Ralffe Aynsworth of Stathern 1569 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/260
In the name of god Amen I Ralffe Aynsworthe Clerke parson of Stathern in the countie of Leic whole of memorie make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme following
Fyrste I bequeth my Soule to god Allmightie and I will that my Bodye shalbe Buried in Christen Buriall wheresoever yt shall please god I shall departe oute of this presente lyffe And as for my goods moveable and immoveable I will the [sic] shall be bestowed & applyed in manner folowinge
Fyrste I give to poore folckes Tene pounde of good currant monye of England to be bestowed at my buryall and within one monthe after be [sic] my executrix after and according to her good conscience and dyptsocion as she shall see mercye and pytie moste require
I will that James Howell talow chandler in Cambridge shall have payde unto hym xxxiiis iiiid the Wyche for as muche I am in sume Doubte whether it is oweinge to hym or nott yet I will discharge fullye my conscience in the same
Also I praye and Desire my executrix to be frome tyme to tyme so mercifull unto poore folcke as she maye be bestowing unto the same sume honest parte of her substance as she maye well forbayre yt not hynderinge her selffe to muche for all is in dede to lyttell for her paynes takynge with me in my lyffe tyme and so I regarde yt even as god be mercyfull to me when I shall moste need of his marcye
And I make my executrix of this my laste will and testament my wyffe Ane Aynseworthe
In wyttnes whereof I the foresaide Raffe have written this my laste will and testament with myne owne hande and setto my Seale written at Tylbroke in the countie of Bedford vicesimo sexto mensis octobris anno dni millmo quigentesimo sexagesimo … me Radulph Aynesworthe … before theis wittnesses folowinge
Thomas Middleton Gabriell Cantte and John A…
Probate 29 October 1569