We are very lucky to have many surviving school photographs; some of these are labelled with the names of pupils and teachers but there are lots of gaps, too.
If you are able to help, please contact us:

- Can you confirm names or fill in any of the gaps?
- Some of the photographs are very poor quality – do you have a better version of any of these photos that we could scan and add to the collection?
- We have missing years/classes – can you fill any of these gaps?
- We are particularly short of later school photographs – can you help?
- Do you have a photograph of the final classes that moved to Kinoulton when the school in Hickling closed?
(left) we think this may be one of the oldest class photographs in our collection but it has only been found as a negative of a slide photograph:
- it isn’t dated or labelled and it doesn’t appear anywhere in the Wadkin folders, scrapbooks or published books.
- the girls’ pinafores and the boys’ collars seem to date the photograph to the late 1890s/early 1900s.
- The boy in the centre is holding a helpful placard – unfortunately it isn’t clear enough to read; it appears to say, ‘[… School, Brampton, 18-5]
- The Brampton family are known in the village but, unless the placard carries the name of the photographer, this seems odd. Otherwise, it may read ‘Broughton’ which could place the photograph in Upper Broughton instead of Hickling.
- It seems likely that this photograph is dated 1895 but it is interesting in that it shows the difficulties local historians come across when handling source material.
(note: photographs taken from the Wadkin Archives (w#) sometimes carry conflicting dates – these will be clarified when possible.)
The following gallery is in chronological order with the oldest photos first. Each photograph in the gallery links to a separate attachment page carrying the full-sized image: