balke contayning Two Acres Richard Daft north Steven Pickard west \
- Item One Land in Coulston gates contaying one one Roode Robert Daft lying south and Steven Pickard lying north \
- Item One other Land in the same Furlonge contayning one Roode John Daft lying \ south John Collishaw lying north \ The Ley Ground on the Nether Field \
- Item Five Leyes and a head lye in eaton Manny Leys being Three Acres John Daft\ lying north \
- Item Eight Leyes on the same Furlonge being Three Roodes Steven Daft lying on Both sides
- Signatories: G Fisher Rr John Daft John Collishaw John Man George Man Hugh Gill Henry James Richard Blower Edward Collishaw
- Also:
- Hickling Terrier 1663 – see Chris Granger A History of Hickling, ap.14.
- Articles of Agreement for the Enclosure Act 1714 – see Chris Granger A History of Hickling, ap.12
- Of the Arrable Land in the wood field;
- Members of the Daft family and their trades (to 1740); see Chris Granger A History of Hickling, ap.9 & frontpage:
- Daniel Daft (tailor); Robert Daft (shepherd); Robert Daft (carrier); Thomas Daft (dowser); ‘Generations of Daft at the Hollow’ (feltmaker & hatter);
- “Most of the artisans would have traded independently but a few of the more enterprising folk would have employed specialist tradesmen. At the end of the seventeenth century John Daft at the Hall, a wealthy yeoman, was employing weavers such as Charles Wollerton to turn the yarn which his womenfolk had spun into cloth, though their relationship may have been more one of subcontractor than employee. Sheep provided wool and flax the linen which the women toiled away at spinning. Robert Collishaw’s wife had twenty yards of linen cloth and a large amount of weaving wool when he died in 1722 and three shepherds left wills. Keeping it in the family, Edward who died in 1737 was a “stockener”. The women in John Daft’s household ran a spinning business. There were tailors for both sexes. Daniel Daft was one in 1687.”
- “Unsurpisingly, framework knitting provided profitable employment for many local people, both male and female. It being a major industry in the area. Frames were purchased and hired out by the better off people to some of their neighbours and were regarded as a sound investment. Elizabeth Daft, an elderly spinster, left two frames in her 1798 will and mentioned Ann March, Jack Moulds and Ann Morris of Hickling and Ann Barnett of Long Clawson as knitters.”
- The Daft family are linked to a Hickling windmill (possibly the brick mill once sited at the end of Mill Lane); fragments surviving from Chris Granger’s History of Hickling (ap.16) include:
- Stephen Daft who died in 1678 leased the windmill from William Hodgkinson
- John Daft who died 1667 owned it
- As these records seem to contradict each other, further research is needed.
Generation 6: late 1600s to early 1700s
(1) Joseph Daft baptised 27th October 1689 – parents, Robert and Mary Daft.
- Joseph married Elizabeth about 1713.
- Known children of Joseph and Elizabeth:
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 15th May 1714, married James Eite at Hickling 3rd February 1737, James was buried Hickling a pauper 2nd July 1790, Elizabeth buried Hickling 27th March 1797.
- *see notes at the end of this generation section.
- Stephen baptised Hickling 8th January 1716, married Anne Eite at Hickling 28th May 1743, he was buried at Cropwell Bishop 26th December 1753 at which time Anne was still alive.
- *see notes at the end of this generation section.
- Mary baptised Hickling 16th March 1718, married unknown Anson/Arson and had a son Isaac alive at the time her father made his will in 1753.
- Anne baptised Hickling 10th January 1720, married Thomas Mann at Hickling 16th January 1751.
- Joseph baptised Hickling 1st April 1722 (see generation 7).
- Robert baptised Hickling 6th April 1724, married Sarah Wenner/Wainer at Radcliffe on Trent 11th February 1751.
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 15th May 1714, married James Eite at Hickling 3rd February 1737, James was buried Hickling a pauper 2nd July 1790, Elizabeth buried Hickling 27th March 1797.
- Joseph’s will does not give any indication that he owned any real estate.
- Joseph died 29th April 1758 age 68.
- ‘Here lyeth the body of Joseph Daft he died April the 29th 1758 aged 68 years All you that do behold this stone Pray think how quickly I was gone Death doth not always warning give Therefore be cearfull [sic] how you live’
- Elizabeth was buried in Hickling 21st September 1767 age 86.
(2) Theodosia (Daft) Faux baptised 4th November 1677 (Hickling), daughter of Robert and Mary Daft.
- Theodosia Daft married John Faux (carpenter) 31st January 1702 (Hickling)
- Children:
- Mary Faux baptised 7th March 1703, 29th February 1727 married at Hickling to William Carrington of Stainby, Lincolnshire.
- Their children baptised at Stainby – Mary 1st January 1729, William 29th June 1735 and Elizabeth 16th April 1738.
- John Faux baptised 8th October 1704; 6th May 1740 married Anne Greasely at Hickling.
- Their daughter Elizabeth was baptised 16th October 1743.
- Anne died 30th November 1745 age 38.
- In his father’s will John was left “the house standing in Puding Lane which I bought of George Strong” and a half oxgang of land. At the time of the will (1743) John was living in a house “standing by Long Lane”.
- George Faux baptised 23rd April 1707.
- In his father’s will George was left the house standing by Long Lane in which his brother John was living and a half oxgang of land.
- Richard Faux baptised 27th February 1709, buried 30th December 1718
- Theodosia Faux baptised 4th March 1711, buried 26th August 1733
- Elizabeth Faux baptised 23rd August 1713, buried 17th February 1719
- Robert Faux baptised 19th July 1716, buried 15th June 1722
- Richard Faux baptised 30th August 1719
- his burial has not been found but unlike his surviving siblings he was not mentioned in his father’s will, made in 1743
- Mary Faux baptised 7th March 1703, 29th February 1727 married at Hickling to William Carrington of Stainby, Lincolnshire.
- Theodosia (Daft) Faux died 23rd December 1727, age 51 (Hickling); her gravestone names her ‘Dosie’. John Faux remarried in Redmile on 30th December 1736 (Mary Stokes).
- John Faux was buried 27 July 1743, having made his will on 7th June that year. He left his widow Mary the house in which they lived and a half oxgang of land, charging the owner of that land for ever to pay 5 shillings each year to the poor of Hickling, to be distributed as white bread at the discretion of the minister and churchwardens. His will showed that John owned three houses and one and a half oxgang of land and his inventory showed that he owned, unusually for the time, a clock.
(3) Richard Daft baptised 17th November 1661 at the Dovecote; son of Richard and Margaret Daft.
- It is considered that this Richard is the most likely father of the children listed below because of his being identified in the Registers as being “at the Dovecote”. At this time, the Dafts were typically annotated as being at the Hall, at the Bridge, at the Weir, at the Green or at the Dovecote. Some of the children listed below are stated to be at the Dovecote.
- Richard married Mary but the marriage has not been found.
- Children:
- Ann Daft bap.10th June 1694. She was Ann Hopkinson when her father’s will was made in December 1727 but her marriage has not been found.
- Mary Daft bap.19th January 1696, buried 3rd April 1721.
- Elizabeth Daft bap. 14th November 1697, buried 9th November 1713.
- George Daft bap.9th November 1699, died 28th January 1770 yeoman (Hickling) – see generation 7.
- Margaret Daft bap.15th February 1702, still alive when her father’s will was made in December 1727.
- Sarah Daft bap.26th November 1704 at the Dovecote, buried 15th February 1709.
- Richard Daft bap.15th March 1707, still alive when father’s will was made December 1727
- John Daft bap.15th February 1709 of the Dove Cote, still alive when father’s will was made in December 1727.
- William Daft bap.5th August 1711, still alive when father’s will was made in December 1727.
- Thomas Daft bap.16th August 1713, still alive when father’s will was made in December 1727.
- Stephen Daft bap.15th June 1715, possibly unmarried, possibly buried 2nd January 1785 age 69, gentleman from Nether Broughton; tomb built with permission of the rector (a brick structure covering the entire grave with the engraved slab lying on top of it).
- No trace of a will for Stephen has been found in the Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire or National Archives which might throw further light on his family. He was living in Nether Broughton when he died on 2nd January 1785 but was buried in Hickling the following day. His tomb was a brick structure covering the entire grave with the engraved slab lying on top of it, erected 6th October 1785 with the permission of the rector according to the parish registers.
- *see notes at the end of this generation section.
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 31st August 1718, still alive when father’s will was made December 1727, possibly married James Eite 3rd February 1737.
- James Eite buried 2nd July 1790, pauper age 79; Elizabeth Eite widow of James buried 27 March 1797 age 80.
- *see notes at the end of this generation section.
- Mary Daft (wife of Richard) buried in Hickling, 25th January 1724
- Richard Daft of the Dovecote buried 26th December 1727 (Hickling), two days after he made his will. His is one of a run of 10 burials between 18 December and 3 January. The cause for this is not known, a sample check of Nether Broughton, Long Clawson, Hose and Ab Kettleby has shown no such run of burials.
- In his will Richard was described as being “of the Dove Cote”. All of his children who were alive when he made his will received legacies. His eldest son George was made his executor. Taking into account that Stephen was only 12 and Elizabeth only 10, the will ordered that George was to provide them with “meat drink washing and lodging and all other necessaries for wearing apparel” in Stephen’s case for 2 years and in Elizabeth’s for five. All of the children except George received either £4 or £5, with the exception of Ann who only received 2 shillings. This bequest was tagged on at the end of the will, so perhaps Richard had considered her to be sufficiently provided for by her husband. George then received the residue of the estate. Neither the will nor the inventory described Richard’s occupation but his son George was described as a yeoman. His only livestock were 2 cows, 2 heifers and 2 calves and he had some corn and hay and a field of wheat but nothing that indicated that he farmed for anything other than personal consumption.
(4) Search for John and Margaret Daft (parents of Robert Daft – generation 7):
Possible records:
- John Daft; baptised 23rd January 1686/87 (Hickling), parents Thomas and Epham/Euphame Daft
- Margaret Pare; baptism Ruddington 4th September 1688, parents John and Anne.
- Marriage record:17th May 1712 – John Daft (of Hickling) to Margaret Pare (of Kinoulton).
(5) Daniel Daft baptised 15th September 1672 (Hickling) – parents, Robert and Joan (Man) Daft.
- Married Hope Pollard 21st June 1697 or 1698 (Stanton-on-the-Wolds) – two transcriptions of the parish registers give different years.
- Known children (all baptised Hickling):
- John Daft baptised 26th February 1700, buried 3rd July 1703
- Mary Daft baptised 30th August 1702
- Robert Daft baptised 10th January 1705, buried 12th January 1705
- Sarah Daft baptised 2nd December 1705, buried 19th January 1710
- William Daft baptised 23rd October 1710
- Robert Daft baptised 15th February 1713
- John Daft baptised 14th November 1715 – see generation 7
- Hope Daft wife of Daniel buried 16th November 1727.
- Daniel Daft buried 26th August 1737.
Also note:
- Mary Daft – Will 1685 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Robert Daft – Will and Inventory 1686 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- John Daft – Will and Inventory 1696 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Margaret Daft – Will and Inventory 1700 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- John Daft; baptised 25th February 1699 (Hickling); father Daniel Daft, mother’s name, Hope. This John Daft died and was buried in Hickling, 3rd July 1703.
- John Daft; baptised 24th January 1702 (presbyterian, Nottinghamshire), father John Daft.
- John Daft; of Nottinghamshire, 1713, apprentice indenture to Rachel Whitchurch (framework knitter), £6.0s.0d. Father Thomas Daft, yeoman.
- John Daft; baptism 1716 – son of John and Margaret Daft (parish registers)
- William Daft; baptism 1716 – son of William and Rebecca Daft (parish registers)
- John Daft; of Hickling, Nottinghamshire, 1721, apprentice indenture to John Hopkins of Broughton, Leics (framework knitter), £2.0s.0d. Father Richard Daft.
- Church renovations: An inscription on the outside gable on the East of the South aisle indicates that it was restored in 1736 with the initials of the then church wardens, JD and TS (John Daft and Thomas Skellinton).(see Chris Granger, A History of Hickling ap.7).
- Isabel Daft; Chris Granger speculates that Isabel Daft may be the ‘ID’ linked to ‘WM’ (William Morris, shoemaker) in graffiti from the C18th on the old oak Church door – perhaps they were sweethearts but it isn’t known whether they married (although there are several marriage records for a William Morris, none are to ‘ID’).
Records for individuals named Stephen & Elizabeth Daft at this time:
*Note: there is some confusion over the records for those individuals named/baptised Stephen and Elizabeth Daft in these years. At present, the following ‘best guesses’ have been made:
- Parents Richard and Mary Daft (they had twelve children, all baptised Hickling):
- Stephen Daft; bap. 15th June 1715 (Hickling); it is believed that this is the individual buried in Hickling – tomb by the side of the church path (see, below).
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 31st August 1718 (Hickling), still alive when her father’s will was made December 1727, possibly married James Eite 3rd February 1737 (see, below)
- Parents Joseph and Elizabeth Daft:
- Stephen Daft baptised Hickling 8th January 1716 (Hickling); probably married Anne Eite at Hickling 28th May 1743, he was buried at Cropwell Bishop 26th December 1753 at which time Anne was still alive.
- Children (baptised Cropwell Bishop): Stephen baptised 13 May 1744; Joseph baptised 14 August 1748; Anne baptised 29 September 1751.
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 15th May 1714 (Hickling); probably married James Eite at Hickling 3rd February 1737; James was buried Hickling a pauper 2nd July 1790, Elizabeth buried Hickling 27th March 1797.
- Stephen Daft baptised Hickling 8th January 1716 (Hickling); probably married Anne Eite at Hickling 28th May 1743, he was buried at Cropwell Bishop 26th December 1753 at which time Anne was still alive.
- Intermarriages with the Eite family – it is likely that brothers and sisters married brothers and sisters:
- It could be conjectured that the children of Richard and Mary Daft may have been relatively more affluent (the Dovecote family); if this is the case, Stephen may have been able to afford a tomb whereas Elizabeth would have been unlikely to marry a man who would die a pauper.
- Only one record has been found (nationally) for a Stephen Daft marrying Anne at around this time; it would seem almost certain that they are the parents of the children baptised in Cropwell Bishop – there is a matching burial record in Cropwell Bishop for this Stephen Daft.
- In this way, it seems likely that only one of the Stephen Dafts born in Hickling at this time married:
- The tomb in Hickling may make more sense if its occupant was a bachelor (for example, there are no further family references on the gravestone and he is buried ‘by permission’ where he was born rather than where he was living).
- Stephen Daft – buried 2nd January 1785 age 69, a gentleman from Nether Broughton; tomb built with permission of the rector (a brick structure covering the entire grave with the engraved slab lying on top of it). This is a substantial box tomb beside the Church path (Hickling):
- ‘Beneath this tomb lieth interr’d the body of Stephen Daft. He departed this life, January the 2nd, in the year of our Lord 1785, aged 69 years. There is a time to die, you know full well, But when, or where, or how, you cannot tell: Pass not your judgment on anothers’ end, But inward look, and see? the best may mend. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive 1.Cor.xv.22 ’
- No trace of a will for Stephen has been found in the Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire or National Archives which might throw further light on his family. He was living in Nether Broughton when he died on 2nd January 1785 but was buried in Hickling the following day. His tomb was a brick structure covering the entire grave with the engraved slab lying on top of it, erected 6th October 1785 with the permission of the rector according to the parish registers.
- (further research/clarification required)
Generation 7: early to late 1700s
(1) Joseph Daft baptised 1st April 1722 (son of Joseph & Elizabeth):
- Joseph married Sarah Morris at Hickling 26th October 1748. She died 24th May 1752 age 23.
- Sarah Morris, eldest child of William and Ann Morris, was baptised in Hickling 5th November 1726.
- ‘Here lieth the body of Sarah the wife of Joseph Daft who departed this life the 24th day of May in the year of our Lord 1752 and in the 24th of her age. Also Ann the daughter of the above who died an infant.’
- Joseph then married Elizabeth Fosted at Hickling 27th December 1752.
- Known Children of Joseph andSarah:
- William baptised Hickling 3rd September 1749, died after 1797 when his father made his will
- Anne baptised Hickling 3rd September 1749, buried 11 June 1751
- Joseph baptised Hickling 7th July 1751 (see generation 8)
- Known children of Joseph and Elizabeth:
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 13th September 1753, married Samuel Skinner at Hickling 31st October 1774, she was buried at Hickling 28th September 1783
- Ann baptised Hickling 19th May 1755, buried Hickling 26th March 1786
- Mary baptised Hickling 13th March 1757, buried Hickling 4th July 1777
- Robert baptised Hickling 17th February 1759, married Elizabeth Stephenson St Mary’s Nottingham 25th November 1787, he was buried Lenton 8th October 1853
- Sarah baptised Hickling 3rd February 1761, married John Clarke at Hickling 25th June 1790, she died after her father made in will in 1797
- Stephen baptised Hickling 4th July 1762, buried Hickling 8th March 1767
- John baptised Hickling 1st July 1764, died after 1797 when his father made his will
- Stephen baptised Hickling 22nd March 1767, two weeks after the burial of his older brother Stephen. Buried 1st December 1767
- Hannah baptised Hickling 16th December 1768, married John Litherland at St Peter’s Nottingham 28th March 1796, alive when her father made his will in 1797
- Jane baptised Hickling 28th April 1771, died after her father made his will in 1797
- Eleanor baptised Hickling 1st December 1773, married Joseph Maltby at Hickling 19th April 1798, she is buried Hickling 28th November 1783 – see generation 8
- Stephen baptised Hickling 9th September 1777
- married Sarah Morris daughter of Francis and Hannah at Hickling 27th February 1802.
- Children:
- Hannah Daft, baptised 26th September 1802. She married Samuel Doubleday (butcher and farmer) of Long Clawson at Hickling 4th October 1830. They had eight children of whom two came to live in Hickling – Elizabeth Doubleday, who married Arthur Price at Hickling 2nd January 1868, died Hickling 3rd August 1908 and Samuel Daft Doubleday who farmed in Hickling and died 27th December 1874. (see also, The Will of Samuel Cheshire Doubleday (d.8th May 1918)
- Anna Daft baptised 15th February 1804, buried 4th March 1816.
- Stephen Daft baptised 23rd February 1805, buried 6th April 1805 (this baptism seems extremely close to both the previous and the next baptism).
- Robert and John Daft baptised 4th December 1805, the day that their mother died.
- John buried 24th February 1819 age 13.
- In 1851 Robert was a journeyman brewer lodging in Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham with widow Mary Taylor and her four children. He married Mary at St Peter’s, Radford, Nottingham 26th August 1852.
- In 1861 he and Mary were living in Sneinton and her 16 year old daughter Ann; Robert described as a brewer.
- Sarah (Morris) Daft died 4th December 1805 age 25; ‘In memory of Sarah the wife of Stephen Daft who departed this life December 4th 1805 aged 25 years. How lov’d how valu’d once, avails thee not To whom related or by whom begot: A heap of dust alone remains of thee, Tis all thou art and all the Proud shall be. Wright’
- Stephen married Mary Robinson (of Croxton) at Hickling 18 May 1812.
- Children (baptised in Hickling unless stated otherwise):
- Thomas Daft baptised 20th September 1812, married Melicent Penniston in Plungar 18th January 1832. They had three children baptised in Langar, then two more baptised in Nottingham and then emigrated to the United States where they had another three children in Illinois. Melicent was buried 24th October 1873 and he 31st January 1875, both in Illinois.
- Ann Daft baptised 31st October 1814. She married William Millington Holy Trinity Nottingham 3rd March 1849. They lived for a while in Lancashire, where William was a warehouseman and later a warehouse manager. William died in Nottingham 22nd August 1892, described as gentleman and leaving an estate worth £4,213.14s. Ann’s death was registered in Basford, age 86, in the last quarter of 1900.
- Henry Daft baptised 29th March 1816, married Elizabeth Handley at St Mary’s Nottingham 23rd December 1851.
- Frederick Daft baptised 3rd October 1817, married Emily Fairholme at St Mary’s Nottingham 29th March 1855.
- William Daft baptised 2nd May 1819, buried Langar 9th October 1830.
- Jane Daft baptised Langar 4th February 1821, married Joseph Higginbotham at Holy Trinity, Nottingham 29th July 1848.
- Maria Daft baptised Langar 2nd June 1822.
- Elizabeth Daft baptised Langar 17th February 1824, buried St Catherine’s, Nottingham 5th April 1898.
- George Daft baptised Langar 22nd December 1825, buried there 4th January 1826.
- Hannah Anna Daft baptised Langar 16th February 1827, she was still alive in 1841, living with her father and some of her siblings in St Mary’s Nottingham.
- Joseph Daft baptised Langar 8th December 1828, still alive 1841.
- Melicent Sarah Daft baptised Langar 28th April 1831. In the 1861 census she was a lace corder, a visitor in Sneinton.
- Charles Daft baptised St Mary’s, Nottingham 26th September 1834, buried there three days later.
- Mary (Robinson) Daft was buried Sneinton 5th October 1834; less than a fortnight after her youngest child.
- Stephen was described as a farmer when he entered into an administration bond after the death of Sarah in 1806 and also when he was granted administration of his father’s estate in 1813. In the 1841 census he was described as a labourer. At that time he was living in Back Lane, St Mary’s, Nottingham with his children Ann, Jane, Hannah, Joseph and Melicent.
- Stephen was made sole executor of his father’s will in 1797 and was described as a farmer in 1813 when he was granted administration.
- Stephen was buried Sneinton 15th July 1843.
- Elizabeth was buried 22nd January 1791 age 60.
- Joseph was buried 5th November 1807 age 86.
- It is not known why administration of his estate was not granted until 1813.
- Joseph was described as a grazier in his will, which gave no indication that he owned any real estate.
(2) Robert Daft baptised Hickling 4th February 1727/8 (son of John & Margaret Daft – see generation 6.4):
- Possible burial record for his mother, Margaret Daft (widow), Hickling, 15th July 1767.
- Robert Daft married twice:
- First marriage – no details found but he is referred to as a widow when he marries Sarah Willows.
- Possible marriage in Hickling to Mary Wright (of Hickling) 26th December 1752 but there is no corresponding death record that fits the date of his second marriage.
- Married, Frisby, 1st February 1759; Sarah Willows, daughter of John and Sarah – she was baptised at Frisby 10th July 1726.
- First marriage – no details found but he is referred to as a widow when he marries Sarah Willows.
- Children:
- Anne Daft 24th May 1759; married Edward Rouse of Long Clawson 6 April 1785 in Hickling
- George Pares Daft 15th April 1762 (Pares reflects Robert’s mother’s maiden name). George married Mary and they had 7 children baptised in Eagle, Lincolnshire, where George was buried 6 March 1851.
- George and Mary’s fourth child was John, baptised 28th May 1797. He married Mary Starkey in Doddington-Pigot, Lincolnshire 28th July 1817 with the consent of her parents. He signed.
- 15th March 1833 Stamford Mercury: At Lincolnshire Crown Court. “Horse-stealing at Eagle John Daft, aged 35, miller, was arraigned on a charge of stealing a dark brown mare, the property of Mr Wm Smith, farmer, of Eagle. The mare was proved to have been safely secured in the prosecutor’s stable on the evening of the 14th of September, but was discovered to be missing a few hours afterwards. John Laidman, constable of Ferrybridge, in Yorkshire, stated that he saw the prisoner with the mare in his possession, at the stable of a person named Cheesborough, when Daft told him the mare was his, that it had been formerly run in his father’s gig, and now that his father was dead [he was not] he (the prisoner had received it as part of his fortune. The prisoner was afterwards traced to Hunslet, when he was apprehended and lodged in Leeds gaol; he then said his name was John Walker. On being confronted by Mr Smith whilst in prison he told a different tale, and said that he had bought the mare at Retford for 20l. Being called upon for his defence, the prisoner said that had he been sent to York, he should have had many witnesses to prove that he had bought the mare. The jury instantly returned a verdict of guilty, and he was sentenced to transportation for life.”
- 29th March 1833 Stamford Mercury: John Daft removed from Lincoln Castle to be sent from Woolwich on the Justitia for transportation for life.
- Elizabeth Daft 18th February 1765; married 21st April 1783 (Hickling) John Corner (baptised 18th June 1760 (Cropwell Bishop), son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Felstead) Corner). They had 8 sons, although only 4 of the brothers survived beyond 1817 – Joseph (eldest surviving), John, Septimus and Daniel (youngest surviving):
- Robert Daft Corner 27th July 1783, buried 3rd May 1785 infant
- Robert Daft Corner 24th July 1785
- Joseph Corner 15th June 1787
- George Daft Corner 22nd November 1789
- John Corner 19th February 1792
- Daniel Corner 14th December 1794, buried 7 January 1802
- Septimus Corner 21st May 1797 (named as the seventh child)
- Daniel Corner 6th February 1803
- See Corner’s Yard/Hodson’s Yard pages.
- Robert died 16th June 1783 (Hickling) age 55.
- The parish registers describe Robert as yeoman when recording his burial. His will was made 30th May 1783, shortly before he died, but not proved until 20th July 1789. It described him as a grazier. He left the house, garden, orchard and appurtenances to his daughter Elizabeth, who had married the month before he made his will, “but my mind and Will is that my said Wife Sarah Daft shall have the use and privilege of the far Parlour and the Chamber near it and a place to serve for the purpose of a Coalhouse during the term of her natural life together with the yearly Fruit of two Apple Trees in my Orchard”. He left George some land in Hickling after the death of his wife Sarah, subject to the payment of £60 to Ann. George was also given a two-eared silver cup but all the rest of his household goods went to Sarah. George was to receive all of his cattle, stock and other personal estate. Sarah was his executrix.
- This land and property may be Corner’s Yard (later Hodson’s Yard), opposite the Village Hall (deeds belonging to this location only go back to 1803 but they reference John and Elizabeth Corner).
- Sarah (Willows) Daft died 1st April 1807 age 81; ‘In memory of Sarah the wife of Robert Daft. She died April 1st 1807 aged 81 years. Pale death can hardly find another So good a wife, so kind a mother In all her actions so discreet She who lies here at your feet.’
(3) George Daft bap.9th November 1699 (Hickling), died 28th January 1770 yeoman (Hickling); son of Richard and Mary Daft.
- George Daft married Dorothy Caunt (born 1722) – 15th July 1741.
- Children:
- George Daft bap.7th July 1746, died 22nd January 1812 (Hickling) age 66.
- Thomas Daft bap.12th August 1752, buried 14th September 1752 (infant death).
- bap.19th May 1755, died 19th September 1817 – see generation 8.
- George died 28th January 1770 age 70. George had made his will in March 1765 and made Dorothy and George his joint executors. George was given his father’s house, home close, outbuildings and an oxgang of land and George senior’s intention was that Dorothy would continue to live with her son, but provision was made in case they could not agree to do so for George to pay his mother £4 a year. Thomas was given £50 when he reached the age of 21 and another £50 to be paid a year later. The rest of the estate was divided between George and Dorothy.
- Dorothy died 17th August 1805 age 84.
(4) John Daft baptised 14th November 1715 (Hickling) – parents Daniel and Hope Daft.
- John Daft baptised 14th November 1715 (Hickling) – son of Daniel and Hope Daft
- John Daft married twice:
- Eleanor Marriot 7th July 1735 (Hickling)
- There are two burials with the name Eleanor Daft (Hickling); 3rd January 1746 and 14th October 1746. They would seem to be the mother and her youngest daughter; it is likely that the baby was given her mother’s name when her mother died in childbirth but that the baby didn’t live long (baptised in May, buried in October).
- Hannah Morton 8th September 1747 (Hickling)
- Eleanor Marriot 7th July 1735 (Hickling)
- Children of John and Eleanor Daft:
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 30th May 1737
- Robert Daft baptised 11th February 1739, died 9th March 1806 age 64 according to his headstone (buried with his daughter, Mary); parish registers describe him as a yeoman – see generation 8
- Mary Daft baptised 21st August 1742
- Eleanor Daft baptised 26th May 1745; burial 14th October 1746 (see marriage record, above).
- No trace has been found of Elizabeth and Mary after their baptisms but John also named two of his daughters by his later marriage Elizabeth and Mary, making it probable that they died young.
- Children of John and Hannah Daft:
- Hannah Daft baptised 15th July 1748, buried 9th May 1758
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 5th August 1749, quite likely the Elizabeth Daft spinster buried 21 October 1770. Elizabeth was mentioned in her father’s will written in 1769 but not in her mother’s written in 1778 though she would not quite have been in her minority as stated for all of the daughters on the headstone
- Mary Daft baptised 30th May 1751, married Gervas Parr of Radcliffe-on-Trent, 22nd April 1777 (Hickling)
- Margaret Daft baptised 11th May 1753, buried 19th May 1758
- Sarah Daft baptised 9th February 1755, buried 24th May 1758
- Anne Daft baptised 17th February 1758, married John Hopkinson 5th January 1778 (Hickling) – see generation 9
- Children: John Daft’s Will also refers to his son, John; there is no record of his baptism or whether he was the son of Eleanor or Hannah (or even, perhaps, born out-of-wedlock). In the will the children are listed as Robert, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Anne Daft; it is unclear whether they were listed in age order or simply the male children followed by the female children.
- Three of John and Hannah’s daughters died in May 1758. There were only two other burials in Hickling that month – Joseph Daft buried 1st May and John Daft of Frisby buried 11th May (also a burial on each of 25th and 27th April). Before that there had apparently been no burials for over four months and afterwards another two and a half months with no burials; such a long period with no burials (including the depths of winter) is questionable. If the registers are accurate and this sudden run of burials had a common cause then smallpox would seem a likely suspect. No mention of smallpox is made in the Hickling registers but the Frisby registers show a run of deaths related to the illness in March 1758 and the Long Clawson registers show 1 smallpox death in January, 3 in February, 1 in April and two isolated cases at the end of the year.
- John Daft died 2nd June 1770 (Hickling) aged 54 years
- John’s will of 1769, which described him as a yeoman, says that his children are Robert, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Anne Daft. No trace has been found of the baptism of John. John left Hannah his house, dovecote and his dispersed pieces of land totalling about an oxgang, subject to her paying interest on the mortgage of £100 secured on them, and also all his “household goods, stock, cattle, chattells and personal estate” for so long as she remained his widow. After her death or remarriage his entire estate was to go to his brother Robert (Daft) and George Mann in trust, his real estate to be offered first to his son Robert at “a moderate price” should he choose to buy it, and all sold and the proceeds used first to give to each of his daughters £60, to his son Robert £10 and to his son John a sum of money (which is lost in a hole in the will), and then to divide the remainder equally between them. Robert chose to take up the option to buy his father’s real estate after the death of his mother.
- Hannah Daft did not remarry; she died 18th July 1799 (Hickling) aged 82 years
- She made her will in 1778, distributing her estate (which had accumulated since the death of John and which was therefore not covered by his will) equally between her surviving daughters Mary and Ann.
- ‘Here lieth interr’d the body of John Daft. He died June the 2nd 1770 aged 54 years Also Hannah relict of John Daft. She died July 18th 1799 aged 82 years. Also Hannah Elizabeth Margaret and Sarah the daughters of John & Hannah Daft died in their minority. BX (mason’s mark in bottom right hand corner)
Also note:
- Baptism record: Margaret Daft – 15th February 1701 (Hickling), parents Richard and Mary
- Burial record: Marg Daft – 13th May 1723 (Hickling), daughter of Jno and Marg
- Burial record: Margaret Daft – burial date 19th May 1758 (Hickling), daughter of John and Hannah Daft.
- Burial record: Margaret Daft (widow), Hickling, 15th July 1767
- Robert Daft – Will and Inventory 1720 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Richard Daft – Will and Inventory 1728 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- John Daft – Will 1758 (Hickling then Frisby) – see Wills page (D)
- George Daft – Will 1770 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- John Daft – Will 1771 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Robert Daft – Will 1779 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Robert Daft – Will 1789 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Elizabeth Daft (of Hickling) 1798 will:
- It is unclear where this Elizabeth fits in to the Hickling families of the time but she seems to be a spinster of independent means and leaves her estate (including a property and stocking frame equipment) to her sister, Sarah Tyler and a number of named female relations.
- This will offers a significant clue to the growing importance of the frame knitting industry in Hickling and elsewhere at this time.
- Surnames referenced are: Tyler, March, Clarke, Morris and Barnett. Witnesses include; Squires, Rouse, Morrell, Bampton, Henson.
- The full Will transcription can be found in the Wills section of the website
- Phillimore Marriage Records:
- James Eite and Elizabeth Daft, 3rd February 1736
- John Moreland and Mary Daft, 7th February 1737
- Stephen Daft and Anne Eite, 28th April 1743
- John Daft and Hannah Morton, 8th September 1747 (this was John Daft’s second marriage; he is the son of Daniel and Hope Daft. He was first married to Eleanor Marriot 7th July 1735 (Hickling)) – see above.
- Joseph Daft and Sarah Morris, 26th October 1748
Generation 8: mid 1700s to mid 1800s
(1) Joseph Daft baptised Hickling 7th July 1751 – parents Joseph & Sarah Daft
- Married Mary Ashton in Melton Mowbray 23rd November 1778. She was buried in Hickling 13 January 1792 age 42 according to the parish registers (headstone engraved after Joseph died in 1832 says she was 40).
- Joseph then married Sarah Hoe 1st January 1795 in Kinoulton.
- Joseph was a wheelwright; also, possible reference to him as wheelwright & publican at the Wheel Inn.
- Known children of Joseph and Mary:
- Sarah Daft baptised Hickling 24th July 1779, she married George Tideman carver and gilder St Peter’s Nottingham 23rd January 1804 and was still alive when her father made his will in 1831
- William Daft baptised Hickling 22nd April 1781, buried Hickling 25th January 1783
- Stephen Daft baptised Hickling 25th May 1783, a framework knitter living in Nottingham when his father made his will in 1831
- Joseph Daft baptised Hickling 28th March 1785, married Martha Hayes at Ruddington 19th March 1807.
- He was a framework knitter in Ruddington in 1831 when his father made his will.
- Martha was buried 14th September 1854 at Ruddington, he was buried Ruddington 8th June 1861
- Mary Daft baptised Hickling 4th January 1786, died after her father made his will in 1831
- This is likely to be the Mary Daft who moved to Granby; here she had two children (unmarried and father unknown); John (bap.8th October 1815, mother Mary Daft, father not named) and Eliza (bap. June 28th 1818 (Granby), mother Mary Daft, father unnamed; died 5th July 1818 (Granby)).
- It is possible that this Mary is found in her brother John’s household (see generation 9) in the 1841 census for Hickling; she is age 50 and she is a schoolmistress. It isn’t known whether she was living here or visiting.
- Possible records of death: Q3 1844, Bingham District or Q1 1852, Bingham District.
- Mary’s son, John Daft (born 1815) and family remain in Granby in census 1871.
- Further information to be added on John’s Family
- Two of his sons; Arthur and Isaac (with their families) emigrated to Australia in 1885
- His daughter Ann was the victim of an assault in Hickling in 1883; her sisters Amy (Daft) Smith and Mary (Daft) Holmes are both named in the newspaper reports. Ann would have had relatives in Hickling at the time of the assault (through her grandmother’s siblings) but they are not mentioned in the reports.
- Isaac Daft baptised Hickling 4th March 1789, married Mary Tomkins in Tewkesbury 14th June 1810.
- He was a framework knitter there but had died by the time that his father made his will in 1831, his seven children each receiving a legacy of £1.
- Known children of Joseph and Sarah:
- Elizabeth baptised Hickling 21st May 1795, married Thomas Smith of Kirby Bellars at Hickling 3rd June 1816, he died before 1831 by which time Elizabeth was living at Hose
- Ann baptised Hickling 26th November 1797, married blacksmith George Chapman of Hickling at St Mary’s Nottingham 26th May 1817.
- Their first child, Mary, being baptised at Hickling 30th June 1817.
- Ann was buried Hickling 24th April 1823 age 25 but her father left her daughters Mary and Elizabeth each £2 10s.
- John baptised Hickling 21 May 1800, buried Hickling 28 January 1801
- John baptised Hickling 3 January 1802 (see generation 9).
- He was the executor and residuary legatee of his father’s will and received “all my houses, lands, tenements and hereditaments, whatsoever and wheresoever, and all my goods, cattle, chattels, stock in trade and all my household furniture and all other my monies and interest on monies and all my real and personal property, whatsoever and wheresoever situate, to be by him enjoyed for ever, subject nevertheless to the true and full payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses, and subject also to the full and faithful payment of all the said several legacies and bequests herein before devised and bequeathed as they severally become due”.
- Joseph died in 1832 (possibly of Asiatic cholera – the first of 8 people in Hickling said to have died in this way); apart from John, his residuary legatee, Joseph left all of his children £5 except Mary, who received only 5s. The reason for this is unexplained but as with all his other beneficiaries she was left this “with my blessing”. It may be because she was the only unmarried child or it may be because she had moved away and had a son out of wedlock.
- Sarah buried 9th September 1822 age 56 (buried with her son John, who had died in infancy) and Joseph 30th June 1832 age 80.
(2) Thomas Daft bap.19th May 1755, died 19th September 1817 (son of George and Dorothy Daft).
- Thomas Daft, a farmer and grazier, married 1st January 1805 Hickling to Bridget Sutton (baptised 22nd July 1768). Thomas was 49 and Bridget was 36.
- Children:
- Salome Daft; bap.20th August 1805, died 16th March 1836 – see generation 9.
- Vashti Daft; bap.5th April 1807, died unmarried London 21st March 1866.
- Census 1841 (Stanley Derbys); Vashti was in the household of Derbyshire farmer Henry Grundy, his wife and ten children. With her was her sister Salome’s son George Hickling, age 15. Vashti was described as being of independent means. It would seem likely that they were visiting and that George lived, like his three siblings, with his maternal grandmother.
- Census 1851 & 1861 (Hickling); housekeeper in the household of her brother, Thomas – in 1851 her nephew George Hickling is also in the household.
- Vashti died unmarried from a “stomachic complaint” on 21st March 1866 aged 59yrs in London [Q1 1866 Pancras Reg District Vol 1b page 56]. She may have been visiting or living with her sister’s son George Hickling there, since he is recorded as living in St Pancras in 1861.
- She was buried in Hickling Churchyard with her sister, Salome and her niece, Lila.
- An Adam & Eve sampler worked by Vashti when she was aged 10 has survived; an image is available although the whereabouts of the original is unknown.
- George Daft; bap.30th April 1809
- Census 1841; George was living in his mother’s household, a farmer. Also recorded – his brother Thomas and his late sister Salome’s three eldest children. Vashti Daft and Salome’s son, George were probably usually resident in the household but they were in Derbyshire on the day of the census.
- George married Ann Hardy 15th June 1843 (Hickling); daughter of Robert Hardy. His father Thomas Daft farmer.
- They had a son George Daft baptised Hickling 2nd November 1847, father farmer – see generation 10.
- They then moved to Halloughton, near Southwell in Nottinghamshire, where George farmed; recorded here in census 1851 and 1861 (Manor House, Halloughton)
- Anne (Hardy) Daft “the beloved wife of Mr George Daft, farmer, Halloughton, aged 62” died at Hickling 12th December 1869 according to the Nottinghamshire Guardian of 17th December. She was buried in Hickling and the parish registers record that she died of dropsy and her abode as Nottingham; she may have died in hospital there. There is no headstone but she may be buried in a Hardy family plot.
- Census 1871; George Daft’s household in Halloughton includes his son, George; his brother, Thomas; his niece, Vashti Hickling (housekeeper). George is a farmer of 174 acres.
- Census 1881; George Daft’s household in Halloughton includes his son, George (as well as wife, Fanny, and 5 children); his brother, Thomas (unmarried, gardener); his niece, Vashti Hickling (housekeeper). George (widower) is a farmer of 235 acres.
- George Daft buried Halloughton 20th September 1882 age 73. The Nottinghamshire Guardian of 29th September tells us that he lived at Hall Farm, Halloughton. The farm was then taken over by his only child George Daft.
- Thomas Daft; bap.5th December 1813, father yeoman.
- Thomas did not marry.
- Census 1851 (Hickling); head of household, farming 80 acres. Also in the household are his sister, Vashti Daft (housekeeper), and his nephew, George Hickling (age 15, scholar).
- Census 1861 (Hickling); head of household, grazier. His sister, Vashti Daft, is listed as his housekeeper.
- Census 1871 & 1881; listed with his brother, George Daft, in Halloughton, Southwell (see, above) and in 1891 with his nephew, George (also in Halloughton).
- Thomas Daft buried Halloughton 4th June 1891, age 77.
- Thomas Daft (snr) died 19th September 1817 Hickling age 62.
- Bridget (Sutton) Daft was buried in the same grave 30th October 1844 age 76.
(3) Robert Daft baptised 11th February 1739 (Hickling) – parents John and Eleanor Daft.
- Married Mary Milnes– 6th June 1773 (Hickling)
- baptised 23rd October 1750, daughter of Thomas and Mary Milnes
- Children:
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 6th June 1773, the same date that her parents were married; died 2nd September 1853 age 80 (Hickling) – see generation 9
- Census 1851: Elizabeth (age 75, 1776) and Hannah Daft (age 60, 1791) are listed together as unmarried sisters and both as landed proprietors – no one else in the household.
- Neither Elizabeth nor Hannah married and they lived together until Elizabeth’s death in 1853; they are also buried together: ‘In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Daft who died September 2nd 1853 aged 80 years. Also of Hannah Daft, sister of the above, who died February 27th 1877, in her 89th year. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.’
- Mary Daft baptised 22nd January 1775, died 12th March 1801
- Robert Daft 4th August 1776, buried Hickling 10th August 1833 age 56
- Thomas Daft 18th January 1779, buried Hickling 15th March 1814 age 35
- Sarah Daft 13th January 1781, buried 20th January 1781 infant
- Hannah Daft 28th September 1788, died 27th February 1877 age 88 – see generation 9.
- Census 1851: Elizabeth (age 75, 1776) and Hannah Daft (age 60, 1791) are listed together as unmarried sisters and both as landed proprietors – no one else in the household.
- Census 1861: Hannah (age 72, 1789) is an independent head of household (unmarried) living with her relations, Elizabeth Doubleday (unmarried, age 26, 1835, born Clawson, Leics).
- Census 1871: Hannah (age 82, 1789), head of household (unmarried) living with her servant, Elizabeth Ann Daft (age 26, born 1845, Hickling)
- Neither Elizabeth nor Hannah married and they lived together until Elizabeth’s death in 1853; they are also buried together: ‘In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Daft who died September 2nd 1853 aged 80 years. Also of Hannah Daft, sister of the above, who died February 27th 1877, in her 89th year. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.’
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 6th June 1773, the same date that her parents were married; died 2nd September 1853 age 80 (Hickling) – see generation 9
- Although Robert Daft’s gravestone gives his age as 64 years, he was aged 67 at the time of his death.
- Gravestone: Robert Daft died 9th March 1806 aged 64 years. Mary Daft died 12th March 1801 aged 26. ‘To the memory of Robert Daft, who departed this life March 9th, 1806 aged 64 years. Also Mary, daughter of the above by Mary his wife she died March 12th, 1801; aged 26 years. Life’s uncertain, death is sure, Go thy way and sin no more’
- Robert Daft was described as a yeoman in his will, as was his son Robert (sole executor) when the will was proved (original copy accessible from the National Archives).
- Robert left the land which he had acquired under his father’s will, now subject to a mortgage of £450, to his son Thomas along with £100 to be paid after both Robert and his wife Mary had died.
- The rest of his real estate, undescribed, he left to his son Robert subject to the payment of his legacies, debts (other than the payment of the mortgage of £450) and funeral expenses.
- His wife Mary was given an annuity of £12 and his surviving daughters Elizabeth and Hannah £50 each with a further £100 after the death of his wife.
- No record found for a burial (or a remarriage) for Mary Daft; as Mary (wife) is mentioned in her husband’s Will, it seems that he pre-deceased her – it is possible that she moved away from Hickling to live with friends or family members.
(4) Eleanor Daft baptised Hickling 1st December 1773 – parents Joseph and Elizabeth Daft.
- married Joseph Maltby 19th April 1798 (Hickling)
- Eleanor (Daft) Maltby buried 28th November 1783 (Hickling)
Also note:
- Baptism: Elizabeth Daft 14th January 1810 (Hickling) – mother Lucy Paget (father unnamed)
- Lucy Paget married John Allen 30th December 1813 (Hickling); by Banns, witnesses John Starbuck and Hugh Sutton.
- Burial record in Upper Broughton: Elizabeth Daft, 30th January 1780, wife of William (http://upperbroughtonhistory.objectis.net/historical-documents/burial-records )
- Burial record in Upper Broughton: William Daft, April 4th 1785, Ragman (http://upperbroughtonhistory.objectis.net/historical-documents/burial-records )
- Hannah Daft – Will 1800 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Robert Daft – Will 1806 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Sarah Daft – Bond 1806 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Thomas Daft – Will and Inventory 1823 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
- Joseph Daft – Will 1833 (Hickling) – see Wills page (D)
Generation 9: early to late 1800s
(1) John Daft: 1801-1879 – son of Joseph and Mary (Hoe) Daft
- Born c.1801; baptised Hickling 3rd January 1802 – youngest child of Joseph and Mary (Hoe) Daft (his second wife).
- Married twice:
- Ann Gilbertson at Hickling – 24th Nov 1825; she died (probably in childbirth) 21st January 1827 (her infant daughter, Ann Sarah, is buried in the same grave).
- No trace has been found of Ann (Gilbertson) Daft’s origins.
- Nottingham Review and General Advertiser for the Midland Counties 23rd February 1827: Died. Lately, at Hickling, in this County, Ann, wife of Mr John Daft, wheelwright and publican, of that place.
- Headstone: ‘This stone is erected in remembrance of Ann the loving and affectionate wife of John Daft who changed this life in hope of a joyful resurrection on the 21st day of January 1827 aged 27 years. Also Ann daughter of the above who died in her infancy. Beloved: respected: lamented’
- Elizabeth Bonser (of Kinoulton) at Hickling – 2nd April 1829
- Ann Gilbertson at Hickling – 24th Nov 1825; she died (probably in childbirth) 21st January 1827 (her infant daughter, Ann Sarah, is buried in the same grave).
- Child of John and Ann:
- Ann Sarah; not baptised – buried Hickling 20th Feb 1827 as an infant. She is buried in the same grave as her mother (see above).
- Children of John and Elizabeth:
- William baptised 10th October 1830, buried Hickling 19th January 1839.
- John baptised 18th November 1832, buried Hickling 11th December 1835
- Thomas baptised 4th January 1835
- 3rd December 1860 married Mary Chambers in Hickling.
- Thomas was at that time a lacemaker in Long Eaton and Mary was a servant.
- Mary baptised 23rd April 1836, buried Hickling 11th February 1852
- William baptised 15th July 1839
- John baptised 16th January 1842
- 7th May 1871 married Catherine Maltby at Long Eaton.
- They emigrated to Ohio.
- Elizabeth Ann baptised 29th April 1845
- married George Harriman (of Clifton) 21st May 1877 (Hickling).
- He came to the village as a police constable but then became a carrier before running the Hickling Post Office and a general grocery and bakery from Cromwell House, now Cobblestones.
- A description of the bakery and the Harrimans can be found in ‘Horseman: Memoirs of Captain JH Marshall’ (of the Manor House).
- Robert baptised 24th December 1848 – see generation 10
- Family appears in Hickling census records for; 1841, 1851, 1861 and 1871 (in Brewhouse Yard).
- John Daft is variously listed as wheelwright and parish clerk.
- 1822-1840; unconfirmed references to John Daft and/or his father Joseph, ‘wheelwright & publican’ at the Wheel Inn.
- Reports of his death also record that he was postmaster for 25 years.
- John Daft (1801) died 13th December 1879 – age 78: ‘In loving memory of John Daft, for 34 years Clerk of this parish who died December 13th 1879, aged 78 years.’
- John Daft died of dropsy
- (see also news reports of his death)
- Also Elizabeth, the beloved wife of the above who died December 13th 1886, aged 77 years: ‘The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. Isaiah XL 8’
- Elizabeth died on the 7th anniversary of her husband’s death – 13th December.
(2) Salome (Daft) Hickling: baptised Hickling 20th August 1805 (Hickling) – parents Thomas and Bridget (Sutton) Daft.
- Married Thomas Hickling, 11th August 1829 (Hickling)
- Children:
- Lila Hickling; baptised 27th June 1830
- Vashti Hickling; baptised 26th December 1831
- Thomas Daft Hickling; baptised 20th July 1834 age 10 months
- George Herbert Hickling; baptised 21st January 1836
- Salome (Daft) Hickling died 16th March 1836 (Hickling)
(3) Sarah (Daft) Hopkinson;
- Sarah Daft’s family has been traced back to George and Sarah (Moreton) Daft in Tuxford:
- George Daft; date and place of birth unknown
- The couple are married in West Markham, Notts on 8th May 1726.
- No trace has been found of where the family came from before this and there may be an earlier link originating back to Hickling.
- Their children are baptised in Tuxford and the family remains in this area.
- Sarah (Daft) Hopkinson’s grandparents are Richard and Ann (Austin) Daft; when they marry 23rd December 1798 (St. Mary’s Nottingham), Richard is a market gardener.
- Sarah (Daft) Hopkinson’s parents are Emery Austin Daft (bap.9th March 1800, Arnold, Notts) and Mary (Huskinson) Daft. They marry 16th February 1824 (St. Mary’s, Nottingham).
- Known children of Emery and Mary Daft:
- Hannah b-1824 d-1825 Nottingham infant death
- Maria b-1826 Nottingham
- Richard b-1828 d-1828 Nottingham infant death
- Sarah b-1830 Nottingham married John Granville Hopkinson
- Emery Austin b-1832 Nottingham buried 22nd Sept 1899 Nottingham
- Samuel b-1834 Nottingham buried 6 Nov 1889 Nottingham
- George b-1836 Nottingham buried 19 October 1904 Nottingham
- Sarah (Daft) Hopkinson; bap. 29th September 1830 (St. Mary’s, Nottm).
- Census 1851; John Hopkinson is an apprentice harness maker in Nottingham. No record found for Sarah Daft.
- Sarah Daft married John Granville Hopkinson on 23rd October 1853 (St Mary’s, Nottingham)
- Children:
- Elizabeth Hopkinson born Q4 1852 (Nottingham – although later census records record her place of birth as Hickling); the family then moves to Hickling. Census 1911 shows Elizabeth unmarried and living with her widowed father.
- Census records; 1861 (Hickling village); 1871 (The Green, Hickling); 1881 (Hickling); 1891 (Main St. Hickling) – in all records, John Hopkinson is recorded as a saddler (in 1891, farmer & saddler).
- Sarah (Daft) Hopkinson died 31st October 1898, age 68 (Hickling)
- John Granville Hopkinson died July 18th 1907, age 77 (Hickling)
- Grantham Journal 27th July 1907; Died at Hickling 18th John Granville Hopkinson 76. Well-known and highly-respected died suddenly evening Thursday 18th. Many years successful business of saddler and harness maker and also occupied farm. Retired from former about four years ago in favour of old apprentice and journeyman having previously given up farming. Commanding appearance and stately proportions, over 6 feet tall. Habits and manners of life regular and methodical. For many years under Skelton and all time under Ashmall, rectors of Hickling, he was the people’s warden. When younger a ringer. For some years heart affliction and had become very stout. In hayfield superintending workers, hearty dinner, went and lay down during afternoon. After tea gathered some potatoes then sawed some firewood, five or six minutes before he died he was talking to neighbour over the way at his garden gate. About half past eight went indoors, sat down and died. Coffin preceded by members of Amicable and Frugal of which he was a member. Muffled peel on Sunday before service. Leaves an only daughter.
- Probate: John Granville Hopkinson of Hickling, Nottinghamshire died 18th July 1907. Probate London 23rd August to Elizabeth Hopkinson Spinster. Effects £1237 7s 5d.
- John Granville Hopkinson died 18th July 1907 aged 77yrs also Sarah his wife, died 31st October 1898 aged 68yrs. ‘in loving memory of Sarah wife of John Granville Hopkinson who died Octr 31st 1898 aged 68years. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Psalm XX111 4v Also of John Granville Hopkinson who died July 18th 1907 in his 77 year and they remember’d that God was their strength and that the High god was their redeemer Psalm [rest unreadable]’
- John Granville Hopkinson also has Daft family connections in his own family:
- The Hopkinson family have been traced back in Hickling to Robert Hopkinson, born c.1622. He married Millicent Daft on 28th November 1640 (Southwell) – she was born c.1620 and buried 8th April 1672 (Hickling).
- 5th January 1778 (Hickling); John Hopkinson (baptised 6th January 1749, Hickling) married Ann Daft (baptised 17th February 1758, Hickling). Ann was the daughter of John and Hannah Daft (see generation 7, above).
- One of their daughters was given her mother’s name; Hannah Daft Hopkinson (baptised 11th July 1782, Hickling). She married Thomas Shaw in 1782; they had 3 children, all baptised in Wysall.
- Thomas, Hannah and family emigrated in 1836 to Livonia, Wayne Michigan USA. Thomas Shaw died 26th July 1844 in USA. Hannah Daft (Hopkinson) Shaw died 26th Sept 1856, buried Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth, Wayne Michigan
(4) Elizabeth and Hannah Daft – sisters (parents Joseph & Elizabeth Daft):
- Elizabeth Daft baptised 6th June 1773, the same date that her parents were married; died 2nd September 1853 age 80 (Hickling)
- Hannah Daft 28th September 1788, died 27th February 1877 age 88 (Hickling)
- Census records:
- Census 1851: Elizabeth (age 75, 1776) and Hannah Daft (age 60, 1791) are listed together as unmarried sisters and both as landed proprietors – no one else in the household.
- Census 1861: Hannah (age 72, 1789) is an independent head of household (unmarried) living with her relation, Elizabeth Doubleday (unmarried, age 26, 1835, born Clawson, Leics).
- Elizabeth Doubleday was the daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Daft) Doubleday (– see generation 7; Hannah (Daft) Doubleday is the daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Morris) Daft)
- Hannah Daft, baptised 26th September 1802, married Samuel Doubleday of Long Clawson 4th October 1830 (Hickling). They had eight children of whom two came to live in Hickling – Elizabeth Doubleday (listed here with Hannah Daft in 1851); she married Arthur Price at Hickling 2nd January 1868, died Hickling 3rd August 1908. Also, Samuel Daft Doubleday who farmed in Hickling and died 27th December 1874.
- Although the two women are listed as relations, this relationship is reasonably distant; a simple search of their respective Daft parentage going back four generations doesn’t show any shared individuals. It may simply be a reflection of the shared sense of commonality from the surname Daft.
- Census 1871: Hannah (age 82, 1789), head of household and domestic servant (unmarried) living with her servant, Elizabeth Ann Daft (age 26, born 1845, Hickling)
- It seems unlikely that the description of Hannah as a domestic servant is correct – it is more probable that it should read, ‘domestic duties’ – a phrase commonly used elsewhere in census records.
- Elizabeth Ann Daft seems to have shared antecedents with Elizabeth Doubleday (with Hannah, census 1861); both trace back to Joseph and Elizabeth (Fosted) Daft – see generation7 (1). As Elizabeth Doubleday married and remained in Hickling, she may have recommended her relation as her replacement in Hannah Daft’s household when she married.
- Neither Elizabeth nor Hannah married and they lived together until Elizabeth’s death in 1853; they are also buried together: ‘In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Daft who died September 2nd 1853 aged 80 years. Also of Hannah Daft, sister of the above, who died February 27th 1877, in her 89th year. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.’
- Elizabeth and Hannah are the last remaining members of their branch of the Daft family in Hickling; no wills have been found for either sister.
- It isn’t known who raised the headstone for the two sisters; the style of both inscriptions is the same but for Elizabeth it gives her age at death whilst for Hannah it says that she died in her 89th year so it would seem quite likely that the headstone was first raised for Elizabeth. Since they had apparently no other close relations to pay for the headstone it would seem probable that they left money for this purpose themselves, or that Hannah paid for the headstone for Elizabeth and then left money to have her own details recorded.
Also note:
- Nottinghamshire Guardian Fri 17th Dec 1869; At Hickling. on the 12th inst. Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. George Daft, farmer
- Leicester Journal 12th March 1880: At the Union Workhouse, Melton, Mr Joseph Daft, aged 79 years.
Generation 10: mid 1800s/early 1900s
(1) George Daft baptised Hickling 2nd November 1847 – son of George and Ann (Hardy) Daft.
- By the 1860s, this branch of the Daft family has moved entirely to Halloughton, Southwell – see generation 8.
- George Daft married Fanny Levers (baptised 1st March 1948 (East Bridgford) – parents John (farmer of 220acres) and Fanny (Frances Hale) Levers.
- They married in Stathern, 3rd February 1874
- Children:
- Annie bap.8th November 1875 (schoolmistress, unmarried in 1911); Ada bap. 8th Feb 1876; Kate bap.16th Sept 1877 (dairy worker on father’s farm, unmarried in 1911); Lilla bap.16th March 1879 (dairy worker on father’s farm, unmarried in 1911); George bap.7th May1881; Thomas Levers bap.28th Jan 1883 (worker on father’s farm in 1911); Evelyn bap.24th March 1885; (unnamed female child) born & died 1887; Percy John bap.13th March 1887, burial date 25th Feb 1888; Leonard bap.1st Sept 1889 (worker on father’s farm in 1911); Norah bap.10th July 1892.
- George Daft died 19th December 1923 in Halloughton. Probate was granted 14th March 1924 to his wife, Fanny – effects £2,342.19s.
(2) Robert Daft baptised 24th December 1848 – son of John and Elizabeth (Bonser) Daft
- 25th December 1873 married Annie Day at Hickling.
- Robert Daft was by then a wheelwright on the railways in Long Eaton.
- They had just one child, a son Arthur who was baptised at Hickling 16th May 1875 (of Long Eaton) – see generation 10 (3).
- Robert Daft returned to Hickling, a widower, after his retirement and became a sidesman and churchwarden.
- During a storm in 1915 Robert’s house was struck by lightning whilst he was away from home. A hole was made in the end of the house, bricks knocked from the chimney and wallpaper stripped away.
- Robert Daft died as a result of a car accident, age 86; he was well-known for following the Hunt on his tricycle but he was knocked off his tricycle and although he seemed to have got off lightly (in his words) he developed blood poisoning from an injury to his finger and died in hospital (see newspaper reports on separate page).
- He was buried 14th February 1934, the final time the name Daft, which at one stage dominated, appeared in the Hickling parish registers.
(3) Arthur Daft baptised at Hickling 16th May 1875 (of Long Eaton) – son of Robert and Annie (Day) Daft
- Census 1881 Station St. Hunt, Long Eaton:
- Robert Daft, age 33,1848, railway wagon builder – born Hickling, Norfolk (error)
- Annie Daft, age 28, 1853, – born Hickling, Lincolnshire (error)
- Arthur Daft, son, age 6, 1875, born Long Eaton Derbys
- Census 1891 Beaconsfield Street, Long Eaton
- Robert Daft, age 43, 1848, wagon builder – born Hickling, Notts
- Annie Daft, age 38, 1853, – born Hickling, Notts
- Arthur Daft, son, age 16, 1875, fitter, born Long Eaton Derbys
- (plus 2 lodgers in the household)
- Records after this in the Long Eaton area are confused by the presence of another Arthur Daft (born 1876 (Shardlow) mother’s maiden name, Rooling and father William Daft – for example, baptismal records and a school admissions record to Sawley Baptist School in 1876,):
- Marriage record – to Emma Burton in 1900; All Saints, Ockbrook, Derbys is for the Shardlow Arthur Daft; census 1901, they have a daughter Agnes. Arthur Daft – fireman, father William is a carpenter. Witnesses William Smith and Agnes Daft. This family remain in the area, appearing in the 1911 census and the 1939 Register.
- Census 1901: Arthur Daft is a boarder in the household of Mary Brown, 24, Rendell Road, Leicester – occupation, machine fitter.
- Marriage 28th March 1908 (St. Peter’s, Leicester)
- Arthur Daft age 33, resident Belgrave, father Robert Daft
- Ethel Caroline Elver age 27, resident 50, Buxton St, Leicester, father Samuel Elver
- Census 1911 6, Herbert Avenue, Leicester:
- Arthur Daft age 36, 1875, mechanic – born Long Eaton
- Ethel Daft age 30, 1881 – born Weston-super-Mare, Somerset
- Edith Daft age 0, 1911 – born Leicester
- Arthur Daft returned to Hickling in 1921 to live with his father; with him came his wife, Ethel and daughter, Edith. Arthur had been working as an engineer’s fitter in either Long Eaton or Leicester but suffered from a lung condition which meant that he was unable to work.
- Arthur Daft died in September 1921, aged 46 (buried Hickling).
- His daughter, Edith Daft, later became a pupil teacher in the village school. She played piano at school concerts and she was a founding member of the Hickling dramatic society. She later became a schoolmistress and her achievements are recorded in the local newspapers (see separate page).
- Arthur’s wife, Ethel Caroline Daft, is referred to in news reports of her father-in-law, Robert’s death in 1934; she is reported to be living in Croxton Kerrial, nr Grantham (where Edith was a schoolmistress).

left of the photograph).